Chapter 544

They are all adults, and Li Tingting is still the kind of forward-thinking woman.

Even if Zhang Xiaofan said clearly that he came here to have a romantic night with her, Li Tingting would not be shy, let alone refuse.

Although Li Tingting is particular about success, but Zhang Xiaofan is so active, of course she will not refuse.

She had said to herself that as long as Zhang Xiaofan took the initiative, she would give her first time without hesitation.

"What do you think it would be?"

Zhang Xiaofan motioned Li Tingting to take a look at the layout of the hotel.

But this time, Li Tingting and Zhang Xiaofan don't seem to have a good understanding.

Li Tingting thought Zhang Xiaofan meant: This is a hotel, what do you think we are here for?

"Brother Xiaofan, I am very happy!"

Suddenly, Li Tingting hugged Zhang Xiaofan tightly.

"as long as you are happy."

Zhang Xiaofan said with a smile.

He still doesn't know what Li Tingting is thinking.

Zhang Xiaofan thought that Li Tingting was excited and happy because he took her out to play.

"Brother Xiaofan, aren't we going to check in?"

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan leading her to the elevator without worry, Li Tingting asked.

Check in?

Just participate in the auction, why check in?

"Tingting, do you want to stay here for one night?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"Brother Xiaofan, don't you want to bring me here for a night?"

Li Tingting asked, blinking her beautiful eyes.


Zhang Xiaofan knew that Li Tingting had misunderstood.

"Tingting, I brought you here to participate in a special auction."

Zhang Xiaofan quickly explained.

Li Tingting:
"Brother Xiaofan, I'm thinking wrong."

Although she misunderstood, Li Tingting herself did not feel embarrassed.

Originally, this was just her own random thinking.

If they want to do that, it will be a matter of course, and it will be so abrupt.

"It's okay, if I were I would think so too."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

Bringing my girlfriend to such a luxurious hotel.

It's not strange to be misunderstood.

Li Tingting was not angry, but continued to hold hands tightly with Zhang Xiaofan.

Take the elevator to the tenth floor.

This is a conference hall of the hotel.

Established for large-scale events.

The special auction held by the Qin family this time requires an invitation letter.

"Brother Xiaofan, do you have an invitation letter?"

Li Tingting found that the people who came here to participate in the auction were basically rich or expensive.

In other words, the people invited by the organizer are all well-known figures in Nandu.

And Zhang Xiaofan
"Of course I have brother Xiaofan."

Zhang Xiaofan took out two invitation letters.

These invitations were obtained with the help of the black market, they cannot help Zhang Xiaofan get black iron needles, but the invitations are still easy.

Just like that, Zhang Xiaofan and Li Tingting walked into the venue arm in arm.

"it's beautiful!"

The security guard couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

I can see that there is a halazi.

It's not that I have never seen a beautiful woman, but I have never seen such a young and beautiful woman.

It was an otherworldly beauty.

Today's auction is different from ordinary auctions.

It is in the form of a reception and an auction.

It is also understandable that a reception was added to the auction.

Zhang Xiaofan took a cup of coconut juice for Li Tingting.

Then he scanned the people who came to the auction today.

Half of them practice martial arts.

"Brother Xiaofan, what are you looking at?"

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan's eyes scanning the audience, Li Tingting asked curiously.

"It's nothing, let's see if there is anyone I know."

Zhang Xiaofan said with a smile.

"Brother Xiaofan, do you have anything you want to photograph when you come here today?"

Li Tingting asked while drinking white coconut juice.

"Yes, there is, but I don't know if it will appear."

"Also, I mainly want to bring you here for fun. If you see something you like, let me know, and brother Xiaofan will take a picture for you."

Zhang Xiaofan said lightly.

"Farewell, the things auctioned here should be quite expensive."

Li Tingting quickly refused.

The other girls must be very happy to hear that.

But Li Tingting didn't like it.

It's not that she doesn't like it, but that she thinks it's unnecessary.

And waste of money.

She knew that Zhang Xiaofan's group was in the expansion stage and needed to invest a lot of money.

"Don't worry, you won't be short of money if you come to this auction today."

Zhang Xiaofan took out a special bank card and said.

"It was given to me by a friend I know, and he said that as long as I like it, I can shoot whatever I want."

This special bank card was given by the master of the black market.

Zhang Xiaofan doesn't know how much he can brush.

But definitely a lot.

"Okay, I'd be more than happy to spend someone else's money."

Li Tingting stuck out her tongue and said mischievously.

Suddenly, Zhang Xiaofan sensed the aura of an ancient warrior master.

He looked back.

Immediately, his eyes locked on a middle-aged man in strange clothes not far away.

The aura of an ancient martial artist emanated from him.

What is the specific strength, Zhang Xiaofan does not know.

The other party deliberately hides it, and it is difficult to perceive it.

Although I don't know its specific strength, it must be very strong.

"Ye Chen!"

Suddenly, Zhang Xiaofan spotted Ye Chen.

Unexpectedly, the bastard Ye Chen also came.

Could this be fate?
In the last auction, Zhang Xiaofan made a fool of Ye Chen and lost face.

What will happen today?
And, who is the person next to Ye Chen?
After seeing the man's face clearly, Zhang Xiaofan recognized it.

The chairman of Zhentian Group, Ye Zhentian!

(End of this chapter)

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