Douluo: Beast God Rebuilt, Attack Goddess Ning Rongrong

Chapter 8 3 Son, life must be a little green

Chapter 8 San'er, life must be a little green

As soon as Xiao Wu's words fell, a slender beautiful leg twitched towards Tang San.

"This is?"

Tang San's pupils suddenly widened many times, looking at the whip leg that was coming towards him, and seeing the owner of the whip leg, he froze in place.

A loud bang.

Tang San was like a cannonball in human form, he was directly sent flying by the whip leg, and hit a tree heavily, many greens fell from the branches, and put a green pure natural hat on top of his head.

After flying Tang San, Xiao Wu hurriedly threw herself into Su Chen's arms, with both hands hanging firmly around Su Chen's neck, her face pressed tightly against Su Chen's generous chest.

"Master Su Chen, Xiao Wu finally saw you again."

"That's the taste. Master Su Chen, your taste, Xiao Wu, will never be forgotten for the rest of your life. You miss me so much."

Muttering softly, Xiao Wu kept twisting her body, looking for the most comfortable position.

Let Xiao Wu lie on his body, Su Chen gently patted Xiao Wu's jade back with his palm.

I haven't seen her for several years, and Xiao Wu has grown into a big girl, and the legs wrapped around his waist are also full of elasticity.

The grapefruit that has begun to take shape is also very comfortable to massage.

"Leaving without my permission, have you thought about how you will be punished?"

Smiling slightly, Su Chen whispered.

Because of his existence, Xiao Wu's mother was not killed, but Xiao Wu still came out of the Star Dou Forest.

The root of all this is actually that Xiao Wu wants to rebuild her life and truly dedicate herself to him.

As far as he is concerned, there will be no problem in rebuilt as a human being walking in the bustling city.

Xiao Wu's daoism is still a lot immature.

It is also his rule to be punished!
Upon hearing Su Chen's words, Xiao Wu's little face drooped immediately, her little mouth pouted slightly, and she said coquettishly: "Master Su Chen, Xiao Wu is wrong, just forgive me once."

As she said that, Xiao Wu twisted her body in Su Chen's arms with all her strength.

On the other side, Tang San, who was sent flying by Xiao Wu, took a long time to recover slightly.

After confirming that Xiao Wu was really blown away by him, his mind was still buzzing.

what happened?

How could Xiao Wu do anything to me?
I'm his brother!
Countless confusions shrouded his heart, Tang San looked at Su Chen angrily.

Looking at Xiao Wu hanging in Su Chen's arms, looking at Su Chen talking and laughing with Xiao Wu.

Layers of flames spewed out from within the pupils!

It's him!

It's this man!

It was because of the appearance of this man that Xiao Wu suddenly attacked me. I must kill this man!
Gritting his teeth, Tang San stood up with difficulty, swept away the natural hat on his head with a wave, and walked towards Su Chen and the others with a gloomy face.

It’s tolerable, it’s unbearable!

Completely ignoring Tang San's existence, Su Chen was always placed first in Xiao Wu's heart from the beginning to the end.

In the words of the human world, Tang San is just a tool man beside her, at most the type that can be issued a good person card in the future.

Su Chen is the only man in her heart!
After continuing to act coquettishly in Su Chen's arms for a while, Xiao Wu noticed Ning Rongrong standing beside him.

"Hey, I think I've heard of you."

"You seem to have made a marriage contract with adults."

"Let me introduce myself, I'm Xiao Wu, how about you?"

Reluctantly, Xiao Wu slid off Su Chen's body, and stretched out her hand towards Ning Rongrong.

Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu shook hands: "My name is Ning Rongrong, and I am... Brother Su Chen's fiancée."

"Alright, Xiao Wu has sisters too."

Xiao Wu hugged Ning Rongrong happily, and then whispered in Ning Rongrong's ear: "So it's Sister Rongrong, from now on we must get along well and serve you well."

Blushing, Ning Rongrong didn't understand what Xiao Wu said.

Knowing that Xiao Wu was also rebuilt by a 10-year soul beast, Ning Rongrong didn't mind calling Xiao Wu her sister, but the decision she made in her heart was completely firm at this time.

Brother Su Chen is very good.

Surrounding such an excellent person, there will definitely be no shortage of confidante.

I must work harder, and I must not fall behind too much.

Whispering softly, Ning Rongrong carefully peeked at Su Chen's side face, his face turned red for no reason.

Xiao Wu was not as shy as Ning Rongrong, and noticed Ning Rongrong's expression, she couldn't help but said: "Sister Rongrong, if you want to see it, just look at it boldly, after all Master Su Chen has always been very handsome."

After being caught, Ning Rongrong hastily lowered her head again, she still couldn't do Xiao Wu's rogue rabbit at all.

Su Chen laughed dumbfounded when he heard it.

A rogue rabbit is a rogue rabbit. He has been rebuilt as a human, but he still has the essence of a rogue.

Thinking of some things in the Star Dou Great Forest in the past, thinking of what Xiao Wu did when she was a soft bone rabbit, she was also extremely helpless.

"Okay, Xiao Wu, you two sisters can take it easy in the future, and now you should settle your matter first!"

Su Chen glanced at Tang San indifferently.

Xiao Wu understood, she only glanced at Tang San, and then turned her eyes back: "Master Su Chen, please don't get me wrong, he is just a tool of mine."

"In real comparison, he is not even one trillionth of your adult, and there is no comparison."

After answering, Xiao Wu crossed her willow waist and stared at Tang San: "Xiao San'er, my real brother is here, your mission is completed."

"In the future, we will be fine!"

What? ! !
Xiao Wu's words hit Tang San's heart like a heavy hammer.

Just now, after being pumped away, the overwhelming feeling in his body was suppressed, and at this moment, it swept up again.

Pupils popped, breathing became abnormally rapid.

"Xiao...Xiao Wu, she said it has nothing to do with me?"

"Didn't that woman just say that she was Su Chen's fiancée? Xiao Wu would rather share the same man with her?"

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

Tang San was trembling on the spot crazily, his facial expression twitched crazily, and the veins on his forehead popped up one by one, like an old bull that was extremely angry.

Xiao Wu didn't care what kind of stimulation her words had on Tang San, after explaining all these things, she took the initiative to pull Su Chen's hand and put it on Ning Rongrong, and then pulled the other hand :

"Master Su Chen, Sister Rongrong, may I take you for a stroll around Notting City?"

With that said, the group of four walked towards the outside of the academy.

Tang San, the poor dog, completely became the background board.

Watching Xiao Wu and the others leave, Tang San roared like a wild animal, his eyes were bloodshot, his hands clenched tightly, his nails deeply embedded in the flesh.

Wang Sheng, who had been in the air for a long time, came up, and patted Tang San on the shoulder helplessly: "San'er, didn't you say before that if you want to live a decent life, you have to have a little green on your head, look away." Bar!"

Hearing this, Tang San almost ran away.

Go fuck green, that's what I say to people, how can this happen to me?
I am the one who came to this different world with the essence of the Tang Sect, so I should be the man of destiny!
Looking viciously at the backs of several people, Tang San sucked in a big mouthful of air, with many thoughts racing through his mind.

"Xiao Wu must have been bewitched. As long as I prove all this, I'm still the final winner!"

"I, Tang San, will not lose!!"

(End of this chapter)

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