Murano's little genius

Chapter 535 Angry Ye Zhentian

Chapter 535 Angry Ye Zhentian
After being told by Zhang Xiaofan, those villagers lowered their heads in shame.

Because, Zhang Xiaofan ruthlessly exposed their little thoughts.


Are their wages still low now?

Are their jobs worth their current wages?

He is actually qualified to say that his salary is not as good as others, and he still wants to be petty and envious of others.

Without the job provided by Zhang Xiaofan, even half of his current income would not be able to reach.

"That Xiaofan, we were wrong."

"I don't have the right mind to engage in these petty thoughts and tricks."

"Yes, Xiao Fan, we did something wrong, I hope you can forgive us."

"If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have the opportunity to make money that we never dreamed of."

"Without you, our Stone Village would still be the poorest village."

"It was you who planted medicinal materials and raised chickens and ducks in the village, so that everyone had jobs that made money."

"And also rebuilt the primary school and got rid of the village bully."

"We've all seen what you've done to Stone Village."

"We're not human and we've gone too far."

one, two, three, four
Those villagers who did wrong things all apologized to Zhang Xiaofan.

Seeing this, Zhang Xiaofan felt relieved.

Otherwise, it would really break his heart.

"Since this is the case, I hope that everyone will stop thinking about it in the future."

"Only when everyone works together can we make more money."

"Our stone can enter a well-off village one step earlier."

"Including our children and grandchildren can lead a happier life."

"As long as everyone continues to work hard, after a while, the real salary increase will definitely come."

Zhang Xiaofan said encouragingly.

This matter, which seems to be a small matter, is actually a big matter for Shitou Village.

Only in this way can planting and breeding move forward steadily.

Villagers can work towards the same goal.

The village style can only get better and better.

Everyone's sense of happiness can be higher and higher.

At noon, Lin Wanrou came to Zhang Xiaofan's house.

Why come?

To fulfill her promise, of course.

Because the bet on Lin Wanrou lost.

At Zhang Xiaofan's home, Lin Wanrou helped Zhang Xiaofan wash the clothes one by one with her hands.

That scene was simply not too good.

The next day, Zhang Xiaofan took his grandfather on the road to the Southern Capital.

However, when getting on the train and preparing to go to the high-speed rail station.

Zhang Dalei regretted it himself.

For no particular reason, I felt like leaving Stone Village to go far away.

My heart felt very sad and empty.

In the end, Zhang Xiaofan himself did not force himself.

Because he understands.

"Xiaofan, grandpa will not be able to take this step after all."

"I belong to the land of Stone Village."

"In this life, I probably won't go out."

"Although it was only a few days, my heart was empty and very lonely."

These are Zhang Dalei's original words.

To him, the bustling scenery of a big city doesn't have any attraction, so he can see it or not.

He would rather stay in Stone Village these days, bragging and playing chess with those old guys in the village.

Walk around with your own old cow.

Therefore, Zhang Xiaofan returned to Nandu by himself.

When leaving, Miao Yuchen gave Zhang Xiaofan a ride.

For this apprentice, Zhang Xiaofan is very satisfied and gratified.

Teach her the basics of acupuncture, she has learned almost by now.

Next time I come back, I might be able to formally teach her the real needling technique.

In addition, now that Miao Yuchen is a doctor in the village, she is doing much better than Zhang Xiaofan.

After all, she is a woman, so her popularity is definitely not comparable to that of Zhang Xiaofan.

After returning to Nandu, Zhang Xiaofan went directly to Li Peishan.

Regarding the procedures for establishing the headquarters of the Fanxing Group in Nandu, Li Peishan has almost done it.

Zhang Xiaofan, the boss, doesn't seem to need to do anything.

The headquarters of Wait Fanxing Group was established in Nandu.

Its business will also be fully expanded to Nandu.

At that time, Fanxing Group's business in the entire southern province will be completed.

The next step is to go national.

Let the products of Fanxing Group really shine in Kyushu.

Because Li Peishan was about to leave Nandu and go to the nearest market in Nandu to discuss some business matters. ,

Less than half an hour after Zhang Xiaofan met her, they separated again.

Seeing Li Peishan contribute so much to her group, Zhang Xiaofan was somewhat moved.

How can He De He Neng?

Let a strong woman help herself to this extent.

If it weren't for Li Peishan, Zhang Xiaofan knew that what he did would not have developed so fast.

Maybe it's not long since I walked out of Stone Village.

After all, although the wine is fragrant, it still needs to be taken care of by people to make it sell well.

Zhentian Group.

Ye Zhentian already knew the news of Gucun's death, not only Ye Zhentian knew, Gucun's brother Guteng also knew!
"Dad! You must seek justice for the ancient village."

"Zhang Xiaofan actually blatantly broke into my villa, injured a dozen of my bodyguards, and even killed Gucun in front of my face!"

Regarding this news, Ye Chen did not intend to hide it.

Because paper can't hold fire, sooner or later you will know.

It would be better to say it early.


Suddenly, Ye Zhentian slapped Ye Chen.


"How many times have I told you to stop meddling with Zhang Xiaofan's affairs! Just leave it to me."

"Now let the ancient village die tragically."

"When will you grow up!"

After the beating, he cursed angrily.

Ye Zhentian was surprised by Gucun's death.

But knowing it was killed by Zhang Xiaofan, it feels normal.

Because Zhang Xiaofan has that strength!

"Dad! Why did you hit me!"

"It was Zhang Xiaofan who took the initiative to find me, because Zhang Xiaofan didn't dare to kill me because he was afraid of the Zhentian Group and the big families behind the Zhentian Group."

"But he killed Gucun, saying that he wanted us to understand that he, Zhang Xiaofan, is not easy to mess with."

Covering his face, Ye Chen said unwillingly.

He even looked at Ye Zhentian with vicious eyes.

"Hmph! Don't think I don't know why Zhang Xiaofan came to you on his own initiative?"

"You must have provoked him on the initiative!"

"I told you to stay away from him a long time ago. Now that Gucun is dead, this is your fault."

Ye Zhentian said coldly.

"Your son, I was bullied like that by that kid, how can I bear it!"

"Also, I did it because Gucun had the confidence to say that he could kill Zhang Xiaofan."

"But who would have thought that Gucun would not be a match for that bastard Zhang Xiaofan at all."

Ye Chen felt wronged.

I feel that my father has never considered my feelings at all.


Indeed, Ye Zhentian himself is also responsible for this matter.

After all, he didn't pass the news he got from the Qin family to Gucun in time.

Zhang Xiaofan's strength in the martial arts training bureau has been further improved.

With this promotion, Gucun himself is no match at all.

At that time, Ye Zhentian's mission to the ancient village was to protect Ye Chen's safety with all his strength.

In addition, if Zhang Xiaofan dares to take the initiative to kill Ye Chen, then Gucun can kill the enemy without hesitation.

Unexpectedly, because of this, Gucun died in Zhang Xiaofan's hands.

(End of this chapter)

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