Douluo: Beast God Rebuilt, Attack Goddess Ning Rongrong

Chapter 39 Yu Xiaogang Reappears, Countdown to Life

Chapter 39 Yu Xiaogang Reappears, Countdown to Life

Several pairs of eyes looked over quickly.

Dai Mubai's neck stiffened slightly, his lips trembled a few times.

I tried several times to give an answer, but I didn't dare at all.

He was severely beaten by Zhao Wuji, and he did know Su Chen's true identity.

There is a saying that is good, when the difference in status is not very big, each other can still discuss education as equals.

But when the disparity in identities has become beyond description, it is an offense to mention taboos.

After pondering for a long time, Dai Mubai shook his head: "There are some things, you should stop asking."

"One by one, just stay in the college honestly. In short, if you offend our new dean, wash it up and wait for death!"

At the end, Dai Mubai gave a deep sigh: "You have all seen me like this now, because I accidentally offended the new principal, I almost lost everyone."

Everyone: "..."

After Dai Mubai's words, heavy hammers fell on each of them.

The frivolity at the beginning, the shock at the beginning, completely turned into panic at this time.

Everyone's expressions changed again and again, and they all looked towards the darkness where Su Chen disappeared.


The next day.

It's just getting brighter.

One after another roar sounded in Shrek Academy.

Da Ming and Er Ming, the two of them knew that Su Chen valued them very much. In order not to relax themselves, they were always thinking about improving themselves.

No, the sky had just dawned, and the fight had already started, and all the noise was made by the two of them.

It was originally rebuilt by a 10-year-level soul beast, and the battle is full of punches.

His skin was ripped apart, and blood flew everywhere.

"Fuck, are they all crazy?"

"Fatty, I feel like I'm shaking suddenly, what should I do?"

Knowing from Dai Mubai the terror of the new dean Su Chen, he didn't transform into a patient.

Hearing the sound, the two rushed out.

Even Ma Hongjun, the Goulan Phoenix, didn't dare to go out and fool around.

The two fellow sufferers huddled behind a big tree, watching the bloody battle between Da Ming and Er Ming tremblingly.

The faces of the two were extremely pale.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they couldn't believe it was a normal battle.

It's just gestures to each other, not a fight to the death, do you want to be so bloody?
"Oscar, tell me... Could this be a task arranged by the new dean?"

"Fuck, fat man, don't scare me, I'm just a food-type soul master, let me go through this kind of thing, isn't it going to kill me?"

"I also want to say it's just a wild guess, but what's going on right now... really makes me a little bit afraid to be sure!"

"Hush... Keep your voice down, the new dean is here."

The two watched behind the big tree for a long time, when they suddenly saw Su Chen coming out, they quickly fell silent.

Get out of the house.

Seeing the battle between Da Ming and Er Ming, Su Chen looked very calm.

After Da Ming and Er Ming saw Su Chen coming out, they also hurried forward: "My lord, we are improving in actual combat, isn't it a bit noisy?"

Su Chen waved his hand and said casually: "You can fight if you want to fight. Actual combat is always the fastest way to improve your strength."

"Since I let you go on this path, you should all know the standards I set for you!"

Hearing this, Da Ming and Er Ming were startled suddenly.

Su Chen's words sounded the alarm in their hearts.

Soul Beast Restoration!

As a super strong soul beast that has lived for 10 years, if there is no way to break through to become a god after recultivating to become a human, then the remaining lifespan is only a few hundred years.

and so……

They can be 100% sure of what their lord's goals are for their two brothers.

Become a god!

Even, Tushen!

Da Ming and Er Ming replied in a deep voice, and a lot of hostility broke out from their bodies in an instant.

Sen Ran's pupils looked at each other, and their fists kept enlarging in each other's eyes.

After arranging the affairs of Da Ming and Er Ming, Su Chen looked at Oscar and Ma Hongjun.

The two were still very smart, they didn't do what Dai Mubai and Tang San did.

Seeing Su Chen looking at the two of them, Oscar and Ma Hongjun shivered at the same time.

Limbs and limbs trembling unnecessarily, he walked forward tremblingly, and said bravely: "Oscar (Ma Hongjun) has seen Mr. President."

"Excuse me, sir, do you have anything to arrange?"

His brows were slightly frowned.

For a while, Su Chen really didn't think about how to arrange Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun.

At least, he didn't have the extra thought to conduct special customized training for Ma Hongjun and Oscar.

After pondering for a moment, Shicai whispered softly: "Just go to your former teacher."


Hearing what Su Chen said, the two suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. They were afraid that they would also fight to the death when they heard what Su Chen said.

Thinking of the battle between Da Ming and Er Ming, both of their calves were trembling right now.

Just read a book.

The tuition fee is a little bit expensive for this life-long study!
And just after Su Chen had arranged everything properly, a soft shout suddenly sounded.


"Students can train with overload, but if you train like this regardless of life and death, you are disregarding human life!"

Accompanied by the sound of drinking softly, Yu Xiaogang in a gray long gown strode in from outside the Shrek.

Da Ming and Er Ming's battle was all in his eyes.

In his eyes, Su Chen is just disregarding human life.

Most importantly, he found that he didn't even see Tang San's existence.

Bad thoughts rose crazily from the bottom of his heart.

After walking forward quickly, Yu Xiaogang scolded again: "Did you use some shady things, the dean of Shrek Academy should be my friend Flender."

"You stole Flender's post as dean? You want to avenge yourself?"

Thinking back to the grievances and grievances in Notting College, Yu Xiaogang's eyeballs are breathing fire.

Because he was worried about Tang San's affairs, he tried to shorten the time of leaving this time as much as possible.


Not seeing Tang San's trace, his heart was extremely uneasy.

Spit was flying all over the place, and in a few words, he put many labels on Su Chen.

Thugs, executioners, disregard human life!
After seeing Yu Xiaogang's arrival, Su Chen listened to this silently, and Su Chen was in a brisk mood just now, but at this moment, it suddenly became a little unsmooth.

Some people, though dead, are still alive.

Some people, although they are still alive, are so dead that they cannot die anymore.

For a person like Yu Xiaogang, he originally planned to leave it to others to solve it.

but now……

He changed his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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