Douluo: Beast God Rebuilt, Attack Goddess Ning Rongrong

Chapter 40 The truth of the year, Flender was furious

Chapter 40 The truth of the year, Flender was furious

It's going to rain, someone is going to die!

Yu Xiaogang's various behaviors have brought him completely to the abyss of death.

His eyes were very calm, Su Chen looked at Yu Xiaogang very calmly, and wrote lightly:
"Yu Xiaogang, do you think I will never kill you?"

"A thief, if you kill him, you kill him!"

After all, the invisible air mechanism locked Yu Xiaogang's limbs and bones.

Self-proclaimed master, claiming to be number one in theory, but has always been just a level 29 trash.

Tang Hao couldn't make any waves in front of Su Chen, let alone such a waste as Yu Xiaogang.

Under the sudden pressure, Yu Xiaogang was suddenly dripping with sweat, and cold sweat dripped down his forehead frantically.

His lips were trembling crazily, and his breathing couldn't help but be short of breath.

"This... here is Flender's Shrek Academy, you... you dare to kill me?"

Yu Xiaogang said tremblingly, his eyes suddenly looked in another direction.

Within sight, Flender was walking towards them quickly.

Seeing Flender appearing, Yu Xiaogang hurriedly shouted: "Flender, come help me!"

When Flender stepped forward, he could tell that Su Chen had done something to Yu Xiaogang.

There was a puzzled look on his face, and he hurriedly asked, "My lord, how did Xiao Gang offend you?"

"If it's because of Xiaogang's blindness, I would like to apologize and plead guilty for Xiaogang."

Say this sincerely.

Until now, Flender still regards Yu Xiaogang as his best friend.

In the Golden Iron Triangle, Yu Xiaogang has always been in the dominant position, and is the corner of wisdom in their three-person team.

Seeing Flender's appearance, Yu Xiaogang immediately said again: "Flender, what is his identity, and what is going on with you?"

Flender said nothing.

At this moment, he put all his thoughts on Su Chen.

In front of Su Chen, he didn't dare to make mistakes casually.

Lord of the Beast God, such an identity is absolutely crushing.


He was still very curious, how could Yu Xiaogang only have the strength of level 20 to offend Su Chen, the beast god?

To know……

The people who can make this big man look up to must be the top powerhouses on the Douluo Continent.

Yu Xiaogang, he can't watch enough!
Silently muttering in his heart, Flender did not choose to say these things.

Up to now, he is still worried about hurting Yu Xiaogang's heart.

after all,

He is very clear that the inability to break through the soul power of level 30 in his life is a constant pain in Yu Xiaogang's heart.

Besides, there are other matters, such as the matter of Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong.

Back then, for the sake of his brother, he also admired Liu Erlong, but he chose to give in.

To be able to do this, to reach his own level, Flender is definitely one of the warriors of the Qingqing Grassland.

Finding that Flender ignored him, Yu Xiaogang suddenly said angrily: "Flender, I haven't seen you for many years, you really have changed!"

"You once said that you would never succumb to anyone's intimidation, why did you suddenly become like this?"

"We are the golden iron triangle, I let this person suppress me so much, you actually..."

He didn't know Su Chen's true strength, and he had some contact with Flender before.

In his eyes, Flender should be able to easily suppress Su Chen with the level 78 soul sage strength.

But now...

What Flender did made him feel particularly chilled.

Selectively ignoring Yu Xiaogang's words, Flender's mood changed slightly.

What's more, he still put his mind on Su Chen.

It can be considered that he has been in contact with him for a few months, and he knows that Su Chen is not the kind of strong man who will easily anger others.

Unless someone really killed to the extreme.

"For such a person who has deceived you for decades, are you willing to suffer on his behalf?"

Su Chen looked at Flender thoughtfully, and said softly: "After I met you, I knew that Liu Erlong was his cousin, but I always wanted toads to eat swan meat."

"Knowing that all my theories are stolen from the Wuhun Temple, just take them out to fool me, and let me become the corner of wisdom in your so-called Iron Triangle?"

"Such a person, do you think it's worth it?"

After finishing these words calmly, Su Chen fixed his eyes on Flender.

One glance is like an abyss.

The two gazes directly reflected Flender's inner world.

And Flender.

Hearing what Su Chen said, he looked at Yu Xiaogang in disbelief.

Back then they were golden iron triangle, their life was so unhappy, they both fell in love with Liu Erlong at the same time.


For his brother, he chose to suffer by himself.

At the same time, he also knew that Liu Erlong's heart at that time was indeed on Yu Xiaogang.

Even if it was revealed that the two were cousins ​​in the end, when Yu Xiaogang still wanted to commit suicide, he tried to persuade him.

But now what Su Chen said.

A thunderstorm exploded in my heart.

Flender understands very well that there is no need for a big man like Su Chen to deceive himself about this kind of thing.

If Su Chen really wanted to kill Yu Xiaogang, there was no need for such excuses.

If you slap him to death with one slap, you will slap him to death. No matter how reluctant he is, he will never dare to do anything to Su Chen.

But now that everything has been announced, he feels that his worldview has completely changed.


Su Chen's words didn't stop, and the light voice sounded again: "There was once a saying that there are no waste spirits, only waste spirit masters, but in the end I chose to accept a so-called genius like Tang San as my apprentice."

"Almost, it's time to wake up from your dreams!"

boom! !

The last words completely woke Flender up.

Suddenly awakened, the way he looked at Yu Xiaogang changed again and again.


For so many years, Yu Xiaogang has never accepted an apprentice, but why did he accept an apprentice this time.

Now that he has been instructed, he feels suddenly enlightened.

At the beginning, because of Yu Xiaogang's words, he admired Yu Xiaogang very much.

To be able to see the essence to this extent is definitely a great achievement.

Unexpectedly, everything was a joke!
His face was ashen, and after summarizing the truth that Su Chen had said, the bones on Flender's body made a crisp sound.

At the beginning, the idea of ​​being willing to suffer for Yu Xiaogang, disappeared in an instant.

At this moment, he looked at Yu Xiaogang with a look of fury in his eyes.

A beast-like growl came from his throat.

The dignified level 78 Soul Sage lost control of his emotions to the extreme.

The veins on his forehead popped up one by one, and Flender said word by word: "My lord, can you give this junior some time."

"Junior, if you want to deal with some things from that year, please do it!"

It can be seen that Flender's emotions are out of control, and he knows what will happen next.

Su Chen didn't refuse, just spit out a word: "Yes!"

(End of this chapter)

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