Douluo: Beast God Rebuilt, Attack Goddess Ning Rongrong

Chapter 24 Arriving at Shrek, Zao Wou-ki was stunned

Chapter 24 Arriving at Shrek, Zao Wou-ki was stunned

a few days later.

A village outside the city of Soto.

The luxurious carriage team drove out of the city, and the people sitting in the carriage were Su Chen and his party who came here from Notting City.

After coming out of the city, the scenery of the countryside leaps into everyone's eyes.

Seeing that the distance from Soto City was getting farther and farther, Xiao Wu's eyes were filled with anger and confusion.

Tilting her head and looking at the scenery outside the window, Xiao Wu pouted and asked, "Master Su Chen, the Shrek Academy you are talking about is not in this kind of village, is it?"

"Looking at this rural area, is there really a college in such a place?"

Su Chen smiled slightly, and didn't explain too much about this kind of thing.

In terms of environment, Shrek Academy is indeed very unpopular, even inferior to the Junior Soul Master Academy.

In terms of the strength of the teachers, the strength of all the soul emperors and above is a very good team of tutors.

Not to mention, there are still three soul sages.

Not long after, the carriage team had already arrived at Shrek Academy, seeing the big wooden plaque hanging at the entrance of the village not far away, Xiao Wu opened her mouth, extremely surprised.


There really is a school!

It's not yet the enrollment season, and the Shrek Academy at this time is very peaceful.

If it weren't for the big wooden plaque of 'Shrek Academy' hanging at the entrance of the village, no one would have thought that this would be a school for soul masters.

at this time.

A man in the black iron tower crossed his legs and closed his eyes to rest. It was Zhao Wuji who was known as the Fudo King.

In the entire Shrek Academy, Flender is the boss, and Zhao Wuji is the second.

Sensing the arrival of the carriage team, Zhao Wou-ki slightly opened his drooping eyelids.



Getting up and moving his muscles and bones, Zhao Wou-ki's bones made a crackling sound.

Walking to the front of the horse-drawn carriages with strides, a sonorous and forceful voice sounded: "Everyone, it's not the time for enrollment yet. If you want to enroll in our Shrek Academy, please come during the enrollment period."

After the well-regulated words, Zhao Wou-ki took a second look at Su Chen and his team.

Noticing the luxury of the carriage, he added another sentence: "Our Shrek Academy also recruits monster-level students. If you want to go through the back door, you don't have to come here to waste time when the school starts."

After finishing these things on his own, Zao Wou-ki went back to sitting on the money-saving stool, and Erlang's legs turned up again.

In the carriage, Su Chen looked at Zhao Wou-ki with a half-smile.

It's really that familiar taste, a typical rectal type.

Regardless of Sanqi 21, first give the rules and everything, and don't care whether you offend others or not.

Even though they were not the ones who wanted to come and go through the back door, but when they really met this kind of people who wanted to go through the back door, Zhao Wou-ki's actions would definitely offend them again.

After getting off the carriage, Su Chen didn't talk to Zhao Wou-ki, but looked at the academy behind him indifferently.

Brigitte and the girls also got down from the carriage, and all the women surrounded Su Chen.

Bi Ji's maturity and intellectuality, Xiao Wu's and Ning Rongrong's innocence and cuteness, and the three of them have a very good figure, just like the Star Office guarding Su Chen in the middle.

Although he closed his eyes again, Zhao Wou-ki still opened a slit curiously.

Seeing Su Chen's appearance, surrounded by three delicate beauties at such a young age, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, thinking that someone with a background came here and wanted to go through the back door.

In his opinion, those who really came here to study would not travel with three women, but three beautiful women.

For a normal person, having such a woman by his side would be a blessing.

Gathering three at once, what could it be without a background?
"It's really strange. I, Zao Wou-ki, am also a good-looking talent. Why have I been single for so many years?"

After muttering something in a low voice, Zhao Wou-ki closed his eyes again, and did not continue to focus on Su Chen.

After hammering some things down, he still abides by his principles very much.

What Shrek Academy wants is to put an end to any related students, back students.


Just as Zhao Wou-ki muttered, a stream of purple light galloped from inside the academy.

The purple streamer, accompanied by the powerful fluctuation of soul power, awakened Zao Wou-ki in an instant.

"Dean, why did you come out?"

"There are a few here who seem to want to go through the back door, are they looking for you?"

Seeing Flender flying out of the academy, Zhao Wou-ki immediately reported on the current situation.

As soon as the words fell, Flender's spittle flew over.

"You idiot, why don't you go through the back door or the back door?"

"This revered lord is here, can he still go through the back door?"

After scolding Zao Wou-ki, Flender set his eyes on Su Chen, and then looked at Brigitte next to Su Chen.

Although Su Chen has re-cultivated as a human being, his appearance at this time is the same as the one he transformed into in the past.

Then he looked at Brigitte standing beside Su Chen. Flender was also very familiar with Brigitte and had seen her before.

After confirming his identity thoroughly, and feeling a kind of natural throbbing from Su Chen, Flender immediately said reverently: "Flender, I have met you!"

Afterwards, he explained to Zhao Wuji again: "Stupid man, this lord is the real ruler of our Shrek Academy that I told you before."

"Your eyesight really needs to be improved. This lord still needs to go through the back door. The idea of ​​creating Shrek was all given to me by this lord."


Flender's words immediately woke up Zhao Wou-ki.

Shrek Academy only recruits Monster Academy, even if the academy can't get rid of it, it will never be shoddy.

There are many students who apply every year, but almost no one can pass the entrance test.

Zao Wou-ki also knew Flender's original intention to establish Shrek, and also knew how much Flender sacrificed in order to implement this idea.

After all, it would be a joke for a dignified soul sage to turn into a black businessman.


He never expected that such a concept would be spread to Flender from Su Chen.

Eh, no!

Didn't Flender say that the idea of ​​Shrek Academy was obtained from the supreme being in the Star Dou Forest?


Thinking of this, Zao Wou-ki's copper-bell-sized eyeballs widened a lot, and the look in his eyes when he looked at Su Chen changed again and again, a coolness rose from the soles of his feet, and he froze in place.

The person in front of me, in my eyes, is the person who came through the back door, the supreme existence in the Star Dou Great Forest?

Su Chen, is that Lord Beast God? !
And I just said that the other party came through the back door?If I didn't pay attention, I offended someone again? !

This luck... is a bit too good!
(End of this chapter)

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