Murano's little genius

Chapter 507 Unacceptable Du Xiaomei

Chapter 507 Unacceptable Du Xiaomei

"Isn't the competition determined by voting?"

"How do you cheat inside?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"Mr. Xiaofan, it's very simple. The vote belongs to the vote. We can change all the data."

"And, the votes of the audience only accounted for 30.00%."

"The most important number of votes is decided by the four judges and several sponsors representing the judges."

Peng Shui said seriously.

"The celebrity judges there were also colluded?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"Yes, inviting celebrities to come is just for fame."

"As the judges, they also have to choose people based on the script."

"Not to mention those sponsor judges."

Peng Shui said.

It turned out that many of the competition programs that Zhang Xiaofan usually watched on TV had such shady scenes.

Most of them are scripted.

"Mr. Peng, can you help me arrange a spot for a sponsor judge?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

He wants to change some aspects of the game.

"No problem, as long as Mr. Xiaofan thinks."

Although there was a slight difficulty, Peng Shui didn't show it at all.

"Then I will arrange it right away, after all, the game will start in a few hours."

Peng Shui said quickly.

"Okay, let's go."

Zhang Xiaofan nodded.

There are three sponsor judges.

Two of them are very big title sponsors.

And the other one is slightly smaller.

In other words, the sponsorship money is slightly smaller.

So, Peng Shui started with the youngest one.

Give Zhang Xiaofan the seat of the sponsor judge.

Although it's a little troublesome, as long as Peng Shui makes a move, it's okay.

Originally, Peng Shui wanted to arrange Zhang Xiaofan to go to the VIP room, but Zhang Xiaofan refused, he wanted to take a stroll in Changhui Entertainment Company.

Inside the preparation room of the game site.

There are ten girls who will compete later.

All of them are dressed in beautiful clothes, have good figures, and beautiful faces.

"Menglan, you are really good. Not only did you manage to secure the director, but you also managed to secure a big sponsor."

"Today's top three, you are absolutely stable!"

The three good-looking girls gathered around Lu Menglan and cast envious eyes and said.

All the girls here know about the unspoken rules.

Therefore, how to unspoken rules depends on one's ability.

In other words, strength on stage is one thing, and strength off stage is also the same thing.

As for Lu Menglan, although her strength on stage is very average.

But people are very good at using unspoken rules!

Offstage strength is great.

These girls, they are very envious of Lu Menglan.

I envy Lu Menglan being spotted by sponsors, and then unspoken rules.

Wrong, these girls are wrong.

Lu Menglan was not favored by sponsors.

Instead, she took the initiative to attack, find those people, and offer them up.

These few of them are just waiting on the sidelines, thinking of being seen by the rich second generation or sponsors.

The unspoken rules don't matter, as long as it can help him win the game and make his debut.

Most people are not afraid of unspoken rules, but afraid that no one will come to unspoken rules for them.

Because they know it's inevitable.

"If you work hard, you will succeed."

"Taking advantage of the last few hours now, if you take the initiative to work hard, you may be hired internally."

Lu Menglan raised her chest and said.

"Yes! We are all waiting."

"No, we have to take the initiative."

After finishing speaking, the girls all ran to the mirror and touched up their makeup.

In this room, there is a girl with light makeup who has been very quiet.

Although it's just light makeup, her delicate facial features and beautiful face already speak for themselves.

He's no worse than any of the girls here.

This girl is the real natural beauty.

Most importantly, she is the only girl here who does not accept unspoken rules.

Today, she relies on her strength!
Whether it's singing, dancing, or image, in terms of real rating, she is No.1.

From participating in the competition to the present.

She has heard the words "unspoken rules" countless times.

Many girls also suggested that she accept the unspoken rules, as long as she accepts, coupled with her strength, she can debut 100%.

It is also a matter of time to win the first place.

Moreover, the debut will definitely become popular.

Because she sings well and dances well.

However, she did not agree.

She firmly believes that with her own strength, she will succeed.

She will definitely get the top three and make her debut smoothly.

In her eyes, the rankings obtained by relying on unspoken rules are all false.

Along the way, she overcame all obstacles and finally qualified for the finals.

And, she has gained a lot of fans online.

This girl, named Du Xiaomei, is a little girl from the countryside with no money or background.

"Are you Du Xiaomei?"

Du Xiaomei is practicing singing with headphones on.

And Lu Menglan came over and patted her lightly.

Du Xiaomei quickly took off the earphones.

"Are you looking for me?"

Her voice is nice and sweet.

"Hello, my name is Lu Menglan."

Although it has been more than a month in the Goddess Creation Camp, Lu Menglan and Du Xiaomei have never spoken a word.

"Hi, I'm Du Xiaomei."

Du Xiaomei stood up quickly.

In fact, they all know each other's names.

"You are very capable, and I envy you very much."

"I see that Douyin has a lot of fans who support you."

Lu Menglan said with a smile.

"It's just good luck."

"It's not as good as Sister Menglan."

Du Xiaomei said modestly.

Hearing this, although Lu Menglan smiled, her face had already changed in her heart.

"Hmph, you pretend to be a noble maidservant."

"Sing better, dance better and pretend to be innocent."

"In my heart, I'm not a lowly maid pretending to win the game."

Lu Menglan said with a smile: "Xiaomei, actually, according to your conditions, as long as you accept the unspoken rules, those big sponsors will definitely grab it."

"Then you will definitely debut 100%."

"No, I can't do that, it's not clean."

Du Xiaomei waved her hand quickly and said.

(End of this chapter)

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