Douluo: Beast God Rebuilt, Attack Goddess Ning Rongrong

Chapter 35: Tang Hao Appears, Fighting Crazy to Death!

Chapter 35: Tang Hao Appears, Fighting Crazy to Death!
who is it? !
Zhao Wou-ki suddenly raised his head, his pupils looked out of the window.

Anyway, he is also a soul saint at level 76. After confirming it, he can be sure that this is not the ability Su Chen has shown.

We have been together for two months, and an adult like Su Chen has always had an attitude of not being happy with things but not sad with himself.

Even if the matter of recruiting students during the day is really angry, they will definitely not wait until now to show off.

It was Su Chen.

Hearing the voice outside the window at this time, he couldn't help pursing his lips and chuckling.

This time in the admissions examination, only Tang San accepted the assessment of the fourth level, without the help and interference of other companions, Zhao Wuji hit all the artillery fire on Tang San.

If he hadn't been born, then Tang San should just lose his strength at this time, at most he was just beaten up by Zhao Wuji.

but now.

In one-on-one fights, Tang San had already become Dai Mubai's patient very honorably.

In that case, Zao Wou-ki would have Tang Hao, a calf-protecting guy, beat him up severely.

Now that things have changed, Tang San's situation is much more tragic.

Tang Hao, who was protecting the calf, jumped out as expected.

"Sir, is this?"

Seeing the corner of Su Chen's mouth pursed into a smile, Zhao Wou-ki asked in surprise.

Su Chen waved his hand, and answered softly: "It's just a person with itchy skin."

After all, Su Chen went out along the window.

Seeing this, Zhao Wuji hurriedly followed.

In the quiet jungle.

Emptiness became the main color bar in the jungle, and streams of moonlight fell from the sky, reflecting on the earth, giving the earth a somewhat strange flavor.

After arriving here, Zhao Wou-ki looked around vigilantly.

Being able to come and go without a trace in front of his level 76 strength, he knows very well that the strength of the people behind him should not be underestimated.

Su Chen didn't do that.

Standing with hands behind his back, he looked in one direction with a very indifferent expression.

Zhao Wuji followed the trend and looked over.

A man in a black robe stands tall on the texture. Under the black robe, only a face full of stubble and a sad face can be seen.

"Your Excellency, who are you?"

Zhao Wou-ki lowered his voice and said word by word.

The black-robed man looked stern, and said in a deep voice: "I saw Fudo Myo-o in this small place, I haven't exercised for a long time, and I want to discuss with you."

After saying that, the man in black jumped down from the tree trunk, and one after another soul rings fell from the top of his head.

Seeing the soul rings falling down one after another, Zhao Wou-ki inexplicably felt a few extra big stones in his heart.

Until the last moment, seeing the bright red soul ring appearing as the ninth soul ring, Zao Wou-ki held his breath.

Ten... 10 year soul ring? !
Zhao Wuji was startled, he didn't expect that in just a few months, he could actually see two people with 10 year spirit rings.

Su Chen needless to say.

A majestic beast god, having a 10-year soul ring is also very reasonable.

But the person in front of me...

By the way, nine spirit rings, Titled Douluo! !
Seeing the identity of the man in black, Zhao Wou-ki felt a lot stuck in his throat.

Although he has seen Su Chen's terror, Su Chen only has the strength of a soul sage right now, but his real ability cannot be guessed.

The black-robed man in front of him is a real Title Douluo, and he is also a Title Douluo with a 10-year soul ring.

It's just...


Breathing out a foul breath, Zhao Wuji immediately asked in a deep voice: "Which senior is here? Don't make jokes with me!"

"Hehe, are you kidding me?"

The man in black smiled coldly, waved the Clear Sky Hammer and it appeared in his hand.

As soon as the Clear Sky Hammer with clear stripes appeared in his hand, he put on an inexplicable aura.

"Didn't you bully that child very well during the day?"

"I found that it feels good to bully others, so let me bully you too."

"Of course, you can think that I am bullying the weak!"

Said very pretentiously, the black-robed man moved his neck left and right, and the clicking sound was very clear in the night sky.

After speaking a part of the words, the man turned his attention to Su Chen again.

Frowning slightly, after pondering for a moment, he added: "I can't see through your strength, it's not enough to be the dean of this Shrek Academy, and your strength should not be weaker than Zhao Wuji."

"It's a very good atmosphere in your academy to let a soul sage take the assessment for a little child, so why not just let me bully you two together!"

The strength of Title Douluo.

The ninth soul ring is the confidence of the 10-year soul ring!
The honor of the world's number one martial soul made Tang Hao feel very good from the beginning to the end.

When he had just broken through to the Title Douluo, Qian Xunji, the Pope of the Wuhun Palace, was hammered once with a hammer.

At least……

In the entire Douluo Continent, he always regards himself as a first-rate existence.

Absolute strength made him think that he didn't think there was any problem in saying such a few words.

Bullying one is bullying.

Bullying two is also bullying.

One more or one less is no big deal.

Even though he couldn't see through Su Chen's strength, he still didn't worry too much.

At Su Chen's age, he didn't think that the opponent had the strength to beat him at all.

even if...

Zhao Wuji and the others did say that Su Chen's strength is the strongest in the entire Shrek Academy.

Where can it be so strong?

Flender, who was originally the strongest, is only at level 78, and level 79 is also stronger than Flender.

Even if it is a Contra of more than 80 levels, in front of him, it is still not enough to look at.

Zhao Wuji's expression changed.

He knew Su Chen's identity very well, the Beast God in the Star Dou Forest.

Could it be that the titled Douluo in front of him has already seen through the real body of Lord Beast God, is this an excuse?


Before he could do anything, Su Chen had already walked past him indifferently.

Seeing Su Chen's actions, Zhao Wuji was sweating profusely, and hurriedly said, "My lord, what is this?"

"Stop talking!"

Su Chen whispered, and walked to the middle position between the man in black robe and Zhao Wuji with his hands behind his back.

Looking at the ninth 10-year soul ring spinning around Tang Hao's body, many things reappeared before his eyes.

In a daze, he seemed to see the blue silver grass growing continuously in the Star Dou Great Forest.

Also in a daze, I saw the scene of cultivating that blue silver grass in the past.

The passing cloud is like floating dust.

Now, that gentle and charming Blue Silver Grass, who always looks good for others, is now turned into a cold soul ring and used by others.

With a faint sigh, Su Chen gazed at the man in black calmly:

"With the strength of one person, want to bully the two of us?"

"Tang Hao, are you sure?!"

(End of this chapter)

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