Douluo: Beast God Rebuilt, Attack Goddess Ning Rongrong

Chapter 4 reveals his identity, Sword Douluo is shocked!

Chapter 4 reveals his identity, Sword Douluo is shocked!

Arriving at Ning Rongrong's boudoir, Chen was so anxious that he broke open the door with a burst of sword energy.

In the entire Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, the ones who love the most are Chen Xin and Gu Rong.

Normally, he would never be able to do such a thing, but today's situation is very different.

Xiao Rongrong, who has always been very obedient, actually brought a strange man directly into the boudoir.

They all came from this age, boys and girls are in the same room, and no one can guarantee what will happen next.

Chen Xin was worried to the extreme right now, he didn't want the last thing he wanted to see happen.

If it really reached that point, the time when the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School will be wiped out will not be far away.

Back then, they had the cheek to stick up the marriage contract made by the adults in the Star Dou Great Forest. If they had made Ning Rongrong the woman of a wild man before fulfilling the marriage contract.

The Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, the entire sect was not enough to appease that lord's anger.

Seeing that Ning Rongrong and Su Chen were still neatly dressed on the bed, the heart hanging in Chen's heart fell down.

"Grandpa Jian, what are you doing?"

The door of the room was split open suddenly, Chen Xin rushed in again, Ning Rongrong quickly got off the bed, with her bare feet spreading her hands to protect Su Chen.

There was a look of shame and anger on her fair cheeks.

There are girls in every house, and the man they love is whispering in the room, but the elders barge in like this, no matter how thick-skinned they are, they can't stand it.

Chen Xin looked at Ning Rongrong with kind eyes, sighed faintly and said, "Rongrong, it's not that Grandpa Jian wants to take care of your affairs."

"You should also know that you have a marriage contract on your body. Grandpa Jian can't let you do anything wrong with this kind of thing. Old Bones also has this attitude in this matter."

The ferocious look he pretended in front of Bone Douluo disappeared when he arrived at Ning Rongrong.

The Seven Killing Sword dissipated into nothingness, and all the nine soul rings on Chen Xin's body were also taken away.

He has always regarded Ning Rongrong as his own granddaughter, so he can't act fiercely in front of Ning Rongrong.

After talking earnestly, Chen Xin added: "Rongrong, you have grown up too, you should know the rules of our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School."

"Although your grandfather and I can last for a long time, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect will continue in the future. Such a heavy responsibility can only fall on your shoulders."

After another sentence, Ning Rongrong's psychological defense began to lose some ground.

Being savage is being savage, but when it comes to matters involving the entire sect, she still can't be savage.

Seeing this, Chen Xin immediately added: "The kid in the back, our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School has always followed the rules I just mentioned."

"If you really don't want to cause a catastrophe, I advise you to leave voluntarily, otherwise you will be killed, and our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School can't protect you."

Ning Rongrong woke up and found that Chen Xin had taken the initiative to speak to Su Chen, so she quickly turned around and grabbed Su Chen's hands:
"Brother Su Chen, why don't we elope directly?"



Chen Xin almost couldn't spit out a mouthful of old blood, did she just say that she was lonely?
Is there any difference between elopement and current affairs?
Gently rubbing the back of Ning Rongrong's hand, Su Chen's mouth curled into a smile.

He did not expect Ning Rongrong to make such a decision.

As a beast god, if such a thing happened without his knowledge, even if he didn't care too much, he would destroy the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School in an instant.

Because, he is the absolute authority of the entire Douluo Continent!
Provoking his majestic existence, it is doomed not to have the right to survive on Douluo Continent.

Ning Rongrong didn't know his identity. He knew that his own sect would be implicated if he continued to be self-willed, but he still didn't regret it. Instead, he naively wanted to elope to take responsibility.

If there is a woman like this, what more can a husband ask for!
"Elope for what?"

"Don't worry too much, leave this matter to me to solve."

Su Chen carried Ning Rongrong to the bed and sat down, then stood up and stood with his hands behind his back.

Even though Chen Xin had already revealed his identity as a Titled Douluo, he still didn't show any signs of stage fright.

His expression is calm, like a banished immortal alive.

"You said that I would get killed?"

"In this world, the person who can kill me has not yet been born!"

Su Chen spoke calmly, and understood that Chen Xin did not see through his identity as a soul beast.

Different from ordinary soul beasts, after he has been recultivated as a human, his powerful strength and systematic assistance are no different from real human beings.

It's normal not to be noticed by a titled Douluo like Chen Xin.

Chen Xin heard the words, and suddenly smiled wryly: "Young man, don't be impulsive, you need to know that there are people beyond others, and there is a sky beyond the sky!"

"Rongrong's marriage partner, even our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, will be destroyed in an instant, you can think for yourself!"

After a short contact, Chen Xin already understood that Su Chen is an extremely confident person.

At first he didn't think there was anything wrong with it, but at this moment he was already objecting to it from the bottom of his heart.

Even if there is no marriage contract, he doesn't want to agree with Ning Rongrong's choice.

Excessive self-confidence is conceited!

As soon as Chen Xin finished speaking, a person came out from the backyard of Ning Rongrong's boudoir, holding a basin of clear water in his hand, it was Bi Ji.

Hearing what Chen Xin said, Bi Ji said in a gentle voice: "Chen Xin, your lord is right, there is no one who can kill him in this world."

"And, the rules of your Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, if even adults can't protect your Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, then it's even more impossible for anyone to be able to."

With that said, Bi Ji brought the clear water to Su Chen with a very respectful expression.

As soon as Bi Ji appeared, Chen Xin recognized the identity of Bi Ji's soul beast, and even saw through Bi Ji's real body.

The pupils suddenly widened many times, and the heart that had been let go hung up again.

"You... are you that Brigitte in the Star Forest?"

Chen Xin took a deep breath and asked in surprise, "Your Excellency?"

Before he finished speaking, Chen Xin suddenly looked towards Su Chen.

His body trembled slightly, and his eyes were shocked besides shock!
There is only one Beast God in the Star Dou Great Forest.

The only one who can make a ferocious soul beast like Bi Ji honored as a master is the Lord Beast God, who is the object of Ning Rongrong's marriage contract.

At this moment, if she still can't recognize Su Chen's identity, Chen Xin feels that she can really commit suicide on the spot.

He even said so much nonsense in front of this Lord Beast God so ridiculously that he directly offended the most unofficial person in the entire Douluo Continent.

Realizing the seriousness of the problem, Chen Xin hurriedly clasped her fists together and saluted, "Chen Xin pays homage to Lord Beast God, and thank you senior for your help in the matter of the soul ring."

"It's Chen's stupidity. I couldn't recognize your face, Lord Beast God. I offended you. Please forgive me!"

(End of this chapter)

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