Murano's little genius

Chapter 519 Wasn't it intentional?it's ridiculous

Chapter 519 Wasn't it intentional?it's ridiculous
"You bastard, how dare you fight back!"

"Let me tell you, don't just think you're good at fighting, you won't end well if you offend us!"

"If you are sensible, immediately kneel on the ground and apologize to us."

Seeing this situation, Shui Shao immediately pointed at Zhang Xiaofan and continued to threaten.

Even if you see how powerful Zhang Xiaofan is, you still have to say that.

Because face is the most important thing.

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan looked at Shui Shao and smiled without saying a word.

Then he glared at Shui Shao.

Being stared at by Zhang Xiaofan, Shui Shao's expression changed.

He seemed to see a demon.

Feeling cold behind him, he quickly took a few steps back.

Zhang Xiaofan's eyes are really terrifying!

"Your Majesty!"

Zhang Xiaofan stared at Shui Shao and said in a deep voice.

Shui Shao really knelt on the ground.

That is the fear from the bottom of my heart.

No need to move, just a look, and Shui Shao knelt on the ground.

Shui Shao, who was trembling, shook his head vigorously.

He wanted to get rid of the fear in Zhang Xiaofan's eyes just now.

But he just stood up.

Zhang Xiaofan slapped him directly.

This slap drew Shui Shao to his knees on the ground again.

Immediately dizzy.

"I told you, the person I'm looking for is Lu Menglan."

"Why are you doing it to me?"

"Get out of here immediately!"

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly.

Shui Shao's face was swollen like a pig after being slapped.

Touching his red and swollen face, Young Master Shui gritted his teeth and said, "You bastard! If you dare to hit me, you will die!"

"This is Brother Fly's bar, how dare you do it here."

"As long as I ask Brother Fly to come out, you will die!"

Brother Fly?
"Hehe! Are you familiar with Brother Fly?"

Zhang Xiaofan said with a sneer.

Zhang Xiaofan slapped Shui Shao again.

This slap directly slapped him to the ground.

This time, the pain was so great that Shui Shao let out a scream like a pig being killed.

And, the mouth is full of blood!
Seeing Shui Shao being ruthlessly ravaged by Zhang Xiaofan, the other rich second generations didn't dare fart at all, it was so fucking cruel.

"Go and bring Lu Menglan over."

"No, I'll break your dog legs."

Zhang Xiaofan sat down and said calmly.

Although the tone of Zhang Xiaofan's words were flat, but Shui Shao felt creepy when he heard them.

If you call again, you may have to lie in the hospital for ten days and a half months.

Even though his heart was full of anger, he wanted to trample Zhang Xiaofan into scum.

However, I still have to be obedient.

"Don't look at me so much, go and ask Lu Menglan to get over here immediately."

Shui Shao looked at the other rich second generations and said.

Hearing this, the rich second generations shuddered.

He quickly ran towards the dance floor.

Then he pulled Lu Menglan back.

In fact, Lu Menglan had already seen Zhang Xiaofan on the dance floor.

Of course, she still doesn't know the purpose of Zhang Xiaofan's coming here.

At this moment, she was dragged back from the dance floor by a few rich second generations.

"Xiaofan, why are you here?"

"Are you here to celebrate for me?"

"I am very happy to see you."

Zhang Xiaofan is the major shareholder of Changhui Group, Lu Menglan knows this.

The tone of the speech at this moment is extremely good.

With a sweet smile on his face.

Everyone was surprised to hear that Lu Menglan treated Zhang Xiaofan so well.

And the smile on Lu Menglan's face seemed to be eager to pounce on Zhang Xiaofan.

Bastard, who the hell is this kid?

"Lan Lan, why are you so nice to this kid?"

Shui Shao asked angrily.

"Xiaofan is not only my classmate, but also the major shareholder of Changhui Group."

Lu Menglan quickly explained.

what! ?

The major shareholder of Changhui Group!

These rich second generations are dumbfounded.

These rich second generations are the sons of some small families or big company bosses.

However, compared with Changhui Group, it is much inferior.

After all, Changhui Group can be regarded as a first-class place in Nandu.

"I'm sorry, but you are not worthy to be my classmate. In addition, I also tell you that you can't make your debut."

Zhang Xiaofan glanced at Lu Menglan and said coldly.

Hearing this, Lu Menglan's smile froze.

What she cared about was Zhang Xiaofan's last sentence.

Can't debut?

Zhang Xiaofan is the major shareholder of Changhui Group, and Changhui Entertainment belongs to Changhui Group.

He really has that ability.

"Xiaofan, are you kidding me?"

"I have won the top three in the competition, and I can definitely make my debut."

Lu Menglan said with an unnatural smile.

"Hehe, do you think I'm joking?"

Zhang Xiaofan said in a deep voice.

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan's serious expression, Lu Menglan felt bad.

"Xiaofan, I was at fault for that matter in the company, and I apologize to you again."

Lu Menglan said quickly.

Zhang Xiaofan sneered and said: "What did you do to Du Xiaomei, do you still remember?"

Hearing this, Lu Menglan's expression changed instantly.

Although Zhang Xiaofan didn't say it clearly, but this point was just right, she couldn't understand it even if she didn't want to.

But, how did Zhang Xiaofan find out about this?

That was done very covertly.

"Xiaofan, I don't understand what you said."

Lu Menglan dodged her eyes and pretended not to know.

"not understand?"

"You should know what's going on with this lipstick, right?"

Zhang Xiaofan said in a deep voice.

The moment Lu Menglan saw the lipstick, her eyes widened and she remained motionless.

That's the lipstick that hurt Lu Menglan.

Obviously, Zhang Xiaofan knew something.

Moreover, Lu Menglan also understands why Zhang Xiaofan came here to look for her.

"Xiaofan, I gave this lipstick to Du Xiaomei, why is it in your hands?"

Lu Menglan still pretended to be puzzled and asked.

Zhang Xiaofan shook his head and sneered, "I've already said this, you still pretend?"

"This lipstick contains a drug that can cause a coma."

"That's why Du Xiaomei passed out on stage."

"In order to prevent Du Xiaomei from competing, you really did everything you can!"

"Xiaofan, you can't wrong me!"

"The lipstick is indeed mine, but I have no idea what drug you're talking about."

Lu Menglan said aggrievedly.

"I can find out where you bought this lipstick."

"Do you want me to drag you to confront you!"

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly.

Actually, Zhang Xiaofan didn't check at all.

He just said that, because he believed that Lu Menglan would definitely not be able to withstand the pressure of such a statement.

I can't bear it.

Hearing this, Lu Menglan's feet softened, and she seemed to have lost her soul.

"Is there nothing to say now?"

Zhang Xiaofan continued.

Regarding Lu Menglan's personality, Zhang Xiaofan mostly stayed in his studies.

He really didn't expect that she would do such a despicable and vicious thing.

So, of course Zhang Xiaofan couldn't let her go.

Zhang Xiaofan doesn't care who you sleep with, but if you do something that endangers others, you cannot forgive it.

"That Xiaofan, I was wrong, I didn't mean it."

Lu Menglan hurried forward to beg for mercy.

Not intentional?It's ridiculous.

(End of this chapter)

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