Douluo: Beast God Rebuilt, Attack Goddess Ning Rongrong

Chapter 38 Tang Hao Goes Crazy, It's Just a Titled Douluo

Chapter 38 Tang Hao Goes Crazy, He's Just a Titled Douluo
A muffled sound resounded in the jungle.

Among the muffled sounds, there were cries of pain.

The sound of punching to the flesh became the main tone in this jungle.


After taking a deep breath, Gu Yuena tidied up the silver clothes on her body.

Waving her hands to brush her beautiful hair, Gu Yuena looked at Tang Hao, who was on the ground, whose air intake and output were almost equal, and turned her head to leave.

Although Tang Hao is considered a very strong group among the Title Douluo, in the hands of Gu Yuena, he still can't make any waves.

Gu Yuena, who was able to wrestle with a first-level god, was not easy to deal with Tang Hao.


At this time, Tang Hao had already been seriously injured by Su Chen's men, so it was more convenient and direct for her to do it.

"He didn't kill you, and I don't bother to kill you."

"When I have nothing to do in the future, I feel unhappy, so I can continue to bully and bully you."

After all, Gu Yuena disappeared into the jungle with brisk steps.

The back view of leaving is like a little girl who has just had fun.

Watching Gu Yuena's departure, Tang Hao firmly grasped the dirt with both hands.

Is it still human?
Feeling unhappy, continue to bully and bully?

I am a majestic Haotian Douluo, I was able to overthrow the previous pope with one blow, but I am just a sandbag that can be used as a punching bag at any time?

Spitting out a mouthful of old blood, Tang Hao's aura weakened wildly.

Until Gu Yuena's beautiful figure completely disappeared, two tears of blood dripped from the corners of her humiliated eyes.

Before that, he never thought that he would fall into such a situation.

He had to save a life, but the other party didn't kill him because of the face of the previous person.

Title Douluo, since when did you become so humble?
Looking suspiciously at the darkness where Gu Yuena left, countless complicated thoughts crazily grew in his heart.

These days...

Titled Douluo, is there a difference between water injection and solid body?

the other side.

After Su Chen and Zhao Wuji returned to Shrek Academy, the shock in the jungle surprised everyone in the academy.

Even the sick Dai Mubai and Tang San supported each other out of their respective rooms.

Seeing the two of Su Chen coming back, Flender immediately saluted Su Chen and said:
"My lord, what happened outside just now?"

Su Chen heard the words, and said calmly: "A guy who doesn't open his eyes, relying on the strength of the title Douluo, was slapped back with a slap."

Um? ?

Titled Douluo who doesn't open his eyes?

Slapped it back?

Zhou knew Su Chen's true identity and real strength, but at this time he heard what Su Chen said.

Flender still couldn't help rolling his eyes.

This is so special!
Titled Douluo was pushed back casually, his current level 78 Soul Sage's strength.

Would not it be……

Not daring to think too much about this kind of thing, Flender asked in a low voice: "My lord, then tell me... I have always set becoming a Titled Douluo as my goal."

"Now, can I still have this goal?"

Friend said he was hurt.

But whoever is a soul master in the Douluo Continent does not want to become a high-ranking Title Douluo.


Now such an understatement by Su Chen completely made him lose his faith.

Su Chen glanced at Flender strangely, and smiled helplessly: "In my eyes, Titled Douluo is very ordinary."

"It's you, you haven't even reached Title Douluo, isn't it too early to say this at this time?"


Flender clutched his heart and walked aside.

The resentful eyes collided with Zhao Wuji, the two big names who used to support the entire Shrek Academy.

At this moment, she was like a wounded little daughter-in-law.

The strength of the soul saint is a powerful combat force that can take the enemy's head from it.

It's actually being looked down upon right now...

After dealing with Flender's matter, Su Chen looked at Dai Mubai and Tang San who supported each other out.

Curiosity killed the cat.

These two people were beaten half to death, and now they still have the energy to come out of the ward.

Seeing Su Chen looking at him, thinking about Su Chen's real identity, Dai Mubai couldn't help shrinking his neck.

As for Tang San, his expression was completely dull at this moment.

Soul Emperor, Soul Sage...

Now it's Title Douluo again.

For some reason, he felt that the mountain that he had been chasing after had been inexplicably getting taller at this moment.

Originally in his impression, Title Douluo was already the strongest.

Ordinary soul masters don't know how much effort they have to put in if they want to cultivate to the level of Title Douluo.

And as long as he becomes a Titled Douluo, he can also straighten his back very stiffly.

I, Tang San, am still very awesome.

The idea is beautiful, the reality is very skinny.

Tang San fully realized the true meaning of this sentence, looking at Su Chen's eyes, there was no longer any sense of struggle.

The whole person is as well-behaved as a little quail.

But Bi Ji and the others looked at Su Chen very worriedly. When they heard Su Chen say that there was a Titled Douluo coming to find fault, they couldn't help but clenched their fists.

Especially Da Ming and Er Ming, when they were soul beasts, they still had a bit of style.

But now that it has been rebuilt, it is a fusion of a typical irritable old man and a simple and honest man.

Knowing the coveting of human beings on soul beasts, I have always been unhappy.

What happened right now made them angry.

Seeing a few people hesitate to speak, Su Chen said in a timely manner: "Okay, enough watching the excitement."

"Next, prepare for the things after school starts tomorrow, and I will arrange a customized training policy for you then."

As he said that, Su Chen mainly looked at Da Ming and Er Ming.

Meeting Su Chen's gaze, Da Ming and Er Ming shrank their necks at the same time.

For some reason, there was an inexplicable feeling in my heart.

The training personally arranged by Lord Beast God, it must not take off a layer of skin!
Knowing Su Chen's plan, when Da Ming and Er Ming were talking nonsense, Bi Ji added another sentence:
"You can just train at ease. My lord has already talked to me. When you are trained to the point of death, I will treat you."

"In short, you still have breath, so you don't have to worry about dying on the spot."

Ming dynasty:"……"

Er Ming: "..."

The two brothers looked at Bi Ji's calm gaze, and listening to what Bi Ji said, they thought it would be better not to say these words.

As long as there is one breath, there is no need to worry about sudden death on the spot.

With such a simple sentence, the two brothers have fully understood that the training is not easy.

Walking back to their respective houses dejectedly, the two brothers' backs showed a lot of desolation.

After giving instructions for tomorrow, Su Chen simply went back to his house.

After watching Su Chen and everyone go back, Dai Mubai and Tang San still had bitter faces in the wind.

Oscar and Ma Hongjun huddled together in the darkness, after hesitating for a moment, they leaned towards Dai Mubai.

"Boss Dai, you seem to know the identity of our new dean from the way you look, please tell the brothers."

"How do you feel, it's abnormal?!"

(End of this chapter)

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