Murano's little genius

Chapter 505 Seeing Lu Menglan Again

Chapter 505 Seeing Lu Menglan Again

The next day, just as the sky turned white, Zhang Xiaofan opened his eyes.

This night, he slept sitting up.

Because he is cultivating.

Relying on the talent that even he said was awesome, he comprehended all the nine moves of the Tyrannosaurus Dragon.

It's just short of the effect of using it when you show your skills.

After eating the breakfast made by the big star Bai Bingbing, he received a call from Lin Huachi.

It is said that the Zhentian Group seems to have a new move against the Changhui Group.

The specific action is unknown, but it is just a symbolic "report" to Zhang Xiaofan.

In addition, Lin Huachi said that Ye Chen will appear at the Goddess Creation Camp today.

Why did Lin Huachi say this?

Because the Goddess Creation Camp is invested by Changhui Group.

Now Zhentian Group and Changhui Group can be said to be incompatible.

And as the son of the Zhentian Group, he went to the scene of the Goddess Creation Camp program at this time.

Somewhat sensitive, it will make Lin Huachi think too much.

Changhui Entertainment Company is a fairly well-known entertainment company in the whole country.

The company's headquarters is located in the center of Nandu.

At this time, Zhang Xiaofan was driving on his way to Changhui Entertainment Company.

Originally, he asked Li Tingting to come with him, but he had a class today.

Needless to say, Bai Bingbing.

She came to Nandu because she didn't want more people to know about it. If she appeared in Changhui Entertainment Company, then the meaning of her coming to Nandu would be gone.

The traffic in the center of the Southern Metropolis is already congested, and today it is the venue for the finals of the Goddess Creation Camp.

It was even more stuffed.

Originally a 10-minute journey, Zhang Xiaofan took an hour and a half.

What a pain in the ass.

Finally came to the parking lot of Changhui Entertainment Company.

It took me a long time to find a parking space.

Just when Zhang Xiaofan wanted to reverse the car into the garage perfectly.

The front of an Audi TT was inserted directly into it.

Thanks to Zhang Xiao's awesome reaction, a car accident was avoided.

If it was an ordinary person, it must have hit him.

"What's the matter with you, the front of my car has been plugged in, and I still don't let go."

The window of the Audi TT opened, revealing a beautiful woman.

However, good-looking is good-looking, and this quality is also a bit poor.

Zhang Xiaofan took a look.

"Lu Menglan?"

This person is Zhang Xiaofan's college classmate, Lu Menglan who just met yesterday.

At this moment Zhang Xiaofan really wanted to curse.

This woman had never looked at herself in the eye yesterday, she acted as if she thought she was a goddess.

He got very close to Pan Changlong.

Let Pan Changlong's hand fumble around his body.

Zhang Xiaofan saw all these things.

Lu Menglan is still the Lu Menglan she was in college. In her eyes, she only cares about money, not people.

Zhang Xiaofan got out of the car.

"Zhang Xiaofan?"

Taking off her sunglasses, Lu Menglan recognized Zhang Xiaofan.

However, this pretty face on her is really blind, it doesn't give Zhang Xiaofan a good look at all.

"Yo! Actually driving a sports car?"

"Surely it was opened for someone else?"

Lu Menglan said dismissively.

Despite what happened yesterday, Lu Menglan still looks down on Zhang Xiaofan.

In her eyes, Zhang Xiaofan is always from the countryside.

In a big city like Nandu, he is at most an outstanding wage earner.

How could he possibly afford a sports car.

It must have been borrowed or rented.

The owner of the bar yesterday just happened to know him.

But what about the acquaintance, he is rich and powerful, not your Zhang Xiaofan.

"Zhang Xiaofan, let me tell you again, don't even want to eat swan meat, you lazy toad."

"I didn't expect you to chase me here."

"Quickly move the car you're driving, I need to stop!"

Lu Menglan said coldly.

Zhang Xiaofan:
At this moment, Zhang Xiaofan feels like he has nothing to say, this kind of woman is really convinced.

At this time, a man in a suit and leather shoes came out from the gate of Changhui Entertainment Company. After seeing this situation, he hurried over.

He didn't run over seeing this situation, but saw Lu Menglan, a woman in a seductive dress, running over.

"Miss Lu, what happened?"

The man in a suit looked at Lu Menglan and said.

"Assistant Director Zhou, this person is robbing me of a parking space. You see, the front of my car is already halfway through."

"And this car doesn't belong to him at all, and he still wants to chase me."


Lu Menglan pointed at Zhang Xiaofan and said disgustingly.

"Miss Lu, you can leave this matter to me."

The man named Deputy Director Zhou said.

Then he looked at Zhang Xiaofan coldly and said, "Hey, drive your car away."

The man took a look at Zhang Xiaofan's attire, indeed, none of them match this Audi R8.

Indeed, as Lu Menglan said, the car does not belong to him at all.

It's borrowed or rented to pretend to be a girl.

At this time, a car next to him drove away, leaving a seat vacant.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't want to waste time with them, so he got in the car and parked it first.

And Lu Menglan snorted coldly, got in the car and drove into the parking space.

So, he turned his hips and walked towards Changhui Entertainment Company.

"Miss Lu, you are so beautiful today!"

"I'm sure you will be in the top three today."

"No, I will definitely be number one!"

Deputy director Zhou said with a smile beside Lu Menglan.

Those eyes stared at Lu Menglan's deep groove from time to time.

I was actually thinking about it.

"I didn't expect this beauty to be slept by the director. What a pity."

"However, if you play for me one night, you are willing to lose a year of life."

Zhang Xiaofan also parked the car, and walked towards the entrance of Changhui Group Company.

Because of the faster pace, Zhang Xiaofan arrived at Lu Menglan's side in no time.

"I said you boy, what are you going to do?"

"Quickly stay away from Miss Lu!"

Seeing this situation, Deputy Director Zhou shouted angrily with a rather bad expression.

But Zhang Xiaofan said coldly: "This road does not belong to your family, the only way to enter Changhui Group Company is to go here."

"Where do you think I can go?"

Zhang Xiaofan probably knows what kind of person this man is, so he was too lazy to waste time with him just now.

But at this moment, this is really overbearing.

"Don't you understand what I'm saying?"

"I told you not to follow Miss Lu?"

"Also, you can also enter this Changhui Entertainment Company?"

In the eyes of Deputy Director Zhou, Zhang Xiaofan is a fanatic of Lu Menglan.

In order to get close to Lu Menglan, she did some silly things.

These people are basically poor dicks.

"Which eye of yours saw me follow her?"

"Also, who in this company stipulates that I cannot enter?"

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly.

"Tell me, what can you do in there?"

"Just by looking at it, I can tell that you are a fanatic fan of Miss Lu, and you are a poor loser."

"Get out of here!"

Assistant Director Zhou said loudly like a mocker.

Zhang Xiaofan shook his head, said lightly: "I'm here to find someone."

For this kind of person, Zhang Xiaofan is really speechless.

Just a fighter in the brain.

"Hehe, who can you come to find, you idiot?"

Deputy Director Zhou said with a smile.

"Peng Shui."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Peng Shui?"

"Hahaha! I think you are out of your mind?"

Assistant Director Zhou laughed and said.

Who is Peng Shui?

That was the general manager of Changhui Entertainment Company.

For Zhang Xiaofan, a rabid and poor fan, can he know the general manager?I'm afraid I've lost my mind.

"It's useless for you to giggle, I'm indeed here to find Peng Shui."

"If you don't believe me, you can call him and ask him, and tell him that a man named Zhang Xiaofan came to him."

Zhang Xiaofan said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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