Chapter 516
Because Du Xiaomei fainted halfway, her performance was not completed.

So the result of the game is no points.

That is to say, Du Xiaomei in today's finals has no points, and no points means no ranking.

No ranking means no debut.

But Zhang Xiaofan who rushed over didn't think about these things.

He had to see for himself why Du Xiaomei passed out so coincidentally during the game.

Du Xiaomei was carried backstage.

She was examined by medical staff.

"How is she doing now?"

Zhang Xiaofan who came up asked the emergency personnel.

"It's not clear yet, but there should be no major problems with the body."

"The specific reason why he passed out still needs to be sent to the hospital for a detailed examination."

an emergency paramedic said.

"Cough cough!"

At this time, Du Xiaomei coughed suddenly and slowly opened her eyes.

She saw Zhang Xiaofan.

"Brother Xiaofan, why am I in the background? What happened to me just now?"

"By the way, my game isn't over yet."

The first thing Du Xiaomei thought of after waking up was her game.

Just when she was about to stand up, Zhang Xiaofan put his hand on her shoulder.

"Xiaomei, the game is over."

Zhang Xiaofan said lightly.

"It's over? What does that mean?"

Du Xiaomei asked anxiously.

"You just passed out at the game site, but the game still has to go on."


"So I have no score and no ranking, right?"

Du Xiaomei quickly grabbed Zhang Xiaofan's arm and asked in despair.


Zhang Xiaofan nodded, did not hide anything.

Du Xiaomei couldn't accept this fact.

It was a huge blow to her.

Years of hard work turned into ashes.

Immediately, Du Xiaomei squatted down, hugged her feet, buried her head in, and cried loudly.

That kind of crying made Zhang Xiaofan feel distressed.

"Xiaomei, it's okay."

Zhang Xiaofan gently patted Du Xiaomei's back and said comfortingly.

"Did you feel anything before you passed out?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

Du Xiaomei said helplessly while crying: "Before the competition, I felt a little dizzy, but I didn't care about it, but when I sang halfway through, I lost consciousness instantly."

Speaking of this, Du Xiaomei burst into tears again.

She felt that God was playing tricks on her, and she was very desperate now.

"Hold out your hand, and I'll help you feel your pulse."

Zhang Xiaofan said to Du Xiaomei.

"Brother Fan, are you a doctor?"

Du Xiaomei gently wiped away the tears on her pretty face and asked.

The appearance is very pitiful.


Zhang Xiaofan nodded.

"What did you eat an hour before the game?"

After taking the pulse, Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"I didn't eat or drink for two or three hours before the game. This is a habit I have had for a long time."

Du Xiaomei said without much recollection.

"You should have taken some kind of drug that can cause a coma."

Zhang Xiaofan said in a deep voice.


"Brother Xiaofan, by saying that, someone drugged me!?"

Du Xiaomei's beautiful eyes widened with disbelief.

Unexpectedly, someone would drug her, it's too hateful!

This is going to ruin her years of hard work.

At this time, Du Xiaomei felt that this kind of person was so vicious!

However, she never offended anyone, and she never ate before the game. .

Who would harm her like this, and in what way.

"Xiaomei, recall again, did Ye Chen give you anything to eat?"

The first thing Zhang Xiaofan thought of was Ye Chen, that bastard.

After all, people like Ye Chen can do anything despicable.

"Well no."

In view of what Zhang Xiaofan said, Du Xiaomei carefully recalled it, after all, she passed out just now.

Afraid of forgetting something.

But after thinking about it seriously, I found that it really didn't.


Zhang Xiaofan touched his chin, frowning.

If it wasn't the bastard Ye Chen, then who was it?

And it can make Du Xiaomei not notice it after eating it.

"Xiaomei, in your Goddess Creation Camp, in your opinion, whoever is jealous of you is most likely to attack you."

Zhang Xiaofan asked seriously.

Zhang Xiaofan put the murderer among the contestants in the Goddess Creation Camp.

"Well, there should be no such person."

Du Xiaomei thought for a while and said uncertainly.

"Really not?"

"Think about it again. On the surface, she is a very nice person, but she is actually very scheming in private. Simply put, she is a woman with means."

Zhang Xiaofan said in a deep voice.


Du Xiaomei bit her lip, and according to what Zhang Xiaofan said, she analyzed the other nine people who participated in the finals of the Goddess Creation Camp tonight.

"Brother Xiaofan, according to what you say, this person may be Lu Menglan."

"Before the game, she took the initiative to talk to me and said some inexplicable things."

"And she is a person who can do anything to win the game."

"Oh! By the way, she also gave me a very expensive lipstick, which is very strange, not at all like her usual behavior."

Du Xiaomei seemed to have discovered something different.

"Lu Menglan?"


"Xiaomei, is that the lipstick you use now?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked quickly.


Du Xiaomei nodded and answered.

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan can basically be sure that this thing was done by a woman like Lu Menglan.

And do it a little unconsciously.

"Xiaomei, can I smell your lipstick?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked quickly.


Hearing Zhang Xiaofan's request, Du Xiaomei blushed shyly.

"Well, you can wipe it off with a paper towel."

Zhang Xiaofan himself also found that it was really hasty to say so directly.

After finishing speaking, Du Xiaomei gently wiped some lipstick from her sexy lips with a tissue and handed it to Zhang Xiaofan.

But Zhang Xiaofan sniffed lightly.

His brows furrowed instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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