Douluo: Beast God Rebuilt, Attack Goddess Ning Rongrong

Chapter 10 Tang 3's provocation, once and for all

Chapter 10 Tang San's provocation, once and for all

The next day.

Just after dawn, Su Chenxing turned around, looked at Ning Rongrong who was curled up in his arms like a kitten, and looked at the red rose on the bed sheet, showing a faint smile.

Suddenly taking the initiative to be like last night, wishing to squeeze him until there was not a drop left, it was obvious that he had something on his mind.

Su Chen understood where Rongrong's sudden enthusiasm came from.

Xiao Wu's appearance gave her a sense of crisis, and she wanted to integrate into his life circle as soon as possible.


In the end, this girl is asking for trouble.

Wanting to squeeze him dry, but now she is curled up in his arms like a puddle of mud, which is the best proof.

"Hey, Brother Su Chen, are you awake?"

Rong Rong suddenly twisted in Su Chen's arms, opened his sleepy eyes, and looked at Su Chen in a daze.

With her face leaning against Su Chen's chest, a line of happy tears flowed down.

Su Chen wiped away the tears with a flick of his fingers, and did not continue to torture Ning Rongrong's poor little body.

"Take a good rest, I'll do something first."

Su Chen whispered, patting Ning Rongrong's jade back, reassuring her a lot before getting up and leaving.

Watching Su Chen leave, Ning Rongrong had a contented smile on his face, but soon a slumped look appeared on his face.

I am really useless!

Just when Ning Rongrong was upset, Bi Ji opened the door and came here, holding a pot of bright green water in her hand, and came slowly.

"Sister Brigitte, what do you want?"

Ning Rongrong sat up from the bed with difficulty, looked at Bi Ji's appearance at this time, and asked curiously.

Bi Ji smiled, sat on the edge of the bed and gently supported Ning Rongrong: "My lord asked me to help you recuperate your body."

"You are really bold. If you want to challenge the majesty of an adult in this kind of thing alone, if I don't give you a restorative treatment, your body will be useless."

Hearing this, Ning Rongrong blushed, hummed softly, and turned her head away in embarrassment.

Challenge alone...

After that, wouldn't it be...

two hours later.

In the hands of Bi Ji, a beast who is extremely good at healing, Ning Rongrong's body has almost recovered to its peak state.

It's the same as it was in its prime, except that something is missing.

After all, it was Bi Ji who made the move. If she tried her best to treat her, even if she wanted to die alone, it would be extremely difficult.

What's more, Ning Rongrong's one-night experience, if she had started treatment at that time, she could only stick to Ning Rongrong for one night, and there would be no problem if she persisted for three or five nights.

Just after Bi Ji finished recuperating her body for Ning Rongrong, Su Chen entered the room with her back foot.

He said he was going to do some work, but actually he asked Bi Ji to take care of Ning Rongrong's body.

Seeing Su Chen coming in, Ning Rongrong suddenly realized.

A sweet feeling fills my chest.

"Pack up, it's almost time to go to Notting College."

When Bi Ji and Ning Rongrong heard this, they both nodded, and didn't care about Su Chen's presence, and got out of bed directly.

The graceful carcass was exposed to the air, and she began to dress in front of Su Chen.

Under the attention of Su Chen and Bi Ji the whole time, Ning Rongrong's face was always blushing.

His face was dripping red, and after finishing the work quickly, he threw himself into Su Chen's arms, his head buried in his chest, unwilling to lift it up.

"Brother Su Chen is really bad, you will feel embarrassed if you look at me like this."

Su Chen patted Ning Rongrong's jade back lightly, smiled without saying a word, then exchanged glances with Bi Ji, then headed towards Notting College.


Notting College.

Missing about Su Chen in her heart, Xiao Wu didn't have a good rest all night.

Forgive the weather, as soon as the curfew was touched, I came to the gate of the college and waited.

Looking forward to the stars and the moon, looking forward to the arrival of Su Chen and the others.

If it hadn't been for the appointment yesterday that she would come to the academy, she wouldn't be able to resist going to the hotel to find someone now.

Like Xiao Wu who didn't rest well, there was Tang San, after Xiao Wu came to the school gate to wait, he also came to the school gate with red eyes.

Eyeballs were bloodshot, and a pair of teeth were clenched, as if he was waiting to kill his father and enemy.

Completely ignoring Tang San's performance, Xiao Wu continued to look outside the school gate, and after seeing the three figures of Su Chen appearing, she happily rushed towards Su Chen.

"Master Su Chen, you are finally here."

It was no different from yesterday, hanging in Su Chen's arms like a koala, with jade legs wrapped around Su Chen's waist, Qiong's nose twitched lightly, and then looked towards Ning Rongrong.

"Okay, come down quickly."

"Hanging on me all the time, what does it look like?"

Su Chen pretended to be angry and reprimanded lightly, Xiao Wu didn't know how to restrain herself at all.

It was so early in the morning, he hadn't had the best satisfaction from Ning Rongrong last night, and now Xiao Wu is hanging on him like this.

The plump place is just above the key position, so it is easy to stimulate his instinct as a dragon clan soul beast.

When Xiao Wu heard this, she squinted her eyes and pouted her lips: "My lord is biased, my lord kisses me once, and I'll come down."

Knowing what Xiao Wu was talking about, Su Chen smiled dumbfounded and kissed Xiao Wu's red lips.

Satisfied, Xiao Wu got down from Su Chen's arms happily.

Tang San, who saw all this and was waiting for Su Chen's arrival to implement the plan, was like a crazy beast.

There were roars in his throat one after another, and those who didn't know thought he was also a soul beast rebuilt.

Blue veins popped up, bloodshot eyes rolled, and he was furious.

Clenching his fists tightly together, Tang San managed to control himself after taking a few breaths of cool air.

In just a few seconds, he got rid of all his appearance of wanting to run away, and walked towards Su Chen and the others like a hypocrite.

"Everyone, next to Tang San."

"There was some unhappiness yesterday because of some things, and I hope you don't mind."

"I heard that you are Xiao Wu's elder brother, and I happen to be Xiao Wu's elder brother too, why don't we discuss our grievances?"

Taking the initiative to step forward, Tang San suppressed his anger, and said hypocritically to the extreme.

After I finished speaking, I was afraid that Su Chen would not agree here, so I added another sentence: "I think this friend shouldn't mind, after all, we have to protect our sister."

Talking with a half-smile, Tang San played 'hypocrisy' to the extreme.

Su Chen still didn't understand Tang San's meaning, there are many ways to wipe out grievances.

To learn from each other?
It is clear that he wants to vent his anger in this way.

Xiao Wu came to her senses, and immediately shouted: "Tang, what do you mean?"

"I said you are just my tool man, can you show some face?"

Tang San didn't know what shame was, still hypocritically said: "Xiao Wu, I know you are impulsive, I don't think I did anything wrong."

"As an older brother, it's only natural to protect your younger sister. If you don't have enough strength, you can't protect your younger sister!"

With that said, Tang San looked at Su Chen provocatively again.

It was Bi Ji who shot yesterday, as long as Bi Ji didn't make a move today, he didn't think Su Chen would be his opponent at all.

Just when Xiao Wu was about to continue, Su Chen put a hand on Xiao Wu's shoulder lightly: "If he wants to try, then let him try, otherwise this trouble will not stop."

"As long as...he is ready to pay the price of failure!"

(End of this chapter)

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