Chapter 575
The Qilin Cave is so dangerous, even if the people of Tiandao have the determination to come, do they have the strength to pick the fruit from the Qilin Cave?

"If the destination of the Tiandao people is the Qilin Cave, then there must be some kind of martial arts masters with terrifying strength among their people."

"Because if they didn't have a little bit of confidence, they definitely wouldn't leave so blatantly."

Zhang Xiaofan posed this question to Dongfang Zhi.

And Dongfang Zhi also threw this question to the Nandu Military Region.

The answer given by the Nandu Military Region was that if their target was really Qilin Cave.

Even if they have a very powerful martial arts master, then this task is the easiest.

So why is that so?

The danger of Qilin Cave is self-evident.

If the purpose of those Tiandao people going there is really for the unicorn fruit.

That must have been a narrow escape.

Even if it is lucky to come out later.

Then come a praying mantis and a cicada and an oriole behind.

This is actually simpler.

Qin Hai and Liu Qilin also received such news.

If the people from Tiandao Kingdom go to the Qilin Cave.

Then the plan they just made was stillborn.

Of course, those ancient big families knew about Qilin Cave.

In addition, Qin Hai and Liu Qilin are both members of the Martial Arts Training Bureau.

They had heard of Qilin Cave long ago.

"Those people from Tiandao Kingdom dare to go to Qilin Cave!?"

Lin Qilin said in disbelief.

Liu Lingzhi frowned slightly and said, "If this is the case, then our plan has to be changed again."

"If the purpose of these people from the Tiandao Kingdom is really Qilin Cave."

"Then no one needs to take action, they are basically dead inside."

"According to what I've heard, many years ago, when the Hundred Thousand Mountains were not included in the restricted area, some powerful martial arts masters entered the Qilin Cave, but they all entered the Qilin Cave, but they all had no life to return."

"Among them are two experts from the fifth and sixth floors of the True Yuan Realm."

Qin Hu immediately said: "I've heard about this too, it was a year ago."

"So, even God is helping that kid Zhang Xiaofan!"

Hearing this, Liu Qilin clenched his fists tightly.

Including Qin Hai, more and more anger rose in his heart.

I thought there would be a better plan to kill Zhang Xiaofan, but now it is not good for them.

"But it's okay, since it's the Qilin Cave in Shenglong Lake, there is still a clever plan."

Before setting off, the Liu family and the Qin family specifically instructed Qin Hu and Liu Lingzhi to adapt to the situation and do it neatly.

The Hundred Thousand Mountains, in the perception of ordinary people, are the three major primeval forests of the Kyushu Kingdom.

But in the eyes of those who know some inside information, it is a place full of infinite secrets and treasures.

Of course, it is also a potentially extremely dangerous place.

Walking to the Holy Dragon Lake in the center of Shiwan Mountain, at the speed Zhang Xiaofan and the others don't need to rest, there are still about four hours.

If it is at the speed of ordinary people and there is a break in the middle, it is estimated that it will take more than ten hours.

When passing a waterfall.

Three Xuelong commando members needed to fetch water on the spot because they were thirsty.

For them, performing tasks in the wild is a normal phenomenon.

What's more, the mountain spring water from the [-] mountain peaks is simply a treasure outside.

That is mountain spring water from the most primitive deep forest, which is extremely clear and sweet.

It is much better than those so-called Nongfu spring water, or Chitose Mountain.

Under the waterfall is a small pool.

The water in the pool is clear and cool, which makes people want to jump in and swim.

Suddenly, a giant with a snake body and a dragon head jumped out of the pond.

This giant is about ten meters long and thicker than an adult's thigh.

It has a wide open mouth with clearly visible sharp teeth.


The fastest reaction here is Ming Lie Tian.

The target of this giant is obviously the three members of the Xuelong Commando.

Ming Lietian, carrying a huge sword on his back, leaped high.

"Breaking the military!"

Ming Lietian, who drew out his huge sword, slashed at the giant directly.

His giant sword slashed out like a stormy sea.

This sword has the meaning of splitting the water of this lake.

The huge golden sword light split on the dark red scales of the giant, making an explosion-like sound.

hiss! !

However, looking closely at the scales of the giant being struck by the sword light, it did not suffer any damage.

The defense is so terrifying!
This sword is Ming Lietian's high-level spiritual martial skill!

(End of this chapter)

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