Murano's little genius

Chapter 545 The Weird Ye Zhentian

Chapter 545 The Weird Ye Zhentian

Knowing that it was Ye Zhentian, he glanced at the middle-aged man next to him.

Zhang Xiaofan thought of the ancient village.

How could Zhentian Group not have a few masters to protect it.

And, today's one is definitely better than Gucun.

After all, this one is by Ye Zhentian's side.

This auction was initiated by the Qin family, and Ye Zhentian's wife is from the Qin family.

It's not surprising that he came.

As a well-known figure in Nandu, sensible people stepped forward to greet Ye Zhentian.

If you don't get favor, you can't offend Ye Zhentian.

At this moment, a man stepped forward to greet Ye Zhentian.

"Ye Dong, hello, I am the boss of Kanghua Company"

However, the words did not finish.

Ye Zhentian glanced coldly: "Get out of the way!"

The man began to shiver.

"Not everyone can know me, Ye Zhentian!"

Ye Zhentian said coldly with his hands behind his back.

Hearing this, the boss quickly retreated.

His company has encountered difficulties recently, and he thought he could take this opportunity to get to know Ye Zhentian.

However, Ye Zhentian didn't care about him at all.

Even scolded.

Seeing this situation, many bosses who wanted to step forward withdrew their feet.

Going up again is just asking for humiliation.

At this time, Ye Chen finally saw Zhang Xiaofan.

For a split second, Ye Chen stared at Zhang Xiaofan, gnashing his teeth.

That gaze is obvious, it is wishing to go forward and kill Zhang Xiaofan.

Later, Ye Zhentian also saw Zhang Xiaofan.

He frowned and glanced at Zhang Xiaofan, then walked towards Zhang Xiaofan.

The corners of Zhang Xiaofan's mouth turned up, and he smiled meaningfully, it seems that today is interesting.

The imposing Ye Zhentian walked up to Zhang Xiaofan, and said indifferently: "You are Zhang Xiaofan, right? The future can be expected!"

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan said lightly: "It's okay, thank you Dong Ye for your appreciation."

Since people say good things, we can't let them down.

However, Ye Zhentian must have come from a bad place.

"In a short period of time, it has gained a place in Nandu, which is gratifying."

"I heard that you have good strength."

"This is a master of my Zhentian Group. He has admired you for a long time and wants to compete with you."

"I wonder if there is time?"

Ye Zhentian said lightly.

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan frowned, but then said: "Okay! Director Ye set a time."

"Okay, if that's the case, then tonight, I happen to have something to talk to you about."

Ye Zhentian said with a smile.

"no problem."

Zhang Xiaofan replied lightly.

Of course Zhang Xiaofan would say the words in the scene.

Of course, whether or not he will go depends on Zhang Xiaofan's mood.

Who doesn't know that you, Ye Zhentian, have no good intentions.

If you go, you will hit the trap.

In addition, just now from Ye Zhentian's gaze and smile.

Feel a kind of self-confidence.

Confident that one day he can make Zhang Xiaofan pay the price.

And why is he so confident?
Moreover, he was a master at killing his Zhentian Group.

Just now, he didn't show that kind of hateful attitude and words.

"Brother Xiaofan, was that just now Ye Zhentian, the chairman of the well-known Zhentian Group in Nandu?"

After Ye Zhentian and the others left, Li Tingting asked.


Zhang Xiaofan nodded.

"Didn't you tell me that you had conflicts with Zhentian Group?"

"Why didn't you see it just now?"

Li Tingting continued to ask.

Zhang Xiaofan looked at Ye Zhentian's back in the distance and said calmly: "How can Ye Zhentian say that he is also the chairman of Zhentian Group, and he is a bit of a city man."

"What he thinks in his heart, of course he won't show it casually."

"I figured they had some plan for me."

Li Tingting nodded.

At this time, a host on the stage spoke.

Auction begins.

A total of ten goodies today.

All were provided by the Qin family.

"Tingting, let's get closer."

After speaking, Zhang Xiaofan took Li Tingting's hand and walked forward.

"The first lot, a piece of jade."

"The starting price is 100 million, and each increase cannot be less than [-]."

As soon as the host finished speaking, many people started talking.

A knowledgeable person will know at a glance, whether it is color, transparency, or others.

You don't even need to go up and look carefully to know that this piece of jade is very ordinary.

It's like the lowest grade jade discarded in the jade market.

"How could the Qin family auction such low-quality jade? Are they looking down on us?"

"The Qin family is a super big family anyway, so they shouldn't do such a thing, right?"

"I have been in the jade business for decades, and I can tell at a glance whether the jade is good or not."

Several people were whispering and did not dare to discuss loudly.

Not to mention telling the bad things about the Qin family.

After all, whoever dares to offend the ancient super-big family might not be able to leave the hotel today.

"110 million!"

While everyone was discussing, someone made a bid.

It's not that he knows the goods, but he thinks that since the Qin family put this jade up for auction, it should be a good thing.

Anyway, 80 is not a lot of money.

Just buy it.

If you miss it, you will earn it.

"120 million!"

"130 million!"

Next, several people came to shoot with the same mentality.

But more savvy people will not think that there is anything wrong with this jade.

Even if you can pick it up, it's not worth much.

It's really a very good thing, the Qin family doesn't take it out easily, even if it does, it won't be just for 100 million.

Zhang Xiaofan looked at this piece of jade.

Xin Shengyi had an inexplicable feeling that this piece of jade was not simple.

It seems that there is something elusive and good in it.

However, if there is really something good in it, the Qin family has no reason to bid such a low price.

Zhang Xiaofan was somewhat conflicted.

In the end, he still believed in his feelings.

"Tingting, do you think I'll take a picture of this jade and ask someone to make it into a jade pendant for you?"

Zhang Xiaofan said to Li Tingting with a smile.

"Xiaofan, 100 million is too expensive."

For a thrifty girl like Li Tingting, buying 100 million yuan just to make a jade pendant is too extravagant.

(End of this chapter)

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