Murano's little genius

Chapter 543 What Did You Bring Me Here

Chapter 543 What Did You Bring Me Here

For Zhang Xiaofan, this task may be a bit uncomfortable.

Because both Qin Hai and Liu Qilin will go.

The people who just attended the meeting were not the final list.

There is no way, there are people in the Liu family and the Qin family in this martial arts training bureau.

As long as they come up with this group mission, that's fine.

It seems that this mission not only has enemies of Kyushu, but also "internal enemies".

This is a test for Zhang Xiaofan.

After this task is completed, everyone will get considerable points.

After all, it's a team mission, so it certainly can't be compared with a single person's SS-level mission rewards.

"[-] points per person!"

Is this reward rich!

I rely on it, of course it is rich!

How many cultivators have been cultivating martial arts for so many years without [-] points in total.

After leaving the Martial Arts Training Bureau, Zhang Xiaofan flipped through "Xiao Li Fei Needle".

Coincidentally, this is a martial skill that requires the use of silver needles.

Moreover, the first type of silver needle recommended in it is black iron silver needle.

This is simply tailor-made for Chang Xiaofan himself.

"It seems that the old man should have chosen it for himself."

At least, Zhang Xiaofan thinks so.

"Xiao Li Fei Needle" has a total of twelve layers.

Every time one level is mastered, more and more silver needles are needed.

But Zhang Xiaofan now has black iron and silver needles, which are only enough for the first level.

As mentioned above, only by using the recommended silver needle can the true strength of "Xiao Li Fei Needle" be brought into play.

But there are not enough black iron and silver needles, so what should I do?
I can only keep looking.

But I learned before that the other black iron needles are in the hands of the Qin family in Nandu.

And now Zhang Xiaofan has grievances with the Qin family in the southern capital, it is not easy to get the rest of the black iron silver needles from the Qin family.

Therefore, Zhang Xiaofan could only go to Long Teng to see what advice he could give.

After all, Long Teng is the head of the Long family.

And the Long family is second only to the existence of those ancient super big families in the southern capital.

Find Long Teng.

"Old Long, as you know, I am a doctor, and I am also a doctor who studies ancient Chinese medicine."

"Naturally, silver needles are needed."

"I believe you have seen my black silver needle."

"It's the ones that treated you last time."

"But I have too few in hand, and now I want to get some more."

"I heard that the Nandu Qin family has one, but my relationship with the Nandu Qin family is not very good."

"Is there any way you can get it for me?"

Zhang Xiaofan spoke to Long Teng in another way.

It's not that he doesn't want to tell Long Teng the truth, but that it's unnecessary.

Some things, the less people know the better.


Hearing this, Long Teng's face showed embarrassment, and he paced back and forth.

It is indeed not easy to embarrass Long Guteng.

"Miraculous doctor Xiaofan, I'm not afraid to tell you that the relationship between my Long family and the Qin family is actually very bad."

Long Teng said truthfully.

"If it's only available from the Qin family, it's really troublesome."

Hearing this, although Zhang Xiaofan was somewhat disappointed, it was also expected.

After bidding farewell to Long Teng, Zhang Xiaofan rushed to the black market.

You can get basically anything in the black market, but why can't you get black iron and silver needles?
However, when Zhang Xiaofan found the master of the black market.

The master of the black market shook his head.

"I've seen this black iron needle before."

"It's all in the hands of the Qin family in the southern capital."

"Mr. Xiaofan also knows that we dare not extend our hands in the black market to the Qin family."

There is no way, the black market has also disappointed Zhang Xiaofan.

"However, Mr. Xiaofan, I heard that the Qin family in the southern capital will hold a special free auction."

"The Qin family will bring out some good things for auction."

"Most of the participants are some martial arts practitioners in the society."

"You can try your luck there, maybe there will be something you want."

The master of the black market told Zhang Xiaofan the news.

However, this probability is too small.

As an ancient super big family, the Qin family has countless good things.

Why would he take out the black iron silver needle for auction?

Not so coincidental!
Although the chances are slim, Zhang Xiaofan decided to go there.

The chances are slim, but as long as there is a chance, it will do.

On the second day, Zhang Xiaofan who practiced all night felt very comfortable.

After breakfast, we went to Southern Metropolis University.

Li Tingting had no class today, thinking that since she was going to participate in an interesting auction, she would take her with her.

"Brother Xiaofan, where do you want to take me to play?"

Specifically what to do, Zhang Xiaofan has not told Li Tingting yet.

Li Tingting, who was sitting in the co-pilot, was wearing a preppy-style dress.

Looking at Zhang Xiaofan, he asked with a smile.

"Don't worry, Brother Xiaofan must be taking you to a good place, keep it a secret, you will find out what it is exactly when you go."

Zhang Xiaofan played up the mystery.

Life has to be a little fun, right?
"After you say that, I want to know what it is even more."

Li Tingting said expectantly.

Zhang Xiaofan drove the car on various roads in Nandu.

The two were talking and laughing in the car.

After a while, he arrived at the place Zhang Xiaofan wanted to come.

"A cloud hotel in the sky?"

That's right, Zhang Xiaofan came to a six-star hotel.

"Brother Xiaofan, is this the place you want to bring me?"

Li Tingting had a bad idea in her mind.

Zhang Xiaofan took the initiative to bring her here, feeling inexplicably happy.


Zhang Xiaofan nodded.

Of course, he didn't know that Li Tingting had bad thoughts in her heart.

After getting out of the car, Li Tingting took the initiative to hold Zhang Xiaofan's hand.

The two fingers clasped tightly, what a pair of golden boy and jade girl!

"Brother Xiaofan, why did you bring me here?"

Li Tingting leaned her head on Zhang Xiaofan's shoulder and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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