Murano's little genius

Chapter 534 Double salary, no one accepts?

Chapter 534 Double salary, no one accepts?
"If those villagers don't dare to accept the wage increase later, then you will help me wash last night's clothes later."

Zhang Xiaofan said with a strange smile.

Hearing that, even Lin Wanrou would feel momentary embarrassment and embarrassment.

After all, she has never helped a man wash his clothes by hand.

"What if you lose?"

Lin Wanrou asked with a blushing face.

Zhang Xiaofan immediately said: "You decide."

"Okay, if that's the case, if you lose, then help me wash last night's clothes."

Lin Wanrou also agreed to the punishment.

However, is this a punishment for Zhang Xiaofan?

Zhang Xiaofan couldn't wait to lose.

"Okay, then it's settled."

10 minutes later.

The sun is shining today.

Many villagers stood in front of the village committee, and these were workers from Zhang Xiaofan's plantation and breeding farms.

Everyone was discussing and full of expectations.

After all, Zhang Xiaofan wants a salary increase!
I don't know who spread it randomly, but it will increase by one hundred a day!
That's three thousand a month!
"Hey! If it really increases by one hundred a day, I am six thousand a month now, and then I will be nine thousand a month after that!"

"A one hundred increase is a big deal for us, but it should be a small thing for Zhang Xiaofan."

"I heard that his company is going to open in the big city Nandu!"

"No wonder the wages are raised. It turns out that the business is getting bigger and bigger and making more money!"

Zhang Xiaofan hasn't spoken yet, the chatter in the crowd is in full swing.

Hearing these people's discussion, Zhao Tieniu and Zhang Xiaofan at the side shook their heads.

These people only care about money now.

But why can you raise your salary.

Simply whimsical.

Zhang Xiaofan, who was standing in front of the crowd, held a loudspeaker in his hand and said: "Fellow folks, I would like to thank you all here first, and thank you for your dedication to the plantation and breeding farms."

"If it weren't for you, the plantation and breeding farms would not have the scale they are today."

"And I've also heard that everyone feels that the current salary is lower than others."

"After hearing the news, I thought about it seriously."

"Because of everyone, there is Zhang Xiaofan today."

"So I think, double everyone's wages!"

The words fell, and the crowd was in a commotion.

Everyone jumped up with excitement.

Double the salary!

In fact, their previous wages already exceeded that of their part-time jobs in big cities. Now it is doubled?
Can't even dream of it!

If things go on like this, it won't take long for everyone's family to be rich.

I thought it would only increase by one hundred and one day, but now it doubles directly.

"Xiaofan, you are doing well! You are the god of wealth in our stone village."

"Xiaofan, now that the salary has been raised, it won't be raised in the future?"

"What are you talking about, what is Xiaofan's current status? He has been promoted now, and he will give us a promotion every year in the future."

"I'll go, it's impossible, it's doubled now."

Everyone is in a mess.

But it's all exaggeration.

Listening to what some of them said, Zhang Xiaofan really felt a little disappointed.

People are not enough to swallow elephants!

"No way, if I don't raise my wages, you may not be able to do one day's work in ten days."

Zhang Xiaofan said in a deep voice.

Listening to Zhang Xiaofan's words, some villagers laughed and said nothing.

"Xiaofan, don't worry, we will work hard in the future."

"Yes, we will never make trouble again in the future, and definitely work hard!"

"Xiaofan, you also know that we are all rough people, we only know how to work hard for that little money."

"With money, we have motivation!"

Zhang Xiaofan said in a deep voice: "Everyone, although I got a salary increase, I have conditions."

"Otherwise I raised my salary and after a while everyone thinks that the salary is low. This is not acceptable."

"Those who receive a salary increase today will have no bonuses and no year-end bonuses afterwards."

"And, there will be no more salary increases in the future."

"He has nothing to do with giving gifts during the New Year and holidays."

"In short, all benefits are no longer enjoyed."

"And, after accepting the double salary increase, if you still find that you are lazy, you will not be used to work in the future."

"After all, the doubled public funds have to pay something."

"Otherwise, I feel that my salary is lower than others every day, which will affect my work."

Zhang Xiaofan's words made everyone quiet in an instant.

They all looked at each other.

"Those who want to raise wages come up and sign."

Zhang Xiaofan said lightly.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.
Half a minute passed, and no one came up to sign.

Everyone, you look at me, and I look at you.

All do not know how to choose.

Double the salary!
No one went up to sign.

Why!Agreed to double the salary, there will be no bonuses in the future, let alone year-end bonuses, no salary increases, and no holiday benefits.

The most important thing is that if you find out that you are lazy at work, you will be fired.

Who dares to promise this!

These villagers know that it is actually very easy for them to work in Zhang Xiaofan's plantation and breeding farms.

And get a good salary.

Where can I find this?
They don't want to lose the big for a little.

A few minutes passed, the paper was empty, and no one signed it.

Zhang Xiaofan said lightly: "What? Don't everyone feel that their salary is low, or not as good as others?"

"Why, don't you dare to ask for double your salary now?"

Hearing this, many villagers bowed their heads in embarrassment.

Zhang Xiaofan took a deep breath, and said in a serious voice: "Fellow folks, I know that everyone likes money when they are poor and afraid."

"However, in this world, more work is always more rewarding. The more you pay, the more you get back."

"Why do you think your salary is not as good as others? Isn't it because you are lazy and jealous?"

"Also, do you know what level of wages you are currently getting?"

"In Stone Village, your hard-earned money in the past year is not as much as you are now in a month!"

"Let's not talk about the village, even if you go to a big city and work hard for a year, you still haven't earned much in my plantation and breeding farms!"

"Now you are working in my farms and plantations. The wages plus various bonuses are at least [-] a year, right?"

"You ask yourself, where can you earn so much money?"

"Going to rob?"

"We are all country people, and we all know that money is earned through hard work."

"Now that I have provided you with such a good opportunity to make money, you are still not being honest."

"Envious of others, whimsical, and start to use crooked brains."

"The reason why I implement the system of more pay for more work is to let everyone work harder so that they can earn more money."

"Instead of letting you do things."

"Also, don't give my grandpa any presents as a matchmaker, it's useless!"

"What I need is for you to work hard and make money."

"I have made more money, and everyone's income has naturally increased."

"Don't be tempted to leave the job I offered you."

"You want to find a job with this salary, is it possible?"

Zhang Xiaofan spoke very seriously.

Because he knew that he wanted to nip the bad thoughts of the villagers in the bud.

Playing tricks?opinionated?be lazy?envy?
Zhang Xiaofan absolutely cannot allow this kind of existence.

(End of this chapter)

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