Chapter 533 Bet
"These people are really greedy. They are not satisfied with making so much money working in the village."

"And also become more and more lazy, doing things more and more unreliable."

"Did they forget that if it wasn't for you, Xiaofan, they wouldn't even be able to make so much money in the village in their dreams."

Zhou Shuyi said angrily.

"Sister Shuyi, don't be angry."

"I can handle this."

"Actually, I can basically understand the change of thought of this part of the villagers."

"After all, they haven't experienced these things before."

"Many people are very prone to deviations when they don't have someone to guide them when it comes to money."

"This is the case with this part of the villagers now."

Zhang Xiaofan said lightly.

Now that it was getting dark, Zhang Xiaofan originally wanted Zhao Tieniu and Zhang Quandan to call all the villagers working in the plantation and breeding farms for a meeting.

But I still think it will be changed to tomorrow morning.

In the evening, Zhang Xiaofan personally cooked a delicious meal for his grandfather.

The two chatted while eating.

And Zhang Dalei also told Zhang Xiaofan about the recent events.

Zhang Dalei did not accept any gifts from the villagers.

Those brows introduced girls to Zhang Xiaofan, but Zhang Dalei didn't look at any of them.

Because he knew that these people came with bad intentions.

"Grandpa, I want to take you to live in Nandu, a big city, for a few days. Are you going?"

Thinking of my grandfather who has lived in Shitou Village for almost his whole life, he has never seen the prosperity of a big city.

"Grandpa can't take a long-distance bus, and he can't go even if he wants to."

Zhang Dalei waved his hand and said.

If I could go, I would have gone to see my good friend last time.

"Grandpa, I forgot last time, since you can't take a car or a plane, then we can take the high-speed rail."

"Now the high-speed rail in our motherland is very stable. Sitting on it, you can't feel it moving at all, just like staying in a room."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"You won't lie to me, old man, will you?"

Zhang Dalei said mischievously.

"Grandpa, I'm your grandson, I won't lie to you if I lie to anyone!"

Zhang Xiaofan poured some more wine for his grandfather and said.

"Okay, since I'm only going for a few days, I want to see it too."

Zhang Dalei agreed.

Zhang Xiaofan planned to take his grandfather to Nandu to have a good look at it for a few days after finishing dealing with the affairs in the village.

After eating, Zhang Xiaofan remembered what he had promised Zhou Shuyi.

Going to chat with her tonight.

They said they were chatting, but Zhang Xiaofan knew what Zhou Shuyi meant.

It was a few days since I hadn't seen each other, like three autumns, I missed myself.

I miss the time I spent with myself.

When we arrived at Zhou Shuyi's house, Zhang Xiaofan didn't have to knock on the door, because she reserved the door for Zhang Xiaofan.

"Sister Shuyi, I'm here."

After entering, Zhang Xiaofan said easily.

Hearing Zhang Xiaofan's voice in the yard, Zhou Shuyi opened the door and let Zhang Xiaofan in.

"Xiao Fan, you came at the right time, my child is already asleep."

Zhou Shuyi said tenderly.

While speaking, his arms were already wrapped around Zhang Xiaofan's waist.

Then buried his head in Zhang Xiaofan's arms, feeling Zhang Xiaofan's thick and steady chest.

And Zhang Xiaofan also felt that tenderness.

After hugging for a few minutes, Zhou Shuyi raised her head.

"Xiaofan, I want to kiss you."

Zhou Shuyi's eyes were full of enthusiasm and anticipation.


Zhang Xiaofan nodded.

After speaking, Zhou Shuyi kissed Zhang Xiaofan.

This wet kiss lasted for 5 minutes.

Feeling satisfied, Zhou Shuyi asked Zhang Xiaofan: "Xiaofan, do you miss me?"

Zhang Xiaofan also smiled with satisfaction: "What do you think?"

Zhou Shuyi said happily: "I don't care if you miss me or not, anyway, I miss you."

"In this case, in order to make up for your missing me, I will make up for you later."

After speaking, Zhang Xiaofan hugged Zhou Shuyi.

Walk towards the bed.

The weather is slightly cooler tonight, but the room is like fire.

After an hour and a half.

The two ended up on fire.

And tonight, Zhang Xiaofan also stayed at Zhou Shuyi's house.

Early the next morning, Zhang Xiaofan left Zhou Shuyi's house.

And Zhao Tieniu and Zhang Quandan also called all the workers to the village committee according to Zhang Xiaofan's order.

Moreover, the password for the call is to raise wages.

After many villagers found out, they waited at the village committee without having breakfast.

Not to mention how excited I am!
"Xiaofan, you don't really want to raise the wages of these people, do you?"

Lin Wanrou asked curiously.

"Why not?"

Zhang Xiaofan replied lightly.

"Xiaofan, I don't think this will work. If you give them a salary, they will still not be satisfied in the future, and it will get worse."

Lin Wanrou said worriedly.

She never thought that Zhang Xiaofan would use this method to solve the problem.

"Wanrou, don't worry, I will give them a raise later, they may not dare to accept it."

Zhang Xiaofan said with a plan.

"Don't dare to accept it?"

"There's no reason for them to accept the salary increase, right?"

It sounded a little mysterious, but Lin Wanrou couldn't believe it.

These days, I haven't heard of a salary increase that I dare not accept.

"Don't you believe it?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

Lin Wanrou gently shook her head and said, "I don't believe it."

"Okay, then I'll make a bet with you."

"What are you gambling?"

(End of this chapter)

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