Douluo: Beast God Rebuilt, Attack Goddess Ning Rongrong

Chapter 9 Rong Rong's Dedication, Tang San's Insidious Plan

Chapter 9 Rong Rong's Dedication, Tang San's Insidious Plan
Why bother?
Tang San said comfortingly, Wang Sheng chose to ignore it.

What an idiot!

Do you really think that your appearance is unparalleled in the world?
The person named Su Chen is worthy of the title of Yan Shiwushuang!
Which woman is not moved by seeing it?
Silently muttering these in his heart, Wang Sheng didn't choose to say these words, but he still felt a little happy in his heart.

Tang San used to brag a lot in front of them, bragging about his relationship with Xiao Wu.

Okay now!
In the end, he didn't even get a good man card, and he could only take away the title of a tool man.

Really answered that sentence.

Not not reporting, time is not here!
Tang San didn't know what Wang Sheng was thinking at this time, after talking to himself, he left like a beast.

He found that many people around him were also looking at him, and he looked at them with full of viciousness.

Stared at by Tang San, the others were not weak, on the contrary there was a sense of rivalry.

"Oh, what the hell! I failed as a dog licker, and you still want to find a place with us?"

"Calm down, calm down, ever since this guy became a teacher of that master, hasn't he always been like this in school?"

"That's right, a master of more than 20 levels is really big!"

"Haha, low-key, low-key, Master Ren is a good friend of our dean."

The voices of ridicule came one after another, piercing Tang San's ears like steel needles.

Two fists were no match for four hands, so he chose to give up.

He left here bitterly, leaving only boundless anger in his pupils.

Seeing Tang San leave like a bereaved dog, the surrounding students were indescribably happy.

the other side.

Xiao Wu led Su Chen and Ning Rongrong for a stroll around Notting City.

The city where human beings live is indeed much more flavorful than the Star Dou Forest.

Fun, delicious, all kinds are too numerous to count.

For the whole day, except for Bi Ji who booked a hotel halfway, the three of Su Chen kept walking in the streets and alleys.

Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong were even more covered with shopping bags, and they developed the attributes of shopping to the extreme.

until night.

Back at the gate of the hotel with Su Chen, Xiao Wu was looking at Su Chen reluctantly: "Master Su Chen, the college has regulations, we work-study students are not allowed to stay outside, otherwise we will not be able to graduate."

"I'm going back today. I'll go through all the graduation procedures later, and then I'll serve you well."

Su Chen nodded in response to these things.

He didn't need those cumbersome graduation procedures, but Xiao Wu still needed it, and didn't have much objection.

After seeing off Xiao Wu, he and Ning Rongrong returned to the top suite in the hotel.

Brigitte had already arranged all these things in advance, and it was much more convenient for the two of them to move in.

After washing up, Su Chen was looking at the moonlight outside by the window.

The sky is full of stars, and from time to time you can see a shooting star passing by, embellishing the most beautiful stroke of the sky under the night.

The neon lights in the city are also visible.

While Su Chen was watching all this, a soft body hugged him from behind.

From the trembling body, Su Chen already knew who it was.

Before he could speak, Ning Rongrong, who was hugging him, had already said, "Brother Su Chen, let me serve you today...tonight!"

"Please...please don't pity me."

Speaking with courage, Ning Rongrong put her face on Su Chen's back.

Through a layer of clothes, Su Chen could feel the heat on Ning Rongrong's face.


He also felt that Ning Rongrong was not wearing any clothes at this time, and the perfect arc fell clearly in his heart through his perception.



The exact answer clearly fell into Su Chen's ears.

Sitting still?

This kind of thing is not his style.

What's more, his body is the Hunyuan Demon Dragon, a genuine dragon clan, with dragon nature...

The lights go out.

The moon in the sky hides shyly among the clouds.

The two shadows under the night, blended together.


Leave from the big hotel.

Xiao Wu walked down the street sullenly.

Thinking about how hard it was to meet Su Chen again, thinking that he had already rebuilt himself as a human being, thinking that he was about to realize his long-cherished wish.

At the last moment, due to the rules of the college, he had to return to the work-study student dormitory, and all the unhappiness in his heart burst out at this moment.

Back in the work-study student dormitory, Xiao Wu saw that all the work-study students hadn't rested yet, and her face was full of displeasure.

He went straight to lie down on his own bed, pulled off the quilt and covered his head.

Because she had always dreamed of dedicating herself to Su Chen, Xiao Wu did not put her bed together with Tang San's after entering the work-student dormitory.

Hiding in bed alone, thinking about many things silently.

Suffered a big loss during the day, so that the bones are still slightly aching now, Tang San is rubbing medicinal wine.

Because of Xiao Wu's matter, he was restless all day long.

Seeing Xiao Wu's return, the mood that had been gloomy all day relaxed instantly, but seeing Xiao Wu hiding under the quilt, his heart was pulled again.

Xiao...Xiao Wu was wronged by other men, and she didn't even call herself brother after she came back.

This is my little dance!
Roaring crazily from the bottom of his heart, Tang San hastily put down the medicinal wine in his hand, and walked to Xiao Wu's bedside: "Xiao Wu, did that man bully you?"

"If that man bullies you, you must tell brother, I can help you get back the place, and I can avenge you."

Chattering beside Xiao Wu's bed like an eighth woman, Tang San threw all the pot towards Su Chen.

In order to express his feelings, after babbling a lot, he moved his head to Xiao Wu's pillow and said in a low voice, "Xiao Wu, brother can help you kill that person!"

Xiao Wu's quilt was lifted suddenly, Xiao Wu looked at Tang San like an angry little lioness, the anger in her eyes was not concealed.

What the hell!
You still want to kill Mr. Su Chen?
The pillow moved towards Tang San's head, and Tang San staggered, Xiao Wu's angry voice sounded: "Tang San, my business is none of your business? Do you know that you are annoying?"

Afterwards, he covered his head with the quilt again, not wanting to talk to Tang San for a second at all.

none of my business?

I'm annoying?
Tang San staggered back, sat back on his bed with blank eyes, his body trembled.

The mood that took a whole day to calm down was turned upside down again, and the bloodshot eyes were rolled up again.

The plan that appeared in his heart during the day reappeared in his heart at this time, and it became more and more evening.

Thinking of the end, a stern light flashed across his eyes, the plan was completely settled in his heart, and he roared hysterically: "I Tang San, it is impossible for me to fail in my life!"

"Tomorrow, we must make that man look good!!"

(End of this chapter)

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