Douluo: Beast God Rebuilt, Attack Goddess Ning Rongrong

Chapter 37 Gu Yuena makes a move, that's my man!

Chapter 37 Gu Yuena makes a move, that's my man!

Deepest part of the jungle.

Tang Hao, who was sent flying by a claw bullet, was sore to the limit.

Trees broke under the impact of his body, and he almost forgot how many big trees he had broken.

There was a mouthful of blood spit out, and the breath was gradually weakened from the initial high.

He couldn't even dream of it.

As a mighty Haotian Douluo himself, with one blow, he can give Chihiro Ji, a character who was clearly arranged by the previous Pope.

just now……

The end can be so miserable.

He even forgot how long he had been flying horizontally, and his mind was numb before Tang Hao fell heavily to the ground.

Taking a big mouthful of air, Tang Hao climbed up clutching his heart.

Even though he was only bounced once, his heart was already bloody.

If Wuhun Avatar hadn't let go of a lot of strength, he could have performed a scene of dying on the spot with just one blow.

"Cough cough cough..."

"Who is that person? He can crush my martial spirit avatar with one blow. I have never found such a person on the mainland before!"

"Could it be... is he from the Douluo Hall in the Spirit Hall?"

Whispering softly, Tang Hao tore off the black robe on his body, looked at the bloody heart, took out a few bottles and began to apply medicine for himself.

The medicine powder spilled on the wound, and he couldn't help but let out a muffled groan.

While applying medicine for himself, while thinking about everything he experienced just now, Tang Hao felt that he was out of shape now.

The ambition to walk the world with a hammer was completely shattered by a claw.

"It shouldn't be from the Spirit Hall. Even if someone from the Spirit Hall will show up, it should be from the Spirit Academy."

"Besides, he can defeat me so easily, and may even kill me at any time. If he is in the Wuhun Temple, he is probably similar to that old bastard Qian Daoliu. That old bastard should not allow such a person to exist."

Coughing blood and analyzing it, Tang Hao frowned briefly after treating the wound.

I always feel close to the truth of the matter.

But he always felt that he found that he didn't understand anything.


Suddenly, Tang Hao suppressed all his words, and looked around with serious eyes.

The silence around him made him inexplicably uneasy.

After scanning around, just when he thought he sensed wrong, a silver figure came out from the darkness.


No, this air machine!

Seeing Gu Yuena for the first time, Tang Hao was slightly surprised, but soon his mood fell to the bottom.

After all, he is also a Titled Douluo, so he can roughly distinguish who is strong and who is weak.

At this moment, after Gu Yuena appeared, the breath around the world seemed to be locked down, and a big mountain crashed down on him.

What did I do today?
The young man named Su Chen just now had such terrifying power hidden in his frail body.

just now……

Why does such a woman in silver clothes give people the same feeling?
Standing up from the ground with difficulty, Tang Hao saluted Gu Yuena: "Senior, who are you?"

"Isn't it fun for you to bully people just now? I want to bully people now too."

Gu Yuena's beautiful eyes widened, and she looked at Tang Hao expressionlessly.

Feeling the aura of the 10-year soul ring transmitted from Tang Hao, Gu Yuena has already recognized Tang Hao's identity.


Compared with Ah Yin's affairs, she is more concerned about Su Chen's affairs now.

My man was found fault.

So let's leave things as they are?
After returning what she heard from Tang Hao intact, Gu Yuena's hands were intertwined.


Her meaning was very simple. After Bi Ji came out this time, she also wanted to see how Su Chen's life was when he came to the human world.

Well, by the way, let's see how many women Su Chen won with his charm.


Before I started doing anything, I encountered something like Tang Hao.

Looking at the entire Star Dou Great Forest, no one dared to offend Su Chen's divine power.

Not only that, but even Su Chen didn't dare to violate the rules made by him.

It's okay in the human world.

A titled Douluo directly came to find fault, and even said something that he wanted to bully and bully others.

It’s tolerable, it’s unbearable!

Hearing Gu Yuena's words returned intact, Tang Hao's expression changed instantly, and his lips twitched slightly.

Isn't that what I just said?

and also……

I just said that I want to bully and bully others, but now I am being bullied back!
In this situation, the matter is not over yet?

Suppressing the complexities in his heart, Tang Hao clasped his hands together, took a deep breath and said, "Senior, I think you are always young. You should be a senior who has been famous for many years."

"I don't know where the junior offended you. Some of the junior didn't understand."

There is probably a guess that the matter has something to do with Su Chen's matter.

However, the aura he felt from Gu Yuena made him a little desperate.

He would rather believe that Su Chen is an extremely perverted person than that Gu Yuena and Su Chen are in the same group at this time.

I found a fault, and then a whole nest of unprovoked ones popped up.

It's just...

Terrible! !
"Have you forgotten all this time?"

"Su Chen is my man, you are finding fault with my man, why are you asking me?"

Gu Yuena reprimanded lightly, and stamped her foot on the ground.


A terrifying sound sounded, and a ravine swept straight towards Tang Hao.

Seeing the ravine attacking him, Tang Hao's expression suddenly changed.

This Nima!
If there is a disagreement, do it directly.

I, Haotian Douluo, absolutely cannot stand this anger!

Tang Hao gritted his teeth, trying to resist, but only when he had an idea.

In all directions, terrifying air traps him.

Standing in the center of the Qi machine, Tang Hao was shocked to find that he couldn't move a single finger.

In an instant, the way he looked at Gu Yuena changed.

It looks like a woman, but this strength...

He didn't even feel that he was doing something, but he forcibly restrained himself, a Titled Douluo, with terrifying methods!
Taking a deep breath, Tang Hao realized that he was no match for Gu Yuena.

Don't say you're hurt now.

Even if she wasn't injured, it is estimated that facing Gu Yuena would be like facing Su Chen.

With a bitter face, Tang Hao said word by word: "Senior, I have already been seriously injured by that person. Are you two planning to refuse to forgive me?"

"Or...what are you planning to do before you let this matter go?"

Hearing this, Gu Yuena pursed her lips into a sneer, and approached Tang Hao step by step:

"Since it's bullying, what do you think I will do?"

"It's very comfortable to see him beating people, I will try it too!"

As soon as the words fell, Gu Yuena's powder fist hit Tang Hao lightly.

Seeing the fist coming from 'lightly fluttering', the corners of Tang Hao's mouth twitched wildly, and the eyes in his pupils froze instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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