Domineering CEO fell in love with me

Chapter 491 The Surprise Prepared by Mr. Gu

Chapter 491 The Surprise Prepared by Mr. Gu
Ye Wanqing had a long, long dream.

It was longer than the dream of the car accident. She dreamed that Ye Zhensheng did not abandon Lu Qiuhe. She grew up in a very loving environment of her original family. , her biggest worry every day is whether the test scores will be better this time, and she never has to worry about other things.

No one bullies her and she has many good friends.

My mother is very strict. She has no puppy love, and has been admitted to a very good university. She majored in acting, which she has always liked. Before leaving school, she went to the set with her classmates to play tricks.

She worked very hard, but there were too many people who worked hard. She came out of school and became an unknown person, drowned in the crowd, and no one could recognize her.

Then she saw Gu Mo, Ruan Xi, Zhou Xiaoxiao, and Nie Zheng on TV. She felt that these names were very familiar, as if they had known her before, but none of them knew her.

Later she saw someone introducing the youngest and most promising wealthy businessman in Licheng, a man named Gu Jinyuan.

This man is a clean man, has never married a wife, and has no children.

While participating in a TV interview, she saw the man facing the camera and telling everyone on the giant LED screen in the center of the city: "I have been waiting for my Mrs. Gu."

Then her heart suddenly started to hurt violently. She didn't know why it happened, but she wanted to cry very much. It seemed that she failed that man and made him wait so long.

Then those words kept ringing in her ears, lingering, the world around her began to collapse, and her soul lost weight.

Ye Wanqing opened her eyes in a burst of panic, and the medical equipment around her made a rushing sound. She looked at the ceiling and couldn't recover for a while.

The medical staff rushed in quickly, carrying various equipment to help her check her body and measure her body data.

Then, Lu Qiuhe rushed in, threw herself to the bedside, and was very careful not to touch her like a fragile object.

"Wanwan, are you awake?"

She asked in a low voice, tears rolled down from the corners of her eyes uncontrollably, but the corners of her lips were raised to show a happy smile.

Ye Wanqing didn't know how long she had been lying down, but she felt that Lu Qiuhe had aged a lot, and her temple hair was all white.

"Mom, I'm awake."

Ye Wanqing opened her mouth and said, but she couldn't make a sound, her throat was very dry, maybe she lost her voice because she hadn't spoken for a long time.

"It's good to wake up, it's good to wake up!"

Lu Qiuhe nodded uncontrollably, tears fell on Ye Wanqing's face, scorching hot, making her whole heart soften.

After all, she woke up from that illusory dream. She didn't have a complete family, she was actually an illegitimate daughter, and she didn't have a perfect childhood either. She was bullied at school, and then she met Gu Jinyuan just after graduating from high school. man.

The dream is so illusory and beautiful, but she still chooses to face reality.

Two days after waking up, Ye Wanqing realized that she had been lying in bed for half a year. The wound on her head had long since scabbed, and her hair had grown back to cover up the horrific scar.

Two days later, her physical statistics were basically stable. Lu Qiuhe helped her go downstairs to bask in the sun. After not walking for a long time, her legs were so weak that she had to lean half of her body weight on Lu Qiuhe.

After she woke up, the three children were immediately taken to the hospital to see her. They grew a little taller, and when they saw her wake up, they all giggled and were very happy.

Zhou Xiaoxiao came the next day. Seeing Ye Wanqing crying and laughing, she blamed her for a long time, blaming her for doing the operation alone without telling her illness.

Ye Wanqing made an apology in a good voice, and coaxed him to make sure that she would never dare again in the future.

Gu Mo and Ruan Xi came in the afternoon, Ruan Xi was used to playing tricks, and she scolded Ye Wanqing quite a bit, but Gu Mo kicked her out of the ward, and Ye Wanqing was left clean.

Gu Mo didn't accuse Ye Wanqing so much, just like Lu Qiuhe, he only said four words: "Just wake up."

Lin Huai and Ye Heng also took time to visit Ye Wanqing once, and even the employees of the studio came to see Ye Wanqing.

For a full half a year, if Ye Wanqing didn't show up, the studio should be automatically disbanded, but they are still there, and they have been merged into a part of the Gu family. Following the route planned by Jin Yuan at the beginning, Chu Yuan wrote a new script Come out, everyone has read the book, it's very good, Gu's senior executives held a meeting to evaluate the investment, and planned to use this script to make a low-cost movie to come out and watch, the original staff of the studio did not move, and Gu Jinyuan was very good Arranged to the post that he should have.

Ye Heng originally had the opportunity to audition for a role, but Gu Jinyuan didn't give him the chance, and only gave him a choice to be behind the scenes.

Ye Heng has no objection, and now he is doing well behind the scenes.

Ye Wanqing originally didn't want Gu Jinyuan to intervene, but she didn't expect such a thing to happen, it was all due to Gu Jinyuan that she didn't die without a problem.

Gu Jinyuan is very good, much better than she imagined, she always wanted to say thank you to him after waking up.

But everyone had come to see her, but he seemed to automatically block the news of Ye Wanqing waking up, never showing up in the hospital.

Ye Wanqing couldn't help feeling anxious while waiting, she had been lying on the bed for half a year, Gu Jinyuan wouldn't have met a more suitable candidate for Mrs. Gu, right?
If so, what should she do?
The wound from the operation had already healed. Ye Wanqing stayed in the hospital for another week of observation, and after confirming that nothing was wrong, she was told that she could be discharged and go home to recuperate.

It happened to be Qixi Festival that day, and Lu Qiuhe's flower shop was very busy, so Ye Wanqing went to go through the discharge procedures by herself, and changed into the dress she wore when she attended Gu Mo's birthday party.

It’s already autumn, but fortunately it’s almost noon when I came out of the hospital, the sun didn’t feel cold at all, Ye Wanqing hasn’t bought a new mobile phone yet, Lu Qiuhe gave her a card before, she is hesitating whether to go to the nearby area first I bought a mobile phone at the mobile phone shop in the mobile phone store, and a little girl wearing a small floral skirt and double ponytails came over and gave her a balloon with a smiling face on it.

"Beautiful sister, I will give you a balloon, and I will live happily every day from now on~"

The little girl said, "It's so cute, Ye Wanqing took the balloon and wanted to talk to her for a while, but the little girl ran away immediately, and then several people brought balloons to her.

Although Ye Wanqing had been lying down for half a year and her mind was not very clear, she still vaguely guessed something at this time. This should be a surprise prepared for her by Mr. Gu who hadn't shown up for so long.

Ye Wanqing walked forward according to the instructions of those people, and the balloons in her hands soon became more and more, which were quite eye-catching on the road.

Under everyone's curious and envious eyes, she walked to a park near the hospital.

This is a residential area. At this time, the people playing in the park are some white-haired old men and old ladies. They all hold a gorgeous rose in their hands. Instead of giving the flower to Ye Wanqing, they kept giving it to Ye Wanqing. Ye Wanqing winked and signaled her to go inside.

(End of this chapter)

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