Murano's little genius

Chapter 514 Raw Rice Has Been Cooked

Chapter 514 Raw Rice Has Been Cooked
"Brother, you said you are my brother's friend?"

"Do you know my brother?"

Du Xiaomei asked quickly.

She was adopted in the orphanage back then, although Du Xiaomei was still young, she could still vaguely remember something.

She remembered that she had a brother.

In fact, he has been inquiring about his brother all these years.

"Can you show me what you're wearing around your neck?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.


Du Xiaomei nodded.

He took off the things she was wearing around her neck.

Zhang Xiaofan took it and looked it over carefully, confirming that it is correct.

The shape of the carving is exactly the same as that of Du Feng.

And there is a beautiful word engraved on it.

"Your brother's name is Du Feng, do you remember?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"Well, remember."

"Brother, can you take me to see him?"

Du Xiaomei said excitedly.

"You finish the game first, and we'll talk later."

At this moment, Zhang Xiaofan did not tell Du Xiaomei about Du Feng.

After all, she will have a competition later, and if she tells about Du Feng, it will definitely affect her mood and performance.

"OK, all right."

Du Xiaomei nodded happily.

"Can I call you Brother Xiaofan from now on?"

Du Xiaomei asked a little shyly.

"of course can."

Zhang Xiaofan nodded.

Du Xiaomei is younger than Zhang Xiaofan at first glance.

"Brother Xiaofan, why was Director Ma so afraid of your appearance just now?"

Du Xiaomei asked curiously.

"Because I am one of the bosses of Changhui Entertainment Company."

Zhang Xiaofan replied.

"Ah! Brother Xiaofan, you are not the major shareholder, are you?"

Du Xiaomei asked in surprise.

Judging from the expression, Du Xiaomei couldn't believe it.

After all, Zhang Xiaofan is too young.

I thought it was that kind of middle-aged man.


Zhang Xiaofan smiled and nodded.

However, Du Xiaomei's complexion was suddenly not very good.

She remembered something.

"Brother Xiaofan, are you unspoken about the contestants in the Goddess Creation Camp?"

Du Xiaomei asked cautiously.

She hoped that Zhang Xiaofan hadn't done it.

She looks forward to it.

If Zhang Xiaofan is that kind of person, then...
"Don't worry, I'm not that kind of person."

"However, just now a woman took the initiative to approach me, wanting me to unspoken rules for her, and then let her enter the top three."

"I rejected it."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

From Zhang Xiaofan's righteous eyes, plus the fact that he saved himself from Ye Chen.

Du Xiaomei believed Zhang Xiaofan's words.

"That man's name is Lu Menglan, you should know."

"Actually, she is my classmate in college."

"However, a person like her has always wanted to use her body in exchange for success."

Saying that Zhang Xiaofan shook his head.

"Xiaomei, you just need to play well in the upcoming game."

"Don't worry about anything else, since I'm here today, I'll make it fair for today's game."

Zhang Xiaofan said with certainty.


Joy flashed across Du Xiaomei's eyes.

The scene of the finals of the Goddess Creation Camp of Changhui Entertainment Company.

The scene is not big, only a few hundred people can sit.

After all, this isn't a live broadcast.

This is a recording, and it does not rely on selling tickets to make money.

Goddess Creation Camp is so popular, if those video sites want to play it, they have to buy the right to play it.

With the money from the sponsors, the whole season of Goddess Creation Camp came to an end.

Changhui Entertainment should be able to make a net profit of several hundred million.

As for Changhui Entertainment, the biggest money maker of the year is the Goddess Creation Camp.

Adding up all the others, you may earn 3000 to [-] million a year.

At the scene of the competition, Zhang Xiaofan saw the four star mentors.

Although he is not a superstar, he is also a first-line star.

Some sing, some dance, some act.

It is estimated that it will cost tens of millions just to invite these four.

After all, it is these four who maintain their professional face and some of their popularity.

In addition, Zhang Xiaofan discovered that this bastard Ye Chen used some means to replace a sponsor.

That sponsor is from a big brand.

It seems that Ye Chen used Zhentian Group's relationship again.

And Ye Chen came here today for a bad purpose.

In short, it must be Changhui Entertainment.

At this time, one of the female stars looked at Zhang Xiaofan.

Watched for half a minute.

This female star is called Li Sijie, and she is a singing star.

It is also very famous in Kyushu.

At least, most young people have heard her songs.

The most important thing is that not only does he sing well, but even though he is over thirty, he still has a charm. After all, he is well maintained.

She walked towards Zhang Xiaofan.

"You are Zhang Xiaofan?"

Zhang Xiaofan looked at Li Sijie, he didn't remember that he knew this female star.

"That. We don't seem to know each other?"

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Does Bingbing live with you?"

Li Sijie asked.


"Which Bingbing are you talking about?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked back.

"Bai Bingbing, do you have other Bingbing?"

Li Sijie said in a bad tone.

"Who are you to her? Can you control it?"

Seeing Li Sijie's unkind eyes, Zhang Xiaofan was also upset.

"I'm her cousin."

"Let me tell you, I don't know what tricks you used to lure her to Nandu, and I don't know why she likes you."

"But, let me give you a warning, Bingbing is not just a star!"

"If you continue like this, you will end badly."

"So, you leave her quickly."

Li Sijie said as a warning.

Bai Bingbing's cousin?

Nest grass!Why are you talking so arrogantly?

Also, Bai Bingbing likes herself?

What the hell are you talking about!
Also, how did she know that Bai Bingbing lived with her?

"Sorry, our raw rice has already been cooked."

Zhang Xiaofan spread his hands and said calmly.

Get angry with this impolite woman.

(End of this chapter)

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