Murano's little genius

Chapter 508 Plan

Chapter 508 Plan
Not clean?

Hearing this, Lu Menglan satirized Du Xiaomei several times in her heart.

Then he said: "Xiaomei, among all the successful people in this world, which one is clean?"

"What's more, we women, if we want to succeed and get what we want, we must pay something."

"If you don't pay, you will be dirty by those dicks."

"Sister Menglan, I don't think so."

Du Xiaomei said quickly.

"That's not it? Then tell me, what is it like?"

"Do you know that having a good skin is a gift from God."

"What we have to do is to use this beautiful skin to get what we want."

"And those rich and powerful men like good-looking women like us the most."

Lu Menglan wanted to shake Du Xiaomei's heart.

I just want to see if Du Xiaomei really pretended to be innocent before.

She couldn't see Du Xiaomei's self-talking and lofty appearance, she didn't eat the fireworks of the world, and thought that she could succeed in this way.

"Sister Menglan, stop talking, I won't sell my body for this."

Du Xiaomei still said firmly, without any wavering.

"Well, I shouldn't have said that, I was wrong."

Lu Menglan said quickly and apologized.

"Xiaomei, I have a nice lipstick here."

"I'll give it to you."

"I see that the lipsticks you use now are all light, which doesn't show your temperament."

"And mine suits you perfectly, both in color and in how it looks."

After speaking, Lu Menglan took out a lipstick from the pouch and handed it to Du Xiaomei.

"No, this lipstick is so expensive, I can't take it."

Seeing the LOGO on the lipstick, Du Xiaomei recognized it, and the price is not cheap.

"If you don't want to, just don't give me face. I'm going to be angry."

Lu Menglan pretended to be angry.

Helpless, Du Xiaomei could only say: "Okay, thank you, Sister Menglan."

"Xiaomei, let me paint it on for you."

Before Du Xiaomei agreed, Lu Menglan picked up lipstick and put it on Du Xiaomei.

And Du Xiaomei couldn't refuse.

After painting, Lu Menglan quickly praised it.

After turning around, a strange smile appeared on his face.

In a room of Changhui Entertainment Company.

In front of a computer screen, a picture of a beautiful woman suddenly appeared.

Ye Chen stood in front of the screen and admired it.

Next to Ye Chen is Ma Yicheng, the general director of the Goddess Creation Camp.

Ma Yicheng is an exception, he does not belong to Changhui Entertainment Company.

are hired.

However, the chief director is actually Ye Chen's person.

Ye Chen came here today.

The first is to ruin the reputation of Changhui Entertainment Company.

The second is for a girl.

"I like this girl very much. When I first saw her online, my heart fell in love."

Looking at the girl on the screen, Ye Chen showed his lustful face.

"Master Ye, I have to say, your vision is too good!"

"This girl, named Du Xiaomei, is the most successful girl in the goddess training camp."

"The most important point is that she doesn't like to be ruled."

Ma Yicheng said.

"Nonsense, my master's vision is not comparable to yours!"

Ye Chen glared at Ma Yicheng.

"Sorry, I said the wrong thing."

Ma Yicheng said hastily.

"I only have one request, I need her to come here obediently now."

Ye Chen stroked his chin and said calmly.

Since she is that kind of stubborn girl, it is more in line with Ye Chen's appetite.

It may be the kind of people who take the initiative to throw themselves into the newspaper after eating too much.

Now I know that Du Xiaomei is a woman who does not accept unspoken rules.

Ye Chen looked forward to it even more.

Compared with the woman Ye Chen had slept with before, Du Xiaomei's appearance and figure were like fairies.

In other words, it made Ye Chen desire, that kind of beauty, I really want to taste it.

"Don't worry, Mr. Ye, just leave this to me."

Ma Yicheng nodded and said.

He knew that as long as it was the woman Ye Chen wanted to sleep with, he could get it.

In the preparation room at this time.

Lu Menglan is still showing off something.

"Sister Menglan, how did you conquer those men?"

"It's actually very simple. Just watch more movies from the island country."

"As long as you learn it, make sure they miss you."

Lu Menglan said very proudly.

There are a few girls who want to learn some sutras from Lu Menglan.

After all, the chief director was "conquered" by Lu Menglan.

Learn, so that you can seize the opportunity when the unspoken rules.

At this time, Ma Yicheng entered the preparation room.

All the girls greeted each other.

Moreover, some people deliberately exposed the thighs and deep grooves to Ma Yicheng.

I want to be submerged by Ma Yicheng once.

Maybe it will introduce them to the rich and important people behind.

"Director Ma, you're here."

Seeing Ma Yicheng, Lu Menglan walked up with her hips twisted.

And as soon as he came up, he directly approached Ma Yicheng, and immediately put his hand on his chest.

And Ma Yicheng looked at Lu Menglan, thinking of the spring breeze that night, he missed it very much.

This Lu Menglan's "service" is really good!

(End of this chapter)

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