Chapter 512
"Hello, Young Master Ye."

Du Xiaomei continued to lower her head and said softly.

It seems that Ye Chen's identity as the son of Zhentian Group is nothing special to Du Xiaomei.

Ye Chen saw Du Xiaomei's reaction.

His face changed, he frowned, obviously angry.

But it returned to normal after two seconds.

He, Ye Chen, likes this kind of girl who is not afraid of the rich and powerful. Such stimulation gives her a sense of accomplishment.

In fact, Du Xiaomei didn't even know what Zhentian Group represented in Nandu.

She had never heard of Zhentian Group at all.

In Du Xiaomei's eyes, Ye Chen is the same as other rich young masters.

"Ye Gongzi, that... Is there anything particularly important that you want to ask me for?"

"If not, I'll go first."

Du Xiaomei raised her head again and said cautiously.

Being alone in this room with Ye Chen, Du Xiaomei felt weird, not only nervous, but also a little scared.

Hearing this, Ye Chen laughed strangely.

The more Du Xiaomei was like this, the more Ye Chen was ecstatic.

Compared to those girls who took the initiative to rush towards her, Du Xiaomei has a lot of taste.

"If you stay here a little longer, I can let you debut."

"But now that you leave here, I guarantee that today's top three will not be yours."

Ye Chen said lightly, with a strange smile.

"Young Master Ye, what are you going to do?"

Du Xiaomei's expression changed, and she took two steps back, extremely nervous and scared.

"What I'm going to do, you should know."

"Now go to the opposite hotel and accompany me for an hour, I am 100% sure that you can get the top three today."

"Otherwise, no matter how good you are, it won't help."

"Don't doubt what I said."

Ye Chen raised the corner of his mouth and said lightly.

"No, no, I can't do this!"

Du Xiaomei said with a look of fear.

Then put your hands on your chest.


"If you refuse, you will definitely not be able to get the debut spot today!"

Ye Chen said with certainty.

Hearing Ye Chen's threat, Du Xiaomei bit her lip tightly, aggrieved, afraid, and helpless.

Tears welled up in her beautiful eyes instantly, she shook her head and said, "I can't do this, if I do this, I will not only be sorry for myself, but even more sorry for my parents who raised me."

"So, even if I can't debut tonight, I can't do it."

Du Xiaomei refused very simply.

Her parents told her that she must never sell herself for what she wanted.

This is the bottom line of being a human being.

Du Xiaomei likes singing and dancing very much, and these talents have been shown since she was a child.

In order to become a star, only she knows the hard work, hard work, and sweat she has put in all these years.

But despite this, she can't sell her body for her debut.

"good very good!"

"Although I'm very angry, I like girls like you."

"After all, it's much more exciting than those who pounce directly."

"Since that's the case. Hehe!"

Ye Chen smiled and walked towards Du Xiaomei.

it means to be here
"Master Ye, what are you going to do?"

"You can't do this! If you do this again, I will call for help."

Du Xiaomei was cornered.

"You call, no one dares to save you."

Ye Chen said with a smile that didn't care at all.

Du Xiaomei wanted to run, so she ran directly to the door.

However, she is a weak woman after all.

Ye Chen directly grabbed Du Xiaomei with one hand, and then pressed against the wall.

Du Xiaomei cried in fear.

Like a little white rabbit caught by a satyr.

Looking at Du Xiaomei at close range, Ye Chen became more and more excited.

"Since you don't want to go to the hotel, let's stay here!"

Ye Chen laughed wildly, like a beast.

This is the true nature of the son of Zhentian Group.

1 minutes ago.

Zhang Xiaofan went to the preparation room to look for Du Xiaomei, but found that she was not there.

So I asked about Ma Yicheng.

After Ma Yicheng knew Zhang Xiaofan's identity, he hesitated and couldn't speak.

Zhang Xiaofan felt something strange, so he forced Ma Yicheng to question him.

But Ma Yicheng had no choice but to explain the situation.

"Mr. Xiaofan, everyone knows this kind of unspoken rules. If you like me, it's not against the law."

Ma Yicheng felt that it should be fine.

However, Zhang Xiaofan kicked her directly.

From Bai Bingbing, Du Xiaomei is not the kind of girl who will take the initiative to ask for unspoken rules in order to make her debut.

Moreover, her strength can completely win the first place, why bother?

"Fuck! Could it be you who arranged it?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked about Ma Yicheng angrily.

As for Ma Yicheng's faltering denial, Zhang Xiaofan would never believe it.

The stare of death was directly exposed, causing Ma Yicheng to lie limp on the ground, and told the truth.

Of course, Ma Yicheng did not say that Ye Chen was the person behind it, but only told Zhang Xiaofan the room Du Xiaomei went to.

Without further ado, Zhang Xiaofan went straight to that room.

No matter what, Zhang Xiaofan must not let such a thing happen.

First, Du Xiaomei was forced.

Second, Du Xiaomei is very likely to be Du Feng's younger sister.

Zhang Xiaofan's speed was very fast, he arrived outside a locker room in an instant.

He didn't even knock on the door, just walked away.

Kick the door to pieces.

PS: The last chapter seems to be PINGBI, it has not been published yet

(End of this chapter)

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