Chapter 492
This park is not big, and there are many banyan trees planted in it, with tall branches and luxuriant branches and leaves in this season, covering some sunlight and casting mottled shadows on the ground.

Ye Wanqing took the balloon and walked forward. Not long after walking, she saw a swing carefully decorated with white lace ribbons under a crooked banyan tree. There was a balloon on each side of the swing. Ye Wanqing walked over and hesitated for a moment. sit down.

As soon as I sat down firmly, there was a bang on the top of my head, and the colorful ribbons swirled and fell with the wind, and then there was soft and pleasant music, the music in the most traditional music box, and the swing started to shake automatically.

Ye Wanqing instinctively grabbed the ropes on both sides. Amidst the sound of music and ribbons flying all over the sky, Gu Jinyuan walked towards her step by step with a bouquet of bright roses.

Every step is very slow, but also very steady.

To others, Ye Wanqing slept for half a year, but to Ye Wanqing, she was just a dream that lasted a little longer.

When I opened my eyes again, I found that Gu Jinyuan had lost a lot of weight, but he has dressed up carefully today. The luxurious suit, meticulous hairstyle, and even the folded shape of the handkerchief on the neckline of the suit are perfect and impeccable. Yearn for.

Gu Jinyuan walked up to Ye Wanqing step by step, and the swing slowly stopped. At some point, Lu Qiuhe, Gu Mo, and Zhou Xiaoxiao all appeared in the park, holding roses in their hands, looking at Gu Jin expectantly. Yuan and her, waiting for what will happen next.

Those things that Ye Wanqing thought she would regret for the rest of her life are being eliminated one by one by this man named Gu Jinyuan.

In front of everyone, Gu Jinyuan knelt down on one knee in front of Ye Wanqing, held up the bouquet of roses, and said word by word: "It is said that marriage is the grave of love. The love between us was born of a transaction. Died of deceit, now sprouting again, are you willing to be buried in Gu Jinyuan?"

Born in trading, died in deceit, buried in Gu Jinyuan.

What an emotionless sentence this sounds, but in Ye Wanqing's ears, it is more touching than any sweet words.

"Mr. Gu, what you said, I can understand that you are asking if I would like to be buried with you after I die?"

"That's understandable."

"What if I don't promise you?"

"Then I'll beg again until I get your answer."

Gu Jinyuan said firmly, his tone was deep, his eyes were deep, like an unfathomable vortex, but only Ye Wanqing was reflected.

Ye Wanqing's heart was trembling, her heart was weak, after going through this again, how could she be willing to torment him like that?

Ye Wanqing got off the swing, bent down to take the bouquet of roses, and stretched out her hand for Gu Jinyuan to put the ring on her ring finger, allowing him to embrace her in her arms, and whispered in his ear: "Mr. Not long, I hope we are all doing well."

"No way, Wanwan, you agreed so easily? Isn't it too cheap for him?"

Zhou Xiaoxiao muttered dissatisfiedly, with a hint of arrogance, and received Gu Jinyuan's slap, and immediately grabbed Nie Zheng's arm and yelled: "Husband, look at him, he is fierce again Don't let me tell the truth! When he and Wanwan hold a wedding ceremony, I, as my natal family, must block the door and make things difficult for him!"

As soon as these words came out, they immediately got the support of Ruan Xi and Gu Mo. They had long disliked Gu Jinyuan, and they wished to have a wedding as soon as possible and torment Gu Jinyuan.

Lu Qiuhe was happy to see the remarriage of the two of them succeed. After this incident, she didn't wish for anything else, but hoped that Ye Wanqing would live a peaceful and happy life for a few days.

The marriage proposal was successful, and a group of people went to the hotel they had booked for a meal to celebrate. Gu Jinyuan didn't drink, and kept holding Ye Wanqing's hand tightly. Too excited to sleep, Gu Jinyuan brought the three children back to the villa.

Ye Wanqing lay on the bed feeling a little unreal, she divorced Gu Jinyuan and remarried, it was like she just woke up, and couldn't believe her craniotomy was successful.

Lu Qiuhe took apart the bouquet of roses and put them in a vase. Knowing that Ye Wanqing had just been discharged from the hospital and her body had not fully recovered, she asked Ye Wanqing to drink a cup of hot milk and go to bed quickly.

Ye Wanqing's spirit was indeed not very good, she lay down on the bed after washing and soon fell asleep.

The next day, Lu Qiuhe didn't call her. Ye Wanqing fell asleep until dawn, and went out in a daze in her pajamas. At a glance, she saw Mr. Gu and Lu Qiuhe sitting face to face, and Gu Jinyuan sitting on the sofa next to her.

Ye Wanqing hadn't seen Mr. Gu for a long time, and she was so frightened that her first reaction was that Mr. Gu came to the door and wanted to say something unpleasant. Her heart tightened, but she heard Mr. Gu say: "The bride price is 60 to [-], and the wedding car is [-]." Don’t worry about cars, one hundred banquet tables, and jewelry, all the properties under this kid’s name can be written in your daughter’s name, do you think there is anything else that needs to be added?”


Ye Wanqing's words stuck in her throat, and she turned into surprise. Mr. Gu came to discuss wedding matters?She didn't go through these procedures when she married Gu Jinyuan for the first time, but she became more particular about her second marriage?
"The amount of gift money is very auspicious. The children are so old, and the wedding is just a formality. It doesn't matter whether the real estate name is Wanwan or not. If you can come and talk to me about the marriage in person today, old man, I don't have any requirements. As a mother, what I want from the beginning to the end is just an attitude of your Gu family, and I don't want Wanwan to be wronged in the future."

Lu Qiuhe's tone is calm and her voice is soft. She has treated people kindly and kindly all her life, and she has never been too sharp in this matter. The first time Ye Wanqing and Gu Jinyuan obtained the certificate without her knowledge, she just endured it. For the second time, she absolutely wanted to fight for everything her daughter should have.

Appointments, engagements, banquets, the etiquette and procedures that should be there are all indispensable.

Even if it is a second marriage, she wants her daughter to marry in a good manner!
"We have done this, so naturally we won't let her be wronged. Besides, I'm here today to make a scene. From now on, the two of them will live on their own. Even if I want to take care of this brat, I won't let me intervene. As long as If he doesn't mess himself up, no one can make Mrs. Gu feel wronged."

Old Master Gu sighed and said, at this point, he has no right to speak, so he just begs Gu Jinyuan to stop making trouble.

After speaking, she looked at Ye Wanqing who had been standing beside her for a long time: "Do you have any other requests?"

"Huh? I... I don't have any requirements."

Ye Wanqing scratched her hair, feeling flustered as if she was absent-minded in class and suddenly called by the roll call, and then heard Mr. Gu say: "Then pack up and go, the guests are waiting at the hotel."

"..."? ? ?
guest?What guest?Where are you waiting?

(End of this chapter)

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