Murano's little genius

Chapter 506 They Are All Men, I Understand

Chapter 506 They Are All Men, I Understand
"Fuck! You're out of your mind and you want to drag me along?"

"If you know Mr. Peng, I'm an internationally famous director."

Assistant Director Zhou continued to laugh.

Coincidentally, at this time Zhang Xiaofan's phone rang.

Zhang Xiaofan answered the phone.

"Well, I'm going to the door."

After speaking, Zhang Xiaofan hung up the phone.

"Diaosi, don't tell me that the person on the phone just now is Mr. Peng."

Deputy Director Zhou said with a smile.

"I said yes, do you believe it?"

Zhang Xiaofan said lightly.

"In terms of acting skills, you're a really good dick."

"It's a pity, do you think I will believe it?"

It is impossible for him to believe that Zhang Xiaofan knows Mr. Peng, let alone that Mr. Peng made the phone call just now.

Who can't act?
Zhang Xiaofan just acted a little like that.

What's more, none of the people who knew Mr. Peng came to the company to look for him was not very well-known.

It is impossible to be like Zhang Xiaofan again.

In the eyes of Deputy Director Zhou, Zhang Xiaofan is an ardent diaosi fan.

Saying that, Zhang Xiaofan and Deputy Director Zhou have already walked to the gate of Changhui Entertainment Company.

Just stepped through the door.

A well-dressed middle-aged man hurried over.

His gaze seemed to be about to greet some important person.

Everyone in Changhui Entertainment Company knew this person.

The general manager of the company, Peng Shui!

Looking at Peng Shui's hasty footsteps, he came in this direction.

Deputy Director Zhou felt bad.

This can't be true!
A few seconds later, Peng Shui walked in front of Zhang Xiaofan, and before his breath calmed down, he quickly said: "Peng Shui has met Mr. Xiaofan, and welcomes Mr. Xiaofan to visit Changhui Entertainment."

Mr. Xiaofan?

Deputy Director Zhou was stunned.

What kind of status can make a general manager become a respected person who becomes a gentleman!

Absolutely extraordinary, absolutely noble!
"Mr. Peng, do you know this dick?"

However, Deputy Director Zhou didn't believe it.

A loud slap rang out.

It was Peng Shui.

It hit Deputy Director Zhou on the face, and then he roared loudly: "Zhou Tao, you dare to call Mr. Xiaofan a dick! Are you eating the guts of a bear?"

"Do you know who Mr. Xiaofan is? He is the major shareholder of Changhui Group! A slap in the face would be light!"

Peng Shui knows who Zhang Xiaofan is!
Even the general manager of Changhui Group honored Zhang Xiaofan as Mr. Xiaofan, what a f*cking Zhou Tao you are!

Fuck!He is actually the major shareholder of Changhui Group!

Zhou Tao's face turned pale instantly, he really wanted to slap himself a hundred times!
Just now his attitude, what he said
This is absolutely screwed!
"Mr. Xiaofan, I'm very sorry. I really didn't know it was you just now. If I knew it was you, I wouldn't dare to treat you like that even if I had a hundred chances!"

"Your lord has a lot of power, let me go."

Zhou Tao almost knelt down and begged for mercy.

Faced with Zhou Tao's apology at this time, Zhang Xiaofan remained expressionless, and said coldly: "Mr. Peng, if he is from Changhui Entertainment, let him go."

"If not, don't let him appear in Changhui Entertainment Company in the future."

By doing this, Zhang Xiaofan was thinking of Changhui Entertainment Company, if such a person can still work here, then Changhui Entertainment really has no future.

At the same time, Zhang Xiaofan saw through Zhou Tao that there must be a big problem in Changhui Entertainment Company.

"Mr. Xiaofan, yes."

Peng Shui nodded and said.

"Zhou Tao, you should have heard Mr. Xiaofan's words, take the initiative to go to the financial department to pay your salary and get out."

"Thank you, Mr. Peng, and Mr. Xiaofan."

Zhou Tao knew that this was the lightest punishment.

What he was most afraid of just now was being severely retaliated by Zhang Xiaofan.

After all, offending a big shot, the end is not as simple as being kicked out.

There are many people who have been retaliated terribly!

So, Zhang Xiaofan continued to walk out.

Peng Shui also followed.

Peng Shui who followed behind had cold sweat on his forehead.

It wasn't that he was cold or hot, but that he was nervous.

This happened to Zhang Xiaofan when he came here, he was afraid that Zhang Xiaofan would be held accountable!
Peng Shui's office.

"Mr. Xiaofan, I am the general manager. I am responsible for such a person in the company."

Peng Shui took the initiative to stop the responsibility.

"Mr. Peng, I heard that the Goddess Creation Camp is not very clean?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked suddenly after sitting down.

Not clean?

Peng Shui was taken aback, his eyes averted.

"I have learned about many things about Changhui Entertainment Company in advance."

"Just say what you know."

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly.

"Mr. Xiaofan, you should know that the entire entertainment industry is a big dye vat. Since Changhui Entertainment has entered the dye vat, we can't stay out of it."

"To make money, we have to follow the rules inside."

Peng Shui said quickly.

"Rules? What kind of rules?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked lightly.

"It's like the show Goddess Creation Camp, there are a lot of shady scenes in it that we can't do anything about."

"There are three spots for the final debut."

"That is to say, only the top three can make their debut."

"As for these three people, if the sponsors of the show or other wealthy second generations sponsor privately in their own names, and they want a spot for their debut, then we have to give them a spot."

"Now Goddess Creation Camp is very popular in national entertainment programs!"

"It also attracted a lot of sponsors."

"And how do we make money?"

"The vast majority are from sponsors."

"Because of this, we can really make money."

"While participating in the Goddess Creation Camp, there are some women who are related."

"By relying on their relationship with some sponsors or some rich bosses, they want to seek a place to make their debut."

"And these, it is very difficult for us to refuse."

"You can only open one eye and close one eye."

"After all, we cannot change these rules."

"The entertainment industry is like that, you can't do it alone."

"After all, as long as it's not illegal, it's okay."

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan knew.

This is a type of so-called shady TV show.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaofan shook his head.

"Mr. Peng, do you know a contestant named Lu Menglan?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"Lu Menglan?"

"I know this girl. She looks pretty and has a good figure."

"I just heard that this girl can sleep with anyone as long as she can get the top three."

"Very open."

"Mr. Xiaofan, are you interested in her?"

Hearing Zhang Xiaofan mentioned Lu Menglan, from Peng Shui's experience, he must have taken a fancy to this girl.

We are all men, we all understand.

And he was a young and rich man.

Everyone likes beautiful women.

Spend the night with them.

"Mr. Peng, she's just my college classmate."

Zhang Xiaofan said with a faint smile.

He didn't bother to explain anything.

"Since I'm Mr. Xiaofan's classmate, I know what to do."

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean that."

Looking at Peng Shui's strange eyes, Zhang Xiaofan said.

Zhang Xiaofan was not angry because of Peng Shui's misunderstanding.

After all, they are all men, and it is easy to misunderstand.

"That... I'm sorry, Mr. Xiaofan, I have a dirty mind."

Peng Shui quickly explained in fear.

"It's okay, they are all men, I understand."

Zhang Xiaofan waved his hand and said.

(End of this chapter)

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