Murano's little genius

Chapter 520 Ate the Lipstick

Chapter 520 Ate the Lipstick

"Isn't it intentional? You don't believe it yourself when you say this."

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly.

"I'm just jealous, I don't mean to harm Du Xiaomei."

Lu Menglan is still defending herself, looking for opportunities.

"If you use a little more lipstick, it's not as simple as being in a coma."

Zhang Xiaofan continued.

Seeing Lu Menglan pretending to be innocent, Zhang Xiaofan really wanted to go up and give her a few slaps.

"Xiaofan, I know Xiaomei is fine."

"And now that she has no ranking, she can't make a debut."

"Things have come to this, I will cherish this debut spot."

Things that are done, Lu Menglan thinks, Zhang Xiaofan probably won't change anything.

After all, this involves the reputation of the show Goddess Creation Camp.

And this program is Changhui Entertainment Company's number one money-making "killer".

"Do you think you deserve to make a debut?"

"Don't you know what method you used?"

"Du Xiaomei is my friend's sister."

"You treat her like this, I am very unhappy!"

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly.

friend's sister?
Hearing this, Lu Menglan was like a thunderbolt.

His mind went blank for a moment.

Because she never thought of the relationship between Du Xiaomei and Zhang Xiaofan.

What does the relationship between Du Xiaomei and Zhang Xiaofan mean?
It means that Zhang Xiaofan will do some bold actions for Du Xiaomei's affairs.

such as
"Xiaofan, I was wrong about that."

"I'm sorry to Xiaomei, please forgive me!"

Lu Menglan directly grabbed Zhang Xiaofan's hand and begged.

"Apologizing is useful, what do you want the police to do?"

Zhang Xiaofan shook off Lu Menglan and said coldly.

"Xiaofan, then tell me what to do to forgive me, and I will definitely do it."

Lu Menglan is looking for opportunities.

"Okay, I'll give you a chance to make amends."

"Eat this lipstick."

Zhang Xiaofan handed the lipstick to Lu Menglan.

In the way of the other, return the other body.

Isn't this normal?
Lu Menglan was frightened, she knew exactly what that lipstick meant.

If she ate that lipstick, she would probably be a vegetable for the rest of her life.

Her life is completely over.

"Xiaofan, if I eat this lipstick, I will die."

"Please don't do this, okay?"

Lu Menglan said as if begging for mercy.

"Lu Menglan, when you gave Du Xiaomei lipstick, did you think about the consequences for her?"

"Don't worry, eat them all, you won't die."

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly.

Lu Menglan shook her head quickly, she couldn't do it at all.

Glancing at Shui Shao beside her, Lu Menglan begged softly, "Shui Shao, I need your help."

At this moment, Shui Shao just hung up the phone.

He continued to hold Lu Menglan in his arms.

Then he showed a proud, majestic expression.

"Lan Lan, don't worry, this kid doesn't dare to be presumptuous."

"I'll make him kneel in front of me later."

"Dare to threaten my girlfriend, court death!"

Hearing Shui Shao's words, Lu Menglan was ecstatic.

She felt that Shui Shao must have a way to deal with Zhang Xiaofan.

"Thank you dear."


After finishing speaking, Lu Menglan kissed Shui Shao on the cheek, and then rubbed her face a few times.

It seems that the heart of spring is rippling.

I like this feeling when I have less water.

"Zhang Xiaofan, you're finished!"

"I don't care what major shareholder of Changhui Group you are. Since you dare to provoke me here today, now that Brother Fly is here, you will kneel in front of me later."

Shui Shao is extremely confident.

"Oh? Okay, then I'll wait for your Brother Fly to come over."

Zhang Xiaofan sneered and sat down.

After a few minutes.

"Brother Fly!"

Seeing Brother Fly, Young Master Shui hurriedly greeted him with a smile on his face.

"If there is anything you want me to solve, tell me!"

"Don't waste my time."

Brother Fly glanced at Shui Shao and said impatiently.

Brother Fly manages several bars and knows many wealthy second generations.

And most of the bar's business is contributed by these rich second generations.

Especially among some VIPs who spend money, Shui Shao is one of them.

Brother Fly knows exactly what kind of person Shui Shao is.

If it weren't for the principle of customer first, Brother Fly wouldn't care about him if he was placed outside.

(End of this chapter)

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