Murano's little genius

Chapter 532 The Heart Has Changed

Chapter 532 The Heart Has Changed

Zhang Xiaofan called Lin Wanrou and told him that the matter has been resolved by himself.

Lin Wanrou, who originally wanted to rush to the southern capital, was also relieved to hear this.

However, Lin Wanrou told Zhang Xiaofan a bad thing in the village.

This made Zhang Xiaofan quickly drive towards Shitou Village, Shi'ao Town, FY County.

After a six-hour drive, Zhang Xiaofan returned to Stone Village.

Back in the village, Zhang Xiaofan went straight to the village committee.

Because Zhang Xiaofan planted and raised medicinal materials in the village.

Many young people who went to work in big cities returned to Stone Village.

After all, as an ordinary worker in a factory in a big city, they only earn three to four thousand yuan a month, and four to five thousand yuan when they work a lot of overtime.

However, working in Zhang Xiaofan's plantation or breeding farm costs at least [-] yuan a month.

Just work in the village, 6000 yuan a month!
This is more reliable than 1 yuan a month in a big city.

This is not only in Stone Village, but several nearby villages have become like this.

Because Zhang Xiaofan's planting business has expanded to the land of several nearby villages.

Since the expansion of planting, the manpower must be increased.

As the saying goes, on the road of expansion, there are bound to be many problems.

Now, there is a problem.

In order to make everyone work harder, Zhang Xiaofan asked Zhao Tieniu and Zhang Quandan to implement the system of more pay for more work.

In other words, everyone works without saying how much a day they spend.

It depends on your workload. If you do more, you will get more money, and if you do less, you will get less money.

This is also for the sake of fairness, so that those villagers who want to fish in troubled waters will be exposed.

However, this system also has very serious drawbacks.

Just like now.

Many villagers are not satisfied.

They always make comparisons, saying that they work so much and work so hard, how can they not earn as much money as that so-and-so who is often lazy or slow.

With one thought like this, there are two, with two, there are four, with four, there are sixteen
The current plantations and farms have been damaged by this wind.

Everyone feels they are paid less than those who are not as good as them.

Working is getting lazier and rougher.

Moreover, everyone knows that Zhang Dalei is Zhang Xiaofan's grandfather.

As a result, many villagers have developed a habit of "pleasing Lafayette".

The simple understanding is that many people don't think about how to make contributions in the field every day, and make money with hard work and sweat.

Instead, he went to Zhang Xiaofan's house and tried every means to please Zhang Dalei.

The meaning is very simple, it is to let Zhang Xiaofan raise his salary through Zhang Dalei.

Even more and more people come to introduce girls to Zhang Dalei, of course not to Zhang Dalei, but to Zhang Xiaofan.

Hearing these news, Zhang Xiaofan felt that he had to go back and solve it himself.

Originally, Zhao Tieniu and Zhang Quandan didn't want to trouble Zhang Xiaofan with this matter, after all he was not in the village, he was busy outside.

So I told Lin Wanrou, the very capable village chief.

And Lin Wanrou also worked hard to change this situation.

However, when Lin Wanrou went to solve it, she realized that the matter was still being cut and messed up.

Lin Wanrou felt that many villagers had changed.

Jealousy has become stronger, comparison has become stronger, and jealousy has also become stronger.

In the eyes of many people, there is only money.

After seeing Lin Wanrou.

Zhang Xiaofan went to see Zhou Shuyi.

Zhou Shuyi is the finance of the plantation and breeding farm.

Everyone's wages go through her hands.

She is working the hardest these days.

Many people "trouble" her.

I just want Zhou Shuyi to pay a little more salary.

But Zhou Shuyi would definitely not do that, she always followed the rules set by Zhang Xiaofan.

Do her job well.


Seeing Zhang Xiaofan, Zhou Shuyi was very excited.

Seeing that there was no one in the office, he immediately rushed up and hugged Zhang Xiaofan.

Then without further ado, gave Zhang Xiaofan a deep kiss for a minute and a half.

In the end it was Zhang Xiaofan who took the initiative to leave.

Otherwise, Zhou Shuyi didn't know when the kiss would last.

"Sister Shuyi, you seem to have lost weight."

"It's really hard for you."

Not seeing each other for many days, Zhang Xiaofan took a serious look at Zhou Shuyi's figure.

It was found that her somewhat fleshy face had become thinner.

"I've been losing weight recently."

Zhou Shuyi said with a smile on her face.

Although Zhou Shuyi didn't eat very well after giving birth.

But after all, it is still a little fat.

And she was using Douyin during this time, saw some videos, and she secretly lost weight.

"No wonder my figure has become so good!"

The face is thinner, the belly is flatter, and the butt is more upturned.

Of course, that nice bust hasn't gotten any smaller.

On the contrary, because of being thinner, it looks more comfortable and just right.

"Xiaofan, do you know what happened recently?"

"A lot of people don't have much work, and they come to me every day to ask me to raise my salary."

"It's really giving me a headache."

"I can't say anything about Tie Niu and Quan Dan."

Zhou Shuyi pouted helplessly and said with a little anger.

"It's okay, I came back to solve these problems."

To be honest, Zhang Xiaofan has done so much in Shitou Village to help everyone live a well-off life.

Now, everyone works in the village.

Compared with the previous salary, it has already undergone earth-shaking changes.

That was unimaginable before.

But now the thinking and mentality of many villagers have changed.

And it is changing in a bad direction.

Zhang Xiaofan must make them change in time.

People can have ideals and ambitions.

But nothing like this.

(End of this chapter)

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