Murano's little genius

Chapter 576 Ming Lie Tian's Choice

Chapter 576 Ming Lie Tian's Choice
Hit by Ming Lietian's sword glow.

Let this giant scream loudly, it seems to be angry.

That voice was extremely ear-piercing, as if there were sound waves. For an ordinary person, the eardrums would have been pierced long ago.

Although Ming Lietian's sword glow didn't hurt the giant, it at least gave the three Xuelong commando members a chance to react.

After the three reacted, they immediately retreated several meters.

Pulling out the attack weapon pinned to his waist, he aimed at the giant.

This giant monster with a snake body and a dragon head has a ferocious face and looks scary.

Tebby is its pair of green laughing eyes like copper bells, and its sharp teeth.

It's so creepy to watch.

"This is the green-eyed flood dragon!"

One of the Xuelong Commando members said in shock.

Green-eyed flood dragon?

What is this stuff?
Perhaps, at this time only Zhang Xiaofan has not heard of this thing.

It is also understandable how long it took Zhang Xiaofan to formally step into this cultivation world.

Many things and things have never been heard, the more normal.

"Bastard! How could this legendary green-eyed flood dragon appear here!"

The member of the Xuelong commando continued.

Zhang Xiaofan quickly asked: "Senior Ming, what the hell is this green-eyed flood dragon!"

Ming Lietian replied: "In the documents of the Martial Arts Training Bureau, it is recorded that in the depths of the Hundred Thousand Mountains, there is a monster with a snake body and a dragon head, because its eyes are green and its body looks like a dragon, so it is called a green-eyed dragon. "

"A mature green-eyed flood dragon is said to possess the strength of a cultivator in the True Origin Realm!"

The strength of a cultivator in the Realm Realm!

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan's back felt cold.

Why should I explain this here?

"However, according to the data, green-eyed flood dragons generally live in the depths of the Hundred Thousand Mountains."

"Now this place is just going in a little bit from side to side, why did it appear here?"

Ming Lietian said.

"Senior Ming, the strength of this green-eyed flood dragon is comparable to those at the True Yuan Realm."

"Then what shall we do?"

The member of Xuelong commando asked.

This huge green-eyed flood dragon is no different from that monster.

It is simply "luck" to meet here.

"This green-eyed dragon is about ten meters tall, while the mature green-eyed dragon is more than 20 meters long."

"Obviously, this green-eyed flood dragon is basically in his youth."

"Compared to the mature stage, the strength of the green-eyed flood dragon in the juvenile stage must be much weaker."

From the observation just now, Ming Lietian could tell the age group of this green-eyed flood dragon.

"Senior Ming, your blow just now was so terrifying, it couldn't even break its scales, let alone seriously injure it."

"And you are a four-star cultivator, the pinnacle of the aerodynamic realm."

"Although this green-eyed flood dragon is still a teenager."

"But if we want our entire army to be wiped out, that's more than enough."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"The strongest thing about the green-eyed flood dragon is that it has terrifying defensive scales."

"Although it is only a juvenile green-eyed dragon, its strength and defense are always online."

"I'm just a practitioner of the pneumatic realm, and it's impossible to break through its scales."

Ming Lietian shook his head.

"Senior Ming, according to what you say, if it wants to kill us, is that more than enough?"

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"That's true. According to its strength, it will eat us all, and we can't escape at all."

"However, this beast has weaknesses."

"This beast has tens of thousands of indestructible scales, but there is one that can be easily broken."

"That's its weakness."

"As long as we find that piece of scale armor and attack, we will have a chance to kill it."

Ming Lietian said seriously.

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan's tense nerves relaxed a little.

However, there are tens of thousands of scales, and one of them is the weak point.
Zhang Xiaofan quickly glanced at the snake body of the green-eyed dragon.

The scales on its whole body are all dark red scales.

How to find this?
It's okay to give time to try one by one.

But now the situation is extremely critical.

How can I give you time to try?
Isn't this a dream?

At this moment, the green-eyed flood dragon was furious.

Its green eyes, the size of copper bells, looked at Zhang Xiaofan and them like a death stare.

It opened its huge mouth, showing its sharp teeth and sticking out its sword-like tongue.

It seems to be saying: You are dead!
"You guys go first, I guess I can delay it for a while!"

Ming Lietian showed firm eyes, revealing the aura of seeing death as home.

The hand holding the sword trembled slightly.

It takes a lot of courage to say that.

"Senior Ming, our Xuelong commando team is by no means greedy for life and afraid of death."

"Every time we go out on a mission, we are the ones who write the suicide note."

"We will never leave you alone like this."


The three Xuelong commando members said loudly.

There is no backing off.

"Are you stupid!"

"Didn't you see the horror of the green-eyed dragon?"

"I can't hurt it with all my strength. If you stay here, you will die."

"I know you are not afraid of death, but this kind of meaningless death is not worth it!"

"Come on!"

"If you hesitate any longer, none of you will be able to leave when this bastard charges up and launches an attack!"

Ming Lietian yelled at the three members of the Xuelong Commando.

Looking at Ming Lietian holding the huge sword at this time, Zhang Xiaofan's heart trembled slightly.

He never thought that Ming Lietian, a four-star cultivator, would be such a person who was quiet and reticent along the way.

He was sacrificing himself to save the lives of the other four.

(End of this chapter)

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