Domineering CEO fell in love with me

Chapter 493 Gu Jinyuan, I Love You

Chapter 493 Gu Jinyuan, I Love You

Ye Wanqing didn't know what other people's remarriages and second marriages were like. She never expected that she and Gu Jinyuan would remarry. The Gu family held a very grand engagement banquet.

The engagement banquet was held at the open-air restaurant on the top floor of the largest five-star hotel in Licheng. Lu Qiuhe had no relatives, only the Gu family and a few friends of Ye Wanqing attended the banquet, but all the Gu family attended the banquet.

The Gu family has a huge number of branches, and each branch has its own property. They are very busy on weekdays, and they may not even get together during the Chinese New Year. Only when the old man celebrates his birthday will all the members attend once. Everyone is here.

The others were not familiar with Ye Wanqing, only Gu Jinsi had met Ye Wanqing a few times and talked to her a few times, and when he saw Ye Wanqing, he came over with champagne, looked Ye Wanqing up and down, and clinked glasses with her: "Sister-in-law, you are amazing, You can gather everyone in our family together, except for the old man, you are No.1, and the Gu family will respect you from now on."

He has strengthened his mother tongue practice in the past two years, and his speech has lost the strange accent before, and he has become proficient in using words and sentences.

Ye Wanqing didn't expect Gu Jinyuan to make the scene so big, she clinked a glass with him and sipped champagne: "I just came out of the hospital, I didn't know about these things before."

It's even better if you don't know it!

Who can make Gu Jinyuan, a great Buddha, to do these things voluntarily? He is clearly protecting you as an eyeball. Let alone the old man, the entire Gu family will respect you when they hear the words Ye Wanqing.

Gu Jinsi pursed his lips and didn't say these words. He passed Ye Wanqing to look at Gu Jinyuan. Gu Jinyuan had just finished dealing with the family's uncles. Come here.

Gu Jinsi started teasing, and leaned slightly to get closer. Ye Wanqing instinctively leaned back to avoid it, but was still chased by him, and whispered into her ear: "He has a bad temper and a cold personality, so be careful not to be bullied~ "

After saying this, Gu Jinsi immediately withdrew and left, hiding beside the old man before Gu Jinyuan arrived.

Ye Wanqing was still distinguishing whether his words were out of good intentions or malicious instigation, her waist tightened, and Gu Jinyuan walked up to her with a chilling aura, and pulled her into her arms irresistibly. Ye Wanqing shrouded herself into her own protection zone.

"Are you done?"

Ye Wanqing raised her head and asked, her voice was gentle, and the corners of her lips also rose. Gu Jinyuan collided with Gu Jinsi's eyes from a distance, warned Gu Jinsi with his eyes, and then took Ye Wanqing to the rest area Sitting down, skillfully replaced the champagne in Ye Wanqing's hand with hot milk.

"Should I be able to drink?"

Ye Wanqing is a little itchy, she still drinks hot milk on this occasion, does this person treat her like an underage child?
"No!" Gu Jinyuan answered firmly, seeing her unconvinced, he added, "Every time you drink, nothing good will happen, do you want to try?"

Ye Wan remembered the last time she drank with Zhou Xiaoxiao at the bar, her face became hot, she shook her head repeatedly, and obediently finished the glass of milk in her hand.

The engagement banquet was grand, but the media was not notified. It was just that the two families sat together, witnessing the marriage contract of two young people.

After the banquet, the members of the Gu family withdrew immediately, and Lu Qiuhe and Mr. Gu had nothing to say, but before Mr. Gu left, he gave Ye Wanqing a mahogany box. When he opened it, he found a very fine jadeite bracelet inside. Green, lustrous and full.

Needless to say, this kind of fine jadeite is expensive, I'm afraid it was handed down by the ancestors of the Gu family.

By showing this, Mr. Gu tacitly accepted the fact that Ye Wanqing became the granddaughter-in-law of Gu's parents.

Ye Wanqing was a little surprised, her chest was slightly hot, and she blurted out: "Grandpa!"

Mr. Gu's brows trembled, as if he didn't expect Ye Wanqing to say such a sentence. Ye Wanqing was also a little scared by herself, but she didn't feel embarrassed even after shouting, and smiled generously: "I'll accept the gift, of course You should change your mind and ask Grandpa to take care of you in the future, if there is anything wrong with it, please don't be as knowledgeable as a junior like me, just be more forgiving."

"Calling me Grandpa just wants me to be more tolerant. It's a beautiful idea!"

Old Master Gu snorted, didn't say yes or no, turned and left on crutches, but Ye Wanqing clearly saw the corners of his lips raised, and couldn't help but bend her eyes.

The old man is actually more arrogant than she imagined.

The members of the Gu family left in a hurry. Ye Wanqing and Gu Jinyuan arranged a car to send Gu Mo and Zhou Xiaoxiao away. Ye Wanqing originally wanted to go home with Lu Qiuhe, but Gu Jinyuan asked someone to take Lu Qiuhe back to the flower shop and drove by himself. Take Ye Wanqing out of the hotel.

"The banquet is over, where should we go?"

Ye Wanqing was puzzled, but Gu Jinyuan didn't speak. After a while, the car stopped, and through the window, Ye Wanqing saw the big signboard of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Ye Wanqing was stunned, she hadn't officially come to this place with Gu Jinyuan, she thought that this time it would be the same as last time, and she would receive a marriage certificate directly, but she didn't expect that Gu Jinyuan would come with her in person.

Gu Jinyuan walked around the front of the car and opened the door. Ye Wanqing was inexplicably flustered when she got out of the car. She lacked confidence and made excuses: "I didn't bring my household registration book."

"It's all taken care of for you, don't worry."

Gu Jinyuan took out the household registration book from his pocket and shook it. Ye Wanqing had no excuses and followed Gu Jinyuan in.

I don't know if it was a good time today or Gu Jinyuan said hello beforehand. The Civil Affairs Bureau was empty and there were no new couples. As soon as the two entered, the staff enthusiastically asked them to sit down and sent two Forms for them to fill out.

Although Ye Wanqing is married twice, it is the first time to fill in these things. She feels like she is taking the exam without reviewing for the first time. She couldn't help but secretly go to see Gu Jinyuan. The staff next to her immediately reminded her to fill in her own. Looking at other people, Ye Wanqing immediately lowered her head and filled in her information in a regular manner.

After filling it out, there was no problem with the review, and the staff asked the two to sit together and take a photo.

It is generally required to have a red background and a white face. Gu Jinyuan took off his suit jacket, and Ye Wanqing's engagement dress happened to be white, so there was no need to change it. The two of them sat together, and when they faced the camera, Ye Wanqing's expression stiffened from nervousness.

"Don't be nervous, both of you, just smile and keep your heads closer!"

The staff reminded her briskly that before Ye Wanqing moved, she felt Gu Jinyuan's head leaning towards her.


The camera freezes, and 10 minutes later, Ye Wanqing got a freshly released marriage certificate for her second marriage.

The two walked out of the Civil Affairs Bureau together. Ye Wanqing was still holding the marriage certificate in a daze, and asked Gu Jinyuan in a dull voice: "Mr. Gu, are we...really married?"

"Did we ever fake it?"

Gu Jinyuan asked back, Ye Wanqing suddenly remembered what he said that he actually fell in love with her at first sight.

It was true that he fell in love with her at first sight.

Wanting her to be the mother of his own children is real.

It is also true to want her to become Mrs. Gu by means of a transaction.

He wanted to marry her, no matter which way he achieved it, the feeling that he wanted her to be by his side all the time was true.

"Mr. Gu, have you ever told me that I love you?"


"Then can you tell me once?"

"……I love you."

"Gu Jinyuan, I love you!" Ye Wanqing hugged Gu Jinyuan's neck, tiptoed to touch the tip of his nose, and smiled, "Mr. Gu, you have to be like me when you confess your love." Say oh."

Gu Jinyuan's eyes darkened instantly, he grabbed Ye Wanqing's waist and lifted her up, his voice hoarse: "Ye Wanqing, I love you!"

I didn't understand love before, so I did a lot of things that hurt you. Fortunately, I still have a chance to do it all over again. In the future, I will do my best to protect you.

End of text

(End of this chapter)

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