Douluo: Beast God Rebuilt, Attack Goddess Ning Rongrong

Chapter 3 Ning Rongrong's Curiosity, Sword Douluo Attacks!

Chapter 3 Ning Rongrong's Curiosity, Sword Douluo Attacks!

This is?

The servant girl was taken aback suddenly.

His body was frozen in place, and his limbs were icy cold.

Looking at Su Chen who was already walking towards the inside of the mountain gate, and Ning Rongrong who was lying on Su Chen and making faces towards him, inexplicable fear lingered in his heart.

Titled Douluo?

How can it be?

The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect is the top three sects in the entire Douluo Continent, not only because of the world's number one martial soul, but also because of the existence of two super Douluo, Gu Rong and Chen Xin.

On weekdays, she also had certain contacts.

Don't be too familiar with Title Douluo's aura, it's already engraved in her bones.

Just standing there indifferently, the existence of Titled Douluo is enough to make many people unable to resist.

If the soul ring is released again, that kind of aura can even make a low-level soul master die suddenly on the spot.

But now...

From Su Chen, a teenager who was only in his teens, she found that she actually felt the same aura as the two super Douluo in the sect.

The shock in my heart can no longer be added.

How could it be possible to have the aura of a Titled Douluo at such a young age?

Recalling the feelings of that moment, the maid only felt horrified, as if she had been stared at by a giant beast.

Landslides and tsunami-like momentum hit like waves.

It wasn't deliberate, but just a little inadvertent action, and it has such an imposing manner.

How powerful would it be if it could truly unleash its aura?

The maid shivered for a while, not daring to continue thinking about this issue, and hurried towards the core of the sect.

A certain place at the core of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, in Ning Rongrong's boudoir.

It's still hanging on Su Chen like a koala, no matter what Su Chen says, this little witch just won't come down.

The soft body kept writhing in Su Chen's arms, her pretty face was dripping red.

"Brother Su Chen, did you notice that you suddenly became so handsome just now?"

Ning Rongrong held Su Chen's neck with both hands, and said with a sweet smile, "That has my invincible domineering, like that time in the Star Forest."

Gently pinching Ning Rongrong's nose, Su Chen couldn't help but smile: "Then you mean that I wasn't handsome enough before?"

"No no!"

Ning Rongrong hurriedly replied: "Brother Su Chen, you are the most handsome at any time, hehe."

Saying that, Ning Rongrong gnawed on Su Chen's face again, dragged Su Chen's body to fall on the bed, and fought with Su Chen.

There is no doubt that the little girl's thoughts are evident.

After playing around for a while, Ning Rongrong sat up from the bed, tidied her hair, and suddenly became much more serious:
"Brother Su Chen, the rules of our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School are a bit difficult for people. You said don't worry, have you already thought of a solution?"

"Suddenly remembered that in the Star Dou Great Forest, you seemed to have no one to accompany you, but you were not worried about those soul beasts at all. Could it be that Brother Su Chen also had someone secretly protecting you?"

Su Chen smiled and said, "You will know soon."

Unable to know the desired answer, Ning Rongrong pouted slightly, but quickly forgot all these things.

In her mind, she only believed in one thing.

Su Chen said it's okay, then it must be okay.

Just like the time in the Star Dou Great Forest, Su Chen also said it was fine, and finally she did come out of the Star Dou Great Forest safely.

Believe in Su Chen, it must be right!

In the core hall of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

Ning Fengzhi held a silver stick in his hand, quietly listening to the report of Ning Rongrong's personal maid in the hall.

Having been in a high position all year round, he did not show any dissatisfaction, but was analyzing these things rationally.

Ning Fengzhi didn't show anything yet, but Gu Rong and Chen Xin, who were also in the main hall with him, couldn't sit still.

The scalps of the two became numb at the same time after the maid reported what happened in front of the mountain gate.

Gu Rong stomped his feet suddenly, and nine spirit rings erupted in an instant, and they looked at Chen Xin facing each other:

"Chen Xin, look at the good things you old bastard has done."

"As I said before, let the disciples of the sect catch a soul beast and bring it back. You have to show your ability and take Rongrong to the Star Dou Forest yourself."

"I was chased to the ground, and even our Rongrong was almost in danger. Now I have lost all my heart outside. You must take full responsibility for this matter!"

Bone Douluo started to erupt, and Chen Xin was not ambiguous.

The same nine soul rings emerged, resisting Gu Rong's aura, and said angrily: "If you want to go out with me, you won't be together, or I will be chased and run away?"

"Old Bones, you are also responsible for this matter!"

The two super Douluo are fighting each other in the main hall, and no one is afraid of the other.

Ning Fengzhi couldn't help but wryly smiled when he saw the two uncles making a fuss again.

I've been making noise all my life, but I still enjoy such a mouthful.

"I'm responsible for all the shit!"

Bone Douluo immediately retorted: "You old man, you know how to distort the truth. Anyway, if you don't solve this matter, if our Rongrong's heart is really lost, I will nagging you forever."

"Also, don't forget about Rongrong's marriage contract, if that one is unhappy, you and I will have nothing to eat!"

Wuming became angry, and anger rushed into his heart.

Because of what happened in the Star Dou Great Forest last time, knowing that Chen Xin was chased by Di Tian and fled, Ning Rongrong almost couldn't come back in the Star Dou Great Forest.

These days, Gu Rong has been holding his breath.

To him, Ning Rongrong is a little princess who is afraid of falling when holding it in his hands, and afraid of melting when holding it in his mouth.

It's almost impossible to come back, this kind of thing is not so easy to forget!
just now……

Because of the maid's report, Gu Rong completely broke out his depression.

No matter Sanqi 21, anyway, this matter was created by your dust heart.

If there is a problem, I will find you!
The corners of Chen Xin's mouth twitched wildly, and he also thought of the one in the Star Dou Great Forest, the aura all over his body rose and fell like waves, and he was so angry that he blew his beard and stared.

I really don't know where Rongrong met this person.

In the whole world, how could anyone be able to compare with that one?

Grasping the Seven Killing Sword in one hand, Chen Xin's violent temper also came up.

On the matter of Ning Rongrong, he and Gu Rong actually had the same idea.

The matter of the little princess must not be left like this.

At this moment, there was only one thought in his mind, and he wanted to see who actually stole his big cabbage.

"My responsibility is my responsibility!"

"Anyway, you, an old bone, only know how to shirk responsibility. I admit this time!"

"Look, I'm going to solve this matter completely!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Xin walked out of the hall with the Seven Killing Sword in hand, and the nine soul rings were also hovering around her all the time.

I, Sword Douluo, a Level 96 Super Douluo, am very depressed and angry now!

There are also many inner disciples outside the main hall, and they also know more or less about the things before the mountain gate.

At this time, seeing Chen Xin, the protector of the sect, coming out angrily, everyone couldn't help shrinking their necks.

Title Douluo went crazy, this matter is a bit big!

Many pairs of eyes couldn't help looking towards Ning Rongrong's boudoir.

(End of this chapter)

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