Douluo: Beast God Rebuilt, Attack Goddess Ning Rongrong

Chapter 48 Yu Xiaogang's plan, Shrek Academy is here!

Chapter 48 Yu Xiaogang's plan, Shrek Academy is here!

Doubt hangs in my heart.

Instinctively, both Duguyan and Ye Lingling were cautious towards Yu Xiaogang.

Women's sixth sense has always been very good, Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling both sensed a certain danger from the sixth sense.

In particular, there was a name like 'Su Chen' that they were very familiar with, but they couldn't immediately remember it.

But Yu Xiaogang didn't pay attention to their reactions.

All he wanted was to make Qin Ming and Yu Tianheng believe in him, and after seeing Qin Ming and Yu Tianheng's reactions, Yu Xiaogang felt much more at ease.

Su Chen was able to defeat the title Douluo, so he chose to conceal it.

If the fact that Su Chen was able to defeat Titled Douluo was revealed at this time, he didn't think Qin Ming would stand up for him.

As for Yu Tianheng, let alone.

Soul masters of more than 30 levels may be able to lie down directly after being stared at.

The reason why he chose to hide all these things was that Yu Xiaogang had made a very careful plan in his heart.

With the current situation, let the bewitched Qin Ming and Yu Tianheng avenge themselves in the follow-up.

In terms of overall strength, the Huangdou team and Qin Ming will not be Shrek Academy's opponents.


At that time, many things can be manipulated, and then the matter of Su Chen's strength will be exposed in a chain.

According to Yu Xiaogang's calculations, if the plan really got to that point, it would be enough for Yu Tianheng to know the pressure, and he would definitely take him back to the family at that time.

As a waste of the family, he was pretentious when he was young and energetic, and was rejected by many people after leaving the family.

He values ​​face more than anything else, and has been cheated and abducted for decades, Yu Xiaogang doesn't want to return to the sect pitifully in the end.

With Yu Tianheng as a pawn, he could say that he didn't want to go back when he returned to the family.

Naturally, the whole family will stand up and help.

With the power of a family, even if Su Chen has the ability to reach the sky, it is absolutely impossible to be an opponent of the upper three sects.

Although he was disgusted, Yu Xiaogang was still very aware of his father's strength.

Although his father is the only one with the title Douluo in the whole family, there is still no problem in hammering a few.


The Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus rex family will not be one of the last three.

Calculating these in his heart happily, Yu Xiaogang coughed a few times pretending to be 'weak': "Qin Ming, Tian Heng, you should not be too impulsive."

"Impulse is the devil, and you may suffer a big loss at that time. Today's Shrek Academy is very strong."

Knowing the identities of Yu Xiaogang and Flender, Qin Ming also hurriedly supported Yu Xiaogang.

"One day as a teacher, life as a father!"

"Dean Flender has given me the grace of reinvention, and I am bound by the bewitchment of others, and I am duty-bound!"

"The same goes for Tianheng. He is your nephew. He should be understood when he knows that his second uncle is suffering."

With that said, Qin Ming helped Yu Xiaogang to the seat and sat down.

Yu Tianheng had already clenched his hands tightly at this time, and his eyes were full of indifference.

"Second Uncle, you mentioned before that the other party seems to be active in Soto City these days, so you dare not reveal your identity."

"Then according to this statement, maybe we can meet Shrek Academy in the Great Soul Arena?"

At this time, Yu Tianheng suddenly snorted coldly, and a strong fighting spirit burst out of his eyes.


Yu Xiaogang was slightly silent, and thoughtfully said: "It should be possible, but now..."

"Second uncle, you don't need to say it, I know you will say that Shrek Academy is very strong, and you are worried about us."

"But don't worry, Tianheng naturally has arrangements for this kind of thing, and when the time comes, let us severely defeat the prestige of Shrek Academy in the big soul fighting competition!"

"Let the person who dared to plan Shrek Academy and hurt you like this know that we are not easy to mess with."

Yu Tianheng said impulsively.

Seeing that Yu Tianheng was completely hooked, Yu Xiaogang didn't choose to continue talking, but shook his head and sighed helplessly.

Qin Ming did not stop Yu Tianheng from thinking this way.

In ancient times, there were people who became angry when they rushed to the crown, but now they are relatives who are furious.

In terms of emotion and reason, Qin Ming felt that it was very plausible.

In fact, he also had a similar plan in his heart, and he also wanted to see who was planning Shrek Academy.

"Tianheng, you should arrange things after that well. You are the captain of the Huangdou team, and Yanyan is the vice-captain. You two should discuss it carefully when the time comes."

After speaking, Qin Ming made simple arrangements.

Yu Tianheng heard the words, just now he looked like I was number one in the world, and suddenly shivered.

He didn't dare to look at Dugu Yan squarely, he didn't want to understand.

It's also from the same school, why did Dugu Yan show no pretense to anyone after entering the school.

Especially Dugu Yan is good at playing drugs, he doesn't know when he will be tricked.

Fear it like a tiger!

Although Dugu Yan hadn't figured it out yet, he just nodded slightly.

The reason why he is not interested in anyone is because he traveled everywhere with his grandfather when he was a child.

When she was very young, there was a shadow hidden in the deepest part of her heart.

Under normal circumstances, Yu Tianheng's daring will definitely win her heart.

And now, it's impossible!

"If we want to fight, we can discuss it after we know the actual situation of Shrek Academy."

"If we don't even know what the opponent is like, then our deployment now will be of no use."

After saying this coldly, Dugu Yan walked to Ye Lingling's side, and whispered a few words to Ye Lingling softly.

The two girls chatted happily, and had already selectively ignored the rest of the team.

Seeing this, Qin Ming patted Yu Tianheng on the shoulder comfortingly, and said to himself that this matter is up to you, kid.

Yu Tianheng smiled wryly, just as he was about to say something, the two brothers Shi Mo and Shi Mo who had gone shopping came back from outside.

The two held a lot of bread in their hands, and then some drinks. After entering the room, the two said in unison:

"Mr. Qin, we seem to have seen the person from Shrek Academy you mentioned."

"The second uncle of Tianheng had some descriptions before. I think if I read it correctly, people from Shrek Academy should have arrived at the Great Soul Arena."

After the two brothers finished speaking one after another, Qin Ming's eyes widened immediately.

When Yu Tianheng heard the words, he also looked at the two brothers Shi Mo and Shi Mo in disbelief.

Just mentioned the matter of Shrek Academy on the front foot, and now the people from Shrek Academy have arrived at the Great Soul Arena in Soto City.

Everything is really a coincidence!
The teacher and the student looked at each other, seeing what they wanted to see in each other's eyes.

Duguyan and Ye Lingling couldn't help being curious when they heard such a reminder.

Are the people from Shrek Academy finally here?
That confrontation is inevitable!

(End of this chapter)

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