Douluo: Beast God Rebuilt, Attack Goddess Ning Rongrong

Chapter 45 Gu Yuena's Punching Bag

Chapter 45 Gu Yuena's Punching Bag

far away.

Gu Yuena perceives the situation in Shrek Academy by relying on her strong enough strength.

At any rate, he has been with Su Chen for nearly a million years, and he is also the Silver Dragon King split from the Dragon God.

Gu Yuena still has some small tricks, and she may not be able to compare with Su Chen in terms of combat power, but she still has some self-confidence in other aspects.

For example...

Unknowingly, he quietly approached Su Chen.

When she was still in the Star Dou Great Forest, she often used this ability to tease Su Chen.

It's the same now, in order to let Su Chen walk around in the world with peace of mind.

Even if she walked out of the Star Dou Great Forest, she didn't want to trouble Su Chen too much because of her own affairs.

After all, in the entire Douluo Continent, she didn't think there was anyone who could hurt her.

Simply let Su Chen put most of his thoughts on himself, it is better to let Su Chen complete the cultivation of being a human with peace of mind.

She naturally knew that Su Chen's strength was very tyrannical, already comparable to the king of the gods.

But after all, he is not the real God King of the God Realm.

Furthermore, the God King of the God Realm still has a special institution called the God Realm Center.

In the real fight to the death, Su Chen can't take much advantage.

It is possible to kill one or two, but he himself will also fall with it.

Gu Yuena didn't want to see such a result, so she always chose to be the woman behind Su Chen.

Quietly, just watching Su Chen from a distance to complete the cultivation of re-cultivation as a human being.

She knew that when Su Chen really completed the reconstruction, when the human body really had the power of God.

The gods of the God Realm can only become the scum under Su Chen's feet.

But now...

Su Chen found out about the sneaky follow-up, this is unbearable.

His small mouth was puffed out like a doormat, and his slightly pale face was full of warmth and anger.

The purple pupils are also slightly in the cave at this moment.

He didn't attribute all the problems to Bi Ji. If Su Chen couldn't even see that Bi Ji was hiding things from him, he would have lived nearly a million years in vain.


Su Chen also grew up with Brigitte, how could she hide it from Su Chen!

After being annoyed for a while, Gu Yuena looked in the direction where Tang Hao and Tang San left.

"Damn it, it must be because that guy from the Clear Sky School was too careful, that's why Su Chen discovered the problem."

"It doesn't matter, it's all the fault of that guy. He shouldn't have run too far now, so just keep chasing him and beat him up."

Unable to find Gu Yuena who vented her frustration, she stared fiercely in one direction for a long time.

In an instant, his body turned into a phantom and left in the direction where Tang Hao and his son left.

While Tang Hao and his son were on their way, they didn't even notice that there was a shadow following them.

Even though Tang San was just expelled from Shrek Academy, Tang Hao didn't criticize Tang San too harshly.

He was even very happy with what Tang San said just now.

Children who are willing to go to the sect to atone for their sins are really rare!


How did he know that the so-called atonement was just a temporary idea of ​​Tang San.

When his strength was not enough, he said it very nicely, and he called it redemption.

When the strength is strong enough, it is not an atonement, but a questioning.


the other side.

Knowing about Gu Yuena from Bi Ji, Su Chen didn't think too much about this matter.

It's just that after Bi Ji said that Gu Yuena had left the Star Dou Forest, she spent a little time looking around.

As for the safety of his life, he didn't even worry about it.

On Douluo Continent, there is no existence that can threaten Gu Yuena.

Even if some restless god suddenly descended into this world, with Gu Yuena's strength, she would be able to persist for a while.

At that time, he can instantly detect where the battle broke out, and he can rush there in an instant.

Of course, the group of gods in the God Realm didn't have the guts to do this, because they also knew that doing so would mean the start of a decisive battle.

With one against five, Su Chen knew he couldn't do it now.


Under the desperate fight, it is no problem to take away one or two.

It doesn't matter whether it's the good God King, or the Evil God King, or the God of Destruction, the God of Life, or the God of Shura.

These five are not fuel-efficient lamps, and no one wants to see themselves being taken away.

Temporarily putting other things behind his mind, Su Chen walked to the window and looked at Da Ming and Er Ming who were fighting in the courtyard not far away.

The two idiots really didn't care about anything when they fought, and Bi Ji had already healed them for the injuries they had suffered in the fight early in the morning.

Not long after that, the two of them were dripping with blood again.

Those who didn't know, thought that the two had some kind of life-and-death enmity.

Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong were not so irritable, they just got together to discuss how to cooperate when it comes to team battles.

Dai Mubai's three friends, at this moment, just looked dryly at Jimei who got together.

He only dared to take a look, and then looked at Da Ming and Er Ming again.

Because of Da Ming and Er Ming's crazy energy, they didn't even have to look at it for a second before they felt the creeps all over their bodies.

Fistful to the flesh, the corners of his mouth twitched crazily.

At the same time, they all sensed a truth, fortunately Tang San didn't choose to fight Da Ming and Er Ming before.


According to Da Ming and Er Ming's temperament of "be indifferent to life and death, and do it if you don't accept it".

Once there is a fight, if there is one more gasping and stepping down, they will all be considered losers.

"Dai Mubai, are you three fishing here?"

"I specifically asked Mrs. Brigitte to start training for me as soon as you recover from your injuries!"

"And you, Ma Hongjun, know how to seek pleasure every day, and if you are crushed by that fire, you will be burned to death!"

"And you, Oscar, food-type soul masters are a vulnerable group on the battlefield, without sufficient self-protection ability, they are simply useless."

"Your Excellency has already arranged what everyone in the academy needs to do next, and now you should first understand what you need to do next."

Just when Dai Mubai and the others were distracted, Flender quickly flew in front of the three of them.

There was a violent shudder on the head of one person, and he hummed angrily.

It's really enough, they are all veteran students of Shrek Academy, this time, no one is qualified to enter in terms of team arrangement.

While talking, Flender gave a detailed arrangement to Dai Mubai and the others.

After receiving the arrangement details, I saw the various specific arrangements written on the letter.

In an instant, the faces of Dai Mubai and the others turned black.

This is so...

The rhythm of the dead!
(End of this chapter)

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