Chapter 536
After Gu Teng saw his brother's body.

So he, Ye Chen and Ye Zhentian went to the "crime scene".

Entered the place where the villa was fought.

Gu Teng observed carefully.

The things here should be broken and broken.

Looking at this scene, one can think of the horror of the battle at that time.

"Dad, it was here that Zhang Xiaofan killed Gucun."

While speaking, Ye Chen also glanced at Gu Teng.

Ye Zhentian himself is an ordinary person, he only sees desolation here.

It's like the place where martial arts masters fight on TV.

"Judging from the current battle traces, Zhang Xiaofan's strength crushes the ancient village!"

Gu Teng, who had lost a younger brother, was expressionless, but there was a strong murderous look in his eyes.

That is turning sadness into murderous intent!
One day, he will kill Zhang Xiaofan with his own hands.

"Dad, that bastard Zhang Xiaofan dared to kill Gucun."

"We must take the initiative to attack and kill him!" Ye Chen gritted his teeth and said.

Ye Zhentian didn't answer, but asked Guteng.

"How? Even Gucun is no match for Zhang Xiaofan now, can you?"

"At present, my strength and his strength are on par."

Gu Teng replied coldly.

"Okay! We must avenge this revenge, you wait for my order."

Ye Zhentian said with certainty.

Waiting for an order?
As expected, Ye Chen did not expect it.

His father still didn't dare to kill Zhang Xiaofan directly.

"Dad! Zhang Xiaofan killed Gucun, we have to fight back."

Ye Chen said unwillingly.

Hearing this, Ye Zhentian stared at his son Ye Chen with blazing eyes, "You didn't listen to me and killed Gucun. Now you are still naive to say these things?"

"Whether Zhang Xiaofan can kill him, and when, I don't know?"

"Gucun is Guteng's younger brother, do you think he is as impulsive as you?"

"Did you think he would be less angry than you?"

Feeling his father's anger, Ye Chen knew that relying on what his father expected would not work.

"Dad, I know it's my fault for this matter. I was too impulsive."

"I admit my mistake."

Ye Chen bowed his head and admitted his mistake.

Indeed, as Ye Zhentian said.

Whether Zhang Xiaofan can kill and when, he knows very well.

According to the normal situation, Zhang Xiaofan killed Gucun, Ye Zhentian didn't need to think about the Qin family's reminder at all.

He sent Gu Teng, who was more powerful, to kill Zhang Xiaofan.

But, it doesn't work, this is not the reason Zhentian Group can kill Zhang Xiaofan.

Simple to understand, just for this reason.

Can't convince the Martial Arts Training Bureau.

Not convincing enough!
Because Gucun is a powerful ancient warrior.

It is possible that he was killed by Zhang Xiaofan because he wanted to kill Zhang Xiaofan.

The Martial Arts Training Bureau can completely explain it this way.

And Zhang Xiaofan is a member of the Martial Arts Training Bureau, he has the right to kill those martial arts practitioners who want to kill him.

This is also understandable, why Gu Teng, the elder brother of Gucun, didn't say the words "go and kill Zhang Xiaofan now".

Because he knows, so what if there is more hatred now?
He cannot disobey orders, let alone act without authorization.

He belongs to the Qin family, and he puts the Qin family and Zhentian Group first in everything he does.

This is their mission.

Revenge is okay, but not now.

"Let's go, I want to discuss something with Gu Teng."

Ye Zhentian waved his hand and said lightly.

"Okay, Dad, I'm leaving then."

After speaking, Ye Chen backed out.

"Go back and tell the Qin family about the situation."

"See what they say, otherwise, all we can do now is to use commercial means to deal with Zhang Xiaofan."

"In addition, the Long family is now Zhang Xiaofan's friends, even the black market."

"Behind the seemingly calm, is the beginning of Zhang Xiaofan's power gradually becoming stronger."

"If we don't use real means to get rid of Zhang Xiaofan now, then we probably won't have a chance in the future."

Ye Zhentian analyzed the situation.

He knew that the situation was gradually getting worse, Zhang Xiaofan had become uncontrollable.

If the Qin family or the Liu family didn't make a move, the Zhentian Group might cease to exist in the future.

And the interests of Qin family and Liu family will also be eroded by Zhang Xiaofan.

Martial Arts Training Bureau.

Liu Qilin personally made a phone call to Zhang Xiaofan.

After talking with Liu Qilin on the phone, Zhang Xiaofan went to the Martial Arts Training Bureau.

Why go.

Fight against Liu Qilin, have a match, and make him shut up forever.

To be honest, Zhang Xiaofan was fed up with Liu Qilin's foul mouth.

In order to make himself compete with him, Jing said some ironic words that belittled himself to nothing.

Although Zhang Xiaofan didn't respond, but he kept it in his heart.

It's okay once in a while, but doing it too often is overkill.

Now Zhang Xiaofan's strength has greatly increased.

Not only did he become hot in the Tianyuan Three Explosions, but he also learned all the Tyrant Canglong's nine moves.

Moreover, last night, there was a hint of a breakthrough in his cultivation.

Liu Qilin is at the third level of the Pneumatic Realm.

What the fuck!

(End of this chapter)

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