Murano's little genius

Chapter 517 Don't Let It Go

Chapter 517 Don't Let It Go

From the lipstick, Zhang Xiaofan sniffed out the drug that can make people unconscious for a short time.

I really didn't expect that Lu Menglan would use such a despicable and malicious means of concealment.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaofan's eyes seemed to shoot out ice.

I thought that Lu Menglan was just a woman who could sell her body at will for money and fame.

But he didn't expect to use such a method against Du Xiaomei.

Zhang Xiaofan knew that if those lipsticks were used a little more, Du Xiaomei might fall into a severe coma.

If you can't get timely treatment, there may be very serious problems in your body.

Even life may be in danger.

Now, Zhang Xiaofan will definitely not let Lu Menglan go.

Ten p.m.

Inside a nightclub.

In a booth with a very good location, there are several sexy and revealing women, plus a few young men.

Those women were all of extraordinary figure, and they covered their terrifying busts and buttocks with the few clothes.

Their sitting posture is very open, and they don't mind showing their big white legs at all.

He even didn't mind the young man next to him randomly touching her with his hands.

There is no way, these young men are all rich second generations who come to the night market to play.

Just being wrapped by them overnight is a brand-name bag, so why not do it?

Even if you serve happily, you will get more.

Of course, these rich second generations all come from some small families or small and medium-sized enterprises in Southern Metropolis.

But despite this, it is enough to make many money-worshiping women fight for their heads.

"Everyone, I invite everyone here today to celebrate my girlfriend, Goddess Lu Menglan, who won the top three in the Goddess Creation Camp and got the chance to debut."

A man with dreadlocks stood up and said loudly.

So, everyone raised their glasses to congratulate.

"Meng Lan, you are amazing. As friends, we are simply envious and jealous."

"When you become a big star in the future, don't forget our former sisters and friends."

Most of the other women are starlets outside the [-]th line, no, not even starlets.

Their job is to post photos on the Internet and attract the attention of rich bosses and rich second generations in some places.

On the surface it was congratulations to Lu Menglan, but in fact it was full of jealousy.

Feeling the atmosphere at this time, this young master of water was very happy.

After all, Lu Menglan is her real girlfriend.

If Lu Menglan becomes a big star in the future, it will be very impressive to him!

Especially in his circle of friends, he can blow it up every day in the future.

That so-and-so big star is my girlfriend who sleeps with me every day.

Lu Menglan picked up the wine glass.

"Thank you."

Said with a sweet smile.

Every word and deed revealed her happiness tonight.

"Lan Lan, I specially invited everyone to celebrate for you tonight, are you happy?"

Shui Shao, who was sitting next to Lu Menglan, hugged Lu Menglan directly and said with a smile.

"very happy."

Lu Menglan replied happily, and even kissed Shui Shao.

However, what makes him happy is that she has caught men's weaknesses, and as long as she catches them, she can make them do a lot for themselves.

"Hahaha! Very good, let's go to the villa my dad just bought for me tonight."

Shui Shao laughed loudly, and then savagely walked on Lu Menglan's body with his hands.

"There is little water, so many people are watching."

"Don't worry, I'll be with you tonight."

Lu Menglan said charmingly.

I didn't forget to tease Shui Shao.

This directly made Shui Shao lick his lips, as if he was hungry.

"There is little water, I want to go to the dance floor and dance."

Lu Menglan said.

"Okay, I'll drink two more glasses before going to find you, let's dance together."

Shui Shao said with a smile.

Lu Menglan just dragged a few sisters to the dance floor.

A person came over.

"Lu Menglan, stop for me!"

Zhang Xiaofan shouted in a deep voice.

However, since Lu Menglan had already walked to the dance floor, the DJ song was too loud, Zhang Xiaofan's voice could not be heard.

"Boy, who are you? How dare you call my girlfriend by her name."

Hearing Zhang Xiaofan's words, Shui Shao was not happy.

Does this mean that he doesn't pay attention to his lack of water?
Zhang Xiaofan glanced at Shui Shao, his eyes were cold.

"I'm looking for Lu Menglan, not you."

The voice is cold.

Just now when he came in, he saw Lu Menglan's Zhang Xiaofan, and walked directly to this booth.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he spoke, he heard Shui Shao's pretentious voice.

"What are you? How dare you speak to me like that."

Shui Shao said angrily.

"Shui Shao, I think this kid should be a fan of Ms. Menglan. He wanted to confess his love to Ms. Menglan, but he was rejected many times in the end."

Said a fat boy and rich second generation wearing glasses.

"Little fat, you are right!"


Shui Shao laughed out loud.

And others feel the same way.

They all laughed and satirized Zhang Xiaofan.

Some people even said that Zhang Xiaofan is a fool.

"There is little water, look!"

"This kid still has a lipstick in his hand."

"Fuck, I definitely want to give it to Miss Menglan."

"No way! Shao Shui, this kid wants to grab your girlfriend!"

"Cut, it's just him? Dare to snatch Shui Shao's girlfriend, it's not courting death."

The voice of ridicule and sarcasm is still endless.

However, Zhang Xiaofan didn't bother to pay attention to these people's words at all, but said coldly: "Get out of the way, the only person I'm looking for is Lu Menglan, if you do this again, don't blame me for being rude."

The person standing in front of Zhang Xiaofan is Shui Shao with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Damn it, if you say one more word, I'll tell someone to cripple you!"

"If you want to grab a woman from me, you are not worthy! You are not qualified!"

Shui Shao said coldly with a face of disdain.

(End of this chapter)

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