Douluo: Beast God Rebuilt, Attack Goddess Ning Rongrong

Chapter 23 Xiao Wu's Initiative, Depart Shrek

Chapter 23 Xiao Wu's Initiative, Depart Shrek

Shrek Academy?
Bi Ji looked at Su Chen's profile in surprise.

In her mind, she thought that Su Chen would choose some top academy like the Royal Academy of Heaven Dou Empire for Xiaowu.

Even if Tiandou Royal Academy recruits students for nobles, it will be very easy for Su Chen to arrange Xiao Wu.


She never expected that the answer given by Su Chen was Shrek Academy.

Without continuing to ask more about this kind of matter, Bi Ji knew that Su Chen would definitely not let Xiao Wu suffer.

Deepest in my heart, I just firmly remembered the name of Shrek Academy.

Somewhere, she felt as if she suddenly understood something, but she didn't dare to be sure.

Handle the world, cloth years.

Su Chen felt like this to her at this time.

Hiding these thoughts, Brigitte couldn't help looking in the direction of the Star Dou Forest.

Thinking of Gu Yuena over there, her mind became more active.

Not surprisingly, what the co-lord has been waiting for should soon be realized in the hands of the beast god, right?
Knowing that Bi Ji guessed some things, Su Chen didn't explain them all.

The idea of ​​returning to the God Realm and trampling all the hypocritical gods under her feet has always been Gu Yuena's long-cherished wish.

In fact, this is not Gu Yuena's idea, it is also Su Chen's idea.

After all, when crossing the catastrophe, it is not a fun thing to encounter hypocritical guys secretly doing things.

Even after being reborn as a soul beast, Su Chen has always had the attitude that people will not offend me, and I will not offend others.

Ever since he was attacked by a sneak attack a few hundred thousand years ago when he was crossing the catastrophe, he has no interest in those gods.

Sneak attack is cool for a while, the whole family crematorium.

By the time he completely dominates the God Realm, he will be able to settle all the old accounts from the past.

At dusk in the afternoon, Xiao Wu who took Ning Rongrong out to enjoy the fun of shopping came back bouncing around.

Based on the idea that it is a bastard not to take advantage of the advantage, after returning to the hotel, Xiao Wu directly hung on Su Chen, very intimate.

Ning Rongrong would have come to tell some joy, but she was nowhere to be seen.

I found that Su Chen was a little curious about Ning Rongrong: "Master Su Chen, have you never understood my intentions?"

"Rongrong has discussed it with me."

Hearing this, Su Chen's mouth twitched slightly, fully understanding the truth of Ning Rongrong's sudden disappearance.

These two girls have plotted against him!



Silent all night.

Until the morning star rises and the sky is gray and bright,

Seeing Xiao Wu curled up in his arms, Su Chen smiled slightly.

Facts have proved that the longer the years of practice.

A 99-year cultivation is not something Xiao Wu, a little rabbit with a 10-year cultivation, can challenge.

Xiao Wulai was unwilling to leave in Su Chen's arms, and then kissed in Su Chen's arms, and said charmingly: "Master Su Chen, I heard from Master Bi Ji that you have chosen a school for me?"

"Well, Shrek Academy, you should know."

Su Chen replied: "When the time comes, you will go to Shrek to study, and I will also take care of some things, and train you personally along the way."

When Xiao Wu heard this, her apricot eyes suddenly showed excitement.

She didn't care much about the college, let alone the school that Su Chen personally chose for her.

Not to mention Shrek or not Shrek, even Kleish is fine.

After all, this is Su Chen's special care.

The most important thing is that when Su Chen said that he would train her personally, it made her very active.

After a little bit of excitement, Xiao Wu's face flushed twice.


Because of graduation, going to any intermediate soul master academy needs to leave a record among the junior students.

About choosing Shrek, Xiao Wu also went to the academy to report after a tiring night.

After reporting, she has nothing to do with Notting College at all.

Just when Xiao Wu reported this information, a talkative person passed the news to Tang San's ears.

Yu Xiaogang also knew about this matter, because Tang San's shoulder blade was injured, Yu Xiaogang decisively brought the news to Tang San.

Hearing that Xiao Wu was going to Shrek Academy too, a look of excitement flashed in Tang San's eyes lying on the hospital bed.

"Teacher, you must have planned to let me go to Shrek Academy before?"

Yu Xiaogang replied: "Yes, Shrek Academy is definitely the most suitable academy for you, there is no one."

"You are looking forward to it because of Xiao Wu's matter. The teacher is a waste in his mouth and cannot protect you. After you go to Shrek, everything will be different."

Falsely blaming himself, when the word 'trash' was mentioned, a stern look flashed in the deepest part of Yu Xiaogang's eyes.

Tang San, who hadn't noticed this yet, saw Yu Xiaogang's self-reproach, and quickly said: "Teacher, those people are short-sighted, they don't care about your greatness, Teacher."

"Since you have arranged this, teacher, after I recover from my injury, I will also set off for Shrek Academy."

Seeing that Tang San was very upright, Yu Xiaogang smiled 'gratifiedly'.

After continuing to speak a few words with Tang San, he walked to the window and stood alone.

Looking in the direction of Shrek Academy, his mind became active.

"Su Chen, Su Chen, it's not good for you to choose. If you choose Shrek, if you choose Shrek, you are doomed to fail."

Up to this moment, Yu Xiaogang still doesn't know who the real boss of Shrek Academy is, and he is still complacent about himself.

And Tang San looked at Yu Xiaogang's back, resisting the pain and tightening his hands.

Those three words kept echoing in his heart.

Thinking of Yu Xiaogang's various evaluations of Shrek, he only has endless energy in his heart.

"I suffered losses twice in a row, all because of my lack of strength. When my strength improves to a higher level, that's when I take off."

"Hedong in 30 years, and Hexi in 30 years, I will also rise up, and then I can settle all the old accounts before."

"Xiao Wu's place, the one surnamed Su, must have a perfect result!"


a few days later.

Tang San, who had recovered a lot from his injuries, came carefully to the gate of Notting College.

He who was supposed to continue to cultivate, specially ran here today to hide.

Watching batch after batch of graduates leave the academy, he didn't care at all and just waited intently.

After waiting for a long time, seeing the carriage driving away from the academy, looking at Xiao Wu and the others in the carriage, the fighting spirit in their eyes was rising steadily.

It wasn't until the carriage left for a long time that he turned around and left from the school gate, while secretly swearing in his heart.

After recovering from the injury, go to Shrek immediately.

Shrek has all the chances to avenge their shame!

(End of this chapter)

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