Murano's little genius

Chapter 531 Another Plan

Chapter 531 Another Plan

"Asshole, you can't kill him!"

Ye Chen who was hiding in the villa poked his head out and said loudly.

"do not kill?"

"If I don't kill him, why don't I kill you!"

Zhang Xiaofan glanced at Ye Chen and said coldly.

Sensing Zhang Xiaofan's hell-like eyes, Ye Chen quickly hid back.

He knew how powerful Zhang Xiaofan was.

If you really want to kill him, it will definitely be effortless.

After all, the ancient village whose strength was as unpredictable as a fairy was defeated.

However, Ye Chen felt very aggrieved.

He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

He was so frightened by Zhang Xiaofan's look that he didn't dare to say more.

Since Ye Chen still can't be killed today, then destroy this ancient village!

This is deterrent!
"No way, people want to kill me, I must kill!"

"It's just your bad luck."

As soon as the words fell, Zhang Xiaofan directly punched out without touching the fist.

The vitality fell directly on Gucun's chest.

The domineering vitality directly shattered the internal organs of the ancient village.

At this moment, he really died of exasperation.

This scene stunned Ye Chen.

His legs went limp, and he slumped to the ground.

Gucun was dead, so Zhang Xiaofan walked towards Ye Chen again.

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan walking towards him, Ye Chen thought Zhang Xiaofan was going to kill him.

"Zhang Xiaofan Zhang Xiaofan, you can't kill me!"

Ye Chen, who was so frightened that he couldn't even stand up, had an extremely frightened expression on his face.

"Honestly, if I were a little more irritable, you would be dead by now."

Indeed, Zhang Xiaofan really wished to punch Ye Chen to death now, and let him accept the retribution he deserved.

But it's not the time after all!

Otherwise, even though he is in the martial arts training bureau, he can't stop the anger from the Zhentian Group and the Qin family.

"You were born well, I will not kill you today."

Zhang Xiaofan looked at Ye Chen who was trembling all over, and said coldly.

"I killed him today just to let you know that I, Zhang Xiaofan, are not easy to mess with."

"Want to kill me? Zhentian Group is far behind!"

"Also, don't use those despicable methods to deal with me, Zhang Xiaofan, and attack the people around me."

"If you have the ability, directly attack me, Zhang Xiaofan, and I will always accompany you."

"Now, take out the agreement!"

Zhang Xiaofan said coldly.

Hearing this, Ye Chen quickly handed over the agreement to Zhang Xiaofan.

And Zhang Xiaofan lightly pinched it, and it turned into shredded paper.

"Remember what I said when I first came here?"

Zhang Xiaofan continued.

"Remember. Remember."

Ye Chen said tremblingly.

"I was wrong, I shouldn't have attacked Lin Huachi."

"I'm sorry for him."

Immediately, Zhang Xiaofan left here.

No way, what he wants to do has already been done.

Looking at the direction where Zhang Xiaofan's back disappeared.

"Fuck! Zhang Xiaofan, you trash!"

Ye Chen punched the sofa hard.

Feeling extremely aggrieved and uncomfortable.

Just now was the most embarrassing time in his life.

Again and again, Zhang Xiaofan made Ye Chen lose any dignity.

Today, after killing the "protector god" of the Zhentian Group, he walked away.

He still didn't forget to humiliate Ye Chen again.

The anger in Ye Chen's heart has already stretched for several miles.

Facing Zhang Xiaofan, he has nothing but fear!

"It's all because of this piece of trash, he can't even beat Zhang Xiaofan, damn it!"

"Trash, damn it!"

Looking at Gucun's body, Ye Chen still roared angrily.

If Gucun hadn't lost to Zhang Xiaofan, how could he have suffered such humiliation.

Not only could Zhang Xiaofan not be killed today, but Zhentian Group lost a protector.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen didn't know how to explain to his father.

This is to steal the chicken without losing the rice.

Extremely useless!

"Zhang Xiaofan, since you dare not kill me, then I, Ye Chen, must take revenge in my life and let you die without a whole body!"

Ye Chen knew that Zhang Xiaofan was powerful and hated him, but he didn't dare to kill him after all.

Then he will take advantage of this and find another chance to kill Zhang Xiaofan.

If you don't kill Zhang Xiaofan as soon as possible, Ye Chen may be dreaming of Zhang Xiaofan's nightmare when he sleeps.

It's not delicious to eat.

Zhang Xiaofan is powerful, but as long as his father really uses the Qin family's relationship.

That must be a successful kill.

Suddenly, Ye Chen thought of his mother.


Why didn't I think of my mother.

Ye Chen's mother is from the Qin family.

As long as the masters of the Qin family come out through the mother.

That Zhang Xiaofan must die!

Thinking of this, Ye Chen has another plan.

(End of this chapter)

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