Murano's little genius

Chapter 513 New hatred plus old hatred

Chapter 513 New hatred plus old hatred

The door shattered, making Zhang Xiaofan go straight to Tianling Gai in anger.

Du Xiaomei's coat was torn, revealing her snow-white skin.

And a man was going to kiss her forcibly.

Du Xiaomei was powerless to resist and could only cry.

That kind of helplessness is really to the extreme.

"My Nima!"

Zhang Xiaofan exploded in anger, rushed up like a beast.

She saw the mole on Du Xiaomei's shoulder.

It is basically certain that Du Xiaomei is Du Feng's younger sister.

Zhang Xiaofan rushed up and grabbed Ye Chen with one hand, like catching a chicken, and threw it towards the wall.


Ye Chen's body hit the wall hard.

One arm was broken.

Then fell to the ground and screamed.

"Fuck! Who the hell are you?"

Enduring the pain of breaking his arm, Ye Chen roared angrily.

Who is Ye Chen?It is unforgivable that someone dared to barge in to disturb his good business, and even made him break a hand!
Zhang Xiaofan had quick eyesight and quick hands, he immediately found a coat in the dressing room and put it on for Du Xiaomei.

He didn't pay attention to Ye Chen at all.

Du Xiaomei didn't know Ye Chen, but she knew that Zhang Xiaofan rescued her from Ye Chen's men.

"Thank you!"

Du Xiaomei was afraid of crying and bowed to Zhang Xiaofan to thank him.

"you are welcome."

Zhang Xiaofan patted Du Xiaomei's back lightly and said.

If it is later, Du Xiaomei's consequences will be disastrous.

After finishing speaking, Zhang Xiaofan looked at Ye Chen.

There is endless coldness in that gaze, which can freeze everything!
No, even murderous!
Because this bastard is Ye Chen.

"Damn, do you know who I am? You actually"

Ye Chen roared angrily, but after seeing Zhang Xiaofan clearly.

"Zhang Xiaofan!"

He recognized Zhang Xiaofan.

He never expected that it was Zhang Xiaofan who disturbed his good deeds!

"Young Master Ye, what a coincidence!"

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly, then looked towards Ye Chen like a torch.

"Zhang Xiaofan, you are finished! How dare you hit me!"

"Let me tell you. If you dare to touch me again, no matter how powerful you are or how much background you have, you will be dead!"

Feeling the coldness in Zhang Xiaofan's eyes, Ye Chen's heart trembled, feeling cold.

"What if I kill you?"

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly.

The hatred towards Ye Chen broke out completely, Zhang Xiaofan directly stepped on his chest.

"Hehe! Zhang Xiaofan, you dare not kill me!"

Ye Chen said with a sneer.

He is very sure that Zhang Xiaofan dare not kill him here.

Because his father is Ye Zhentian and his mother is from the Qin family.

Don't talk about killing him, today Zhang Xiaofan beat him, he can do it to Zhang Xiaofan in a fair way!
No longer restricted.

"you sure?"

Zhang Xiaofan is like a ruthless killer, cold as ice.

As soon as the words fell, he stepped on Ye Chen's chest with a little force.

In an instant, Ye Chen felt like his chest was being pressed down by a thousand pounds of force.

He could not breathe and was in great pain.

In the next second, his ribs were broken and his lungs were pierced to death.

He quickly instinctively grabbed Zhang Xiaofan's feet with his hands, trying to pull them away.

However, it was impossible to use force at all.

His face was flushed, and he seemed to be unable to breathe, and he couldn't use any strength.

The feeling of death ensues.

When it was over, Ye Chen felt like he was going to die.

From his point of view, it is impossible for Zhang Xiaofan to dare to kill himself.

But now, things are not quite right.

He was so stomped that he couldn't breathe, and his lips started to change color.

The feeling of not being able to move and dying is really too scary.


Ye Chen wanted to speak, but found that he couldn't make a sound.

He wanted to beg for mercy from Zhang Xiaofan!
Now he has only one thought, he can't die!

In an instant, he not only regretted coming to Changhui Entertainment Company alone today.

He even regretted attacking Du Xiaomei.

Ye Chen was struggling weakly, his eyes began to turn white.

one second, two seconds
As time passed, Ye Chen's hands and feet stopped.

Prepare to suffocate.

Because of anger, Zhang Xiaofan really wanted to kill Ye Chen at this moment.

"You can't kill him, it will kill you."

Du Xiaomei came over and grabbed Zhang Xiaofan.

Although she thinks people like Ye Chen are beasts, she can't kill him.

In this way Zhang Xiaofan would have to be arrested and shot.

Du Xiaomei's voice woke up Zhang Xiaofan.

He remembered Ye Chen's identity as a bastard and what Gu Le said.

If you really want to kill Ye Chen, the consequences will be very troublesome.

Immediately, he let go of his foot.

Immediately, Ye Chen, who was about to suffocate to death, came back to life.

He breathed heavily.

This is the first time he has felt death.

At this time, the horse came in a hurry.

He saw Ye Chen lying on the ground.

Was stunned.

He hurried up to help Ye Chen up.

After resting for 5 minutes, Ye Chen stood up.

"Zhang Xiaofan, how dare you kill me!"

"I'll tell my dad immediately when I go back, you're dead!"

Ye Chen roared angrily.

"Do you still want to feel the feeling just now?"

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly.

Ding Ding Deng!
Ye Chen quickly took a few steps back.

He didn't want to experience the feeling just now.

The feeling of dying is really frightening.

"Zhang Xiaofan, why are you attacking me!"

Ye Chen said suddenly.

Ye Chen knew that Zhang Xiaofan was a shareholder of Changhui Group, but he didn't know how Zhang Xiaofan appeared here by such a coincidence.


Zhang Xiaofan sneered, in fact, Zhang Xiaofan had a hundred reasons.

But those are reasons without evidence.

On the surface, Ye Chen couldn't be moved.

But now it's different.

"Du Xiaomei is my friend's sister, why do you say I am?"

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly.

Ma Yicheng finally knew why Zhang Xiaofan was furious because of Du Xiaomei.

"Zhang Xiaofan, what you did to me today, including what happened before, I will definitely let you know the consequences!"

"You wait for me!"

After speaking, Ye Chen walked out.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't stop Ye Chen.

With this alone, he couldn't kill Ye Chen.

Call the police?

It's useless, the Zhentian Group can definitely handle it easily.

Therefore, Zhang Xiaofan can only put the hatred behind.

Just now, it can be regarded as a lesson for Ye Chen.

"get out!"

Zhang Xiaofan said to Ma Yicheng coldly.

Regarding Ma Yicheng, Zhang Xiaofan knew that he had a relationship with Ye Chen.

She arranged Du Xiaomei for Ye Chen.

Of course, he would call Peng Shui to deal with this.


(End of this chapter)

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