Chapter 46 Masked Man Yu Xiaogang
The arrangement is not complicated, and it can even be said to be very simple.

The requirement is very clear, any Shrek academy will hold a soul fighting competition in the next period of time.

Shrek Academy aims to cultivate monster academies, so any Shrek Academy who participates in soul fighting competitions must compete at least ten levels above when participating in the competition.

In other words.

Dai Mubai's cultivation is now level 37, and his opponents start at level 47, or even stronger opponents.

Under normal circumstances, in this level of cross-level confrontation, it is simply that you lose more than you win.

In their previous soul fighting competitions, they were split half and half, but suddenly they had to leapfrog.

In a daze, they had already seen their tragic end.

"Vice-principal, can't you?"

Oscar looked at Flender pitifully, his face was wrinkled into a bitter gourd shape.

An attack-type soul master like Dai Mubai can't stand such a cross-level soul master, let alone a food-type soul master.

Compared to Oscar, the expressions of Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun are similar.

The rule of leapfrogging strictly stuck them to death, and it was a big mountain on their shoulders.

Flender didn't show any emotion, and said in a deep voice: "This is the arrangement of the dean. If you are unwilling to obey, then you can go to the dean to appeal."



Dai Mubai and the others almost bit off their tongues.

They selectively filtered Tang San's affairs, thinking more about what happened last night.

He took care of a Titled Douluo.

Go to such a dean to appeal?My little life is probably going to be gone!
The body shivered from the cold, and everyone hid all their thoughts in the deepest part of their stomachs.


While Flender was arranging the situation of Dai Mubai and the others, Xiao Wu, Da Ming and Er Ming also gathered together.

The five of them are members of the team battle.

Knowing about the arrangements of Dai Mubai and the others, and seeing that he had no plans, on the contrary, he felt that something was not quite right.

"Sister Xiaowu, do you know what Master Su Chen wants to arrange for us?"

"Don't let us directly participate in the actual soul fighting competition, shall we just fight each other like this?"

Daming scratched the back of his head, very puzzled.

After Da Ming asked, Er Ming also had a puzzled expression on his face. He felt very uncomfortable just fighting against Da Ming.

"Okay, there's no need to discuss it."

"I have already asked the adults for you, and the adults said that they will arrange a soul fighting competition for you in the near future."

"However... before that, you need to cooperate with your teamwork ability, otherwise you will lose at that time, and the adults will not be lenient in punishment."

At this moment, Brigitte came over suddenly.

Before the person walked, the gentle voice had already sounded.

Hearing what Bikini said, Xiao Wu, Da Ming and Er Ming all looked at Bi Ji at the same time.

A specially arranged soul fighting match?
"Sister Brigitte, the Lord personally arranged the soul fighting competition, do you know exactly who we are asking us to compete with?"

Xiao Wu tilted her head and asked curiously.

Bi Ji showed a list to Xiao Wu and the others, and then explained: "My lord said it is the team of the Royal Academy of Heaven Dou Empire."

"They are currently conducting soul fighting competitions in various places, and their itinerary plan is probably to go to Soto City in the near future."

"At that time, you only need to fight them once in the big soul fighting field in Soto City."

Heaven Dou Imperial Academy?

Hearing what Bi Ji said, Xiao Wu suddenly became very interested.

She has a good understanding of many things in the human world, and the strength of the soul masters in an imperial academy naturally goes without saying.

Da Ming and Er Ming also understood this point very well. As soon as Bi Ji's voice fell, the two brothers immediately became very interested.

A terrifying aura instantly erupted from the two of them.

The spirit rings then circled around the two of them, and they looked at each other as if they wanted to tear each other apart.

"Er Ming, keep practicing."

"At that time, our two brothers will perform well in the team competition."

Daming's bones crisscrossed, and he said in a low voice.

Erming nodded and said with a grin: "That's no problem, we can't let you down."

After a brief conversation, the two got into a fight again.

Seeing the two fighting together, Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing's mouths twitched slightly.

Xiao Wu couldn't help but suggested: "Da Ming Er Ming, you all help first."

"We divide into teams and cooperate in twos. Then Rongrong is a non-staff. She is responsible for supporting our two teams."

To Xiao Wu's words, Da Ming and Er Ming didn't dare to refute, they all agreed.


And while Xiao Wu and the others were still discussing here, in a woodshed not far away.

In order to leave Yu Xiaogang to Liu Erlong, after Flender deposed Yu Xiaogang, he imprisoned Yu Xiaogang in this woodshed.

At this time, Yu Xiaogang woke up from the nightmare.

Feeling the coolness of being exploded in the crotch, the veins on his face popped one by one.

Gasping continuously, Yu Xiaogang approached the woodshed, and Xiao Wu's and others' voices from outside came to his ears.

Heaven Dou Imperial Academy?

Hearing these few words, Yu Xiaogang became energetic.

"Cough cough cough..."

Coughing up a few mouthfuls of blood, Yu Xiaogang hurriedly got up from the ground, burying his hands in the ground.

Exhaling heavily, Yu Xiaogang's eyes flashed unwillingness: "I absolutely can't stay here any longer."

"I really didn't expect that guy Flender would directly disregard the years of friendship when he got angry. If Erlong knew about these things, my death would be even worse."

"If I remember correctly, Tiandou Royal Academy, that boy Tianheng should study there. Listen to what they say, and he will arrive in Soto City soon."

"Find a chance, sneak out, and find Tianheng first."

Whispering softly.

Yu Xiaogang planned the follow-up matters for himself in his heart.

In the eyes of everyone, Yu Xiaogang is just a waste, but as a waste, he can disguise himself for decades.

This point is more slippery than many people who are proficient in camouflage.

Not long after, after planning for himself what to do next, Yu Xiaogang stood up enduring the pain in his body.

He was not treated as well as others, and he could still get treatment from Brigitte after he was injured.

Being able to keep a dog's life is already the greatest gift in his life.

Looking at everything outside through the gap in the door, he whispered again: "Fortunately, I am familiar with Shrek."

"At night, you just need to find the right time, and you can almost sneak out."

"I'm worthless, but as long as I can rely on the sect, my father shouldn't be so cold-blooded!"

After finishing speaking, Yu Xiaogang's hands under his sleeves were tightly grasped together.

The matter of how to return to the sect and pretend to be a fake has been completely settled in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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