Chapter 34 Zao Wou-Ki, Come Out!

Tang San successfully walked to the place where Zhao Wuji was in the fourth level.

Some of those who came to enroll in this group were able to pass the registration, but they couldn't pass the second and third hurdles.

Tang San's spirit power is already level 29, so he can directly skip the test until the last level.

Standing in the courtyard, looking at Zhao Wuji who was so close, Tang San's heart felt cold.

This Nima!
How to play? !
Thinking about the words Su Chen mentioned before, he felt that he was out of shape now.

Originally, he wanted to compete with Su Chen, but after realizing that he was not Su Chen's opponent at all, he changed his strategy slightly.

Some of Yu Xiaogang's words made him feel extremely at ease.

Twin Martial Souls!

It is destined that when he becomes a Titled Douluo in the future, he will be one of the top powerhouses in the Douluo Continent.

Today's backwardness is not real backwardness.

Decades later, Su Chen might be able to be trampled under his feet, but now he is just hiding his strength and biding his time.

but now……

Facing Zao Wou-ki, the examiner of the fourth level, he just felt cold inside.

Level 76 Soul Sage!

What kind of devil entrance examination is this to persist for a stick of incense?

"Okay, those other people have also been eliminated, and now you are the only one left."

After all the other students were eliminated, it was confirmed that Tang San was the only one in the fourth level. After Zhao Wuji stretched his muscles and bones, he twisted his neck.

"My name is Zao Wou-ki, the martial soul is powerful King Kong bear, and the level 76 battle soul saint."

"Originally that little guy Dai Mubai was in charge of assessing you, but I beat you half to death, so now I will reluctantly come to assess you."

"If there are many of you, I can let you go together, but it's only you, and I won't bully you. I can suppress your strength to the soul master level."

After briefly introducing himself, Zhao Wou-ki took out a stick of incense and stuck it in the courtyard.

Seeing that the incense was already burning, Tang San only felt one head and two big.

rely on ~
What are you playing!

Suppressed to the soul master, I am only a 29-level great soul master, and I am still more than 20 levels away from the soul king!

Zhao Wou-ki didn't give him too much time to think, the powerful Vajra Bear possessed his spirit, and walked towards Tang San step by step.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you that my Vigorous Bear defense is impeccable, and speed is my weakness."

"If you want to stick to a stick of incense, don't be too disappointed."

After all, Zhao Wuji was already attacking Tang San like a cannonball.

Seeing this, Tang San's hands suddenly turned into white jade, and his fingers gently stroked the soul guide.

Several concealed weapons crafted by him were pulled out and thrown towards Zhao Wuji.

Fighting across ranks, he feels Alexander.

"Interesting, and these gadgets!"

"However... in the face of absolute strength, these are all trivial skills of yours!"

A wave of light exploded, and Zhao Wuji's iron fist slammed on Tang San's face.

His cheeks, which were pretty decent at first, were immediately beaten to the point of drooling.

It's still the case that Zhao Wuji restrained his strength, otherwise Tang San's head would be sent flying with this punch, there would be no problem at all.

"Teacher Zhao, offended!"

Tang San flew far away horizontally, suddenly whispered, and his body moved quickly.

Hidden weapons one after another were fired from his hand, Zhao Wou-ki's pupils exploded when he saw the hidden weapons coming like a storm.

"Hey, I'm saving face for you kid!"

Zhao Wuji's fiery temper came up, he didn't care about 21, relying on the defense of the powerful Vajra Star, he rushed to Tang San's side with many hidden weapons.

With a muffled sound, Tang San was thrown flying by him fiercely.

Originally, Zhao Wuji faced the test of Tang San and others, and other people attracted firepower, plus the increase of Ning Rongrong's Seven Treasures Glazed Tower, finally let Tang San eat Zhao Wuji with a hidden weapon.

But this time.

He was the only one to accept the test and face Zao Wou-ki's wild bombardment.

The screams suddenly became the main theme of this place.

A full stick of incense passed, Tang San was half lying on the ground, his nose was blue and his face was swollen.

On the blue clothes, there are still a few footprints of Zhao Wuji, all of which were kicked out during the tyranny before.

After beating Tang San violently, Zhao Wuji saw that Tang San hadn't said the words to admit defeat, and suddenly looked at Su Chen hesitantly.

"Master Su, this kid seems to be quite stubborn. After being beaten up for so long, he didn't admit defeat, and he still has his breath."

"According to the rules, it seems that he... passed the test, you see?"

Zao Wou-ki knew clearly what happened at the gate of the school.

Knowing that Tang San might have grievances with Su Chen, he asked uneasily.

Hearing about Zhao Wuji, Su Chen smiled slightly, he was not so narrow-minded yet.

"Since he passed the test, it is enough to judge him to enroll!"

Su Chen whispered, but didn't say much.

Some did not understand Su Chen's meaning, Zhao Wuji sighed lightly, and finally held Tang San on his shoulder.

Just right.

Dai Mubai is still lying on the bed half dead, it is not impossible to send the current Tang San there to be Dai Mubai's company.

After everything about Tang San was settled, the enrollment of Shrek Academy officially came to an end this time.

Comparing with previous years, Shrek's recruitment scale is relatively large this time.

of course,

Tang San was the only one who took the test, Da Ming Er Ming, Xiao Wu Ning Rongrong, and Zhu Zhuqing were all able to enter without the test.


That night.

Su Chen was flipping through books in the bedroom.

For nearly a million years, the sea has changed.

There are many changes in Douluo Dalu, even though he has been paying attention, there are still some things that are not detailed.

At this moment, he was looking at these.

"Dong Dong Dong~"

"Master Su, I'm Zhao Wuji, are you there?"

Just as Su Mu was flipping through the pages, Zao Wou-ki's voice sounded.

Zao Wou-ki, who was uneasy in his heart, chose this time to come to the door because of the day's affairs.

Let Zhao Wuji enter the room.

Seeing Zhao Wou-ki scratching the back of his head, Su Chen couldn't understand what he meant.


Before Zao Wou-ki could speak, the window of the room Su Chen was in was suddenly blown by a gust of wind.

The window collided with the wall, making a clanging sound.

Zao Wou-ki, who had already prepared his emotions, found this sudden change, and immediately frowned a lot.

Looking out of the window, he looked at Su Chen cautiously.

In his heart, he only thought that all this was something that Su Chen was displeased with during the day.

But Su Chen didn't have any of these meanings at all, he just looked out of the window with a half-smile.

A moment later, a thick and hoarse voice floated into the room.

"Zhao Wou-ki, come out!"

(End of this chapter)

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