Chapter 49 Invite the Shrek Team!


finally come!

Yu Xiaogang began to breathe rapidly.

It has been a while since he escaped from Shrek Academy, and he has always kept his hatred in the deepest part of his heart.

In his budget, it will take some time before he can meet Shrek Academy.

Never thought!
Just met people from the Emperor Fighting Team just now, people from Shrek Academy actually came to the Great Soul Arena in Suotuo City.

"Tianheng, you are in charge of inviting the Shrek Academy team members."

Just as Yu Xiaogang was pondering, Qin Ming suddenly whispered, his brows were extremely deep.

When Yu Tianheng heard this, the flames in his eyes were also gushing out.


Before Yu Tianheng took the initiative to attack, Duguyan and Ye Lingling looked at each other.

"Mr. Qin, I'll take care of this matter!"

With a whisper, Dugu Yan volunteered.

Seeing Dugu Yan's move, Qin Ming was slightly taken aback, pondered for a moment and said, "It's okay, our Huangdou team wants to invite other teams to fight, and it's not very appropriate according to the rules of the Great Soul Arena."

"Then it's up to you to take care of this matter, try to get people from Shrek Academy to fight, and then get people from the Great Spirit Arena to agree to this matter."

Duguyan nodded slightly, pulled Ye Lingling and left the room.

Watching the two leave, Qin Ming and Yu Tianheng still frowned deeply.


"I hope this time, Shrek Academy can be trampled underfoot."

"Sigh, even though I am a graduate of Shrek Academy, it's still very inappropriate to do such a thing!"

With a sigh of emotion, Qin Ming's mood seemed very complicated.

Yu Tianheng also understood Qin Ming's sorrow.

Under normal circumstances, one should not do something like this to actively invite a fight. After all, in the eyes of outsiders, this kind of behavior has the taste of deliberately bullying the school he once attended.

Morally, it is inferior.

But seeing Yu Xiaogang's face full of humiliation, Yu Tianheng suppressed all the anger in his heart.


The top priority of the moment!

"Yanyan, why do you want to take over this matter all of a sudden, aren't you very cold about such things?"

Ye Lingling followed Dugu Yan and asked very curiously.


Dugu Yan smiled slightly: "Don't you also have the same idea, you all came out with me."

"I just feel that I need to meet the new dean of Shrek Academy. I always feel that this name is very familiar."

Ye Lingling understood, and smiled slightly: "It seems that we all have the same feeling, and I also feel that this name is very familiar, but I just don't know where I met it."

After a brief exchange, both Duguyan and Ye Lingling understood the most sincere thoughts in each other's hearts.

At the beginning, just because of the number one name Su Chen made their hearts throb.

Before the official fight, they wanted to take a good look at the familiar name and what was going on.


The location of the bar counter in the Great Soul Arena of Soto City.

Duguyan and Ye Lingling talked about their Huangdou team's invitation to fight the Shrek team, and the eyes of the pretty lady at the bar widened slightly.

"What? Are you going to invite the Shrek team?"

"Your levels are much higher than the Shrek team. I'm afraid it's against the rules to do so, and it's impossible for the other party to agree to such a thing?"

The lady at the bar was surprised again and again, Xiong Da couldn't help but fluctuate, and couldn't quite believe what he heard.

In the Great Soul Arena of Suotuo City, there are strict rules and regulations for all levels of fighting spirits.

Under normal circumstances, they are all compared at the same level.

The Emperor Fighting Team, she really didn't expect that they would suddenly come to their Soto City Great Spirit Arena, even though they had some common identity certificates from other great Spirit Arenas.

But now...

To reduce dimensionality to bully a weak team is not good in character!

"Hello, if there is no accident, there may be some connections between our two teams."

"How about this? Take us to the person in charge of the Shrek team. How about we talk to them about the invitation to the battle?"

Dugu Yan naturally understood this matter, and took the initiative to talk to the lady at the bar.

"Okay, I'll arrange someone to take you there right away."

While the young lady at the bar was still silent, a fat man dressed as the person in charge rushed over immediately.

He spoke extremely fast, and then immediately winked at the lady at the bar.

The young lady at the counter had an embarrassed expression, and finally agreed to the matter helplessly: "Then I'll take these guys to the Shrek team's lounge to have a look!"

"My lord, this kind of cross-level battle is unfair!"

The supervisor didn't care so much, and said in a hurry: "Once this kind of soul fighting competition is completed, it will definitely attract the attention of many people, and it will be a chance to become famous."

"Anyway, take these two beauties to see, and see what the person in charge of the Shrek team has to say."

The lady at the bar couldn't refuse the director's intention, she walked out of the bar with a wry smile, and led Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling towards the Shrek team's lounge.

As soon as he came out of the bar, Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling both looked sideways at the huge weapon.

What did you eat to grow up?
After a while, the lady at the bar brought Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling to the Shrek team's lounge.

Because of Su Chen's intervention, since the start of the soul fighting competition, coupled with the establishment of the new Shrek team, the existence of two reckless men, Da Ming and Er Ming.

After starting the spirit fight, it has been smooth sailing, and the entire team is also well-known in the Great Soul Arena of Soto City.

The lounge is also very luxurious.

After detouring many ways to the outside of the Shrek team lounge, the lady at the bar paused.

"Miss, the rest room of the Shrek team is here."

"However, I can only be responsible for introducing you to the past. Whether the other team will agree to the invitation to fight or not depends on the other party's intentions."

"Also, I hope the two ladies don't use other methods to force them, otherwise this is against the rules."

She tried her best to explain, and just as the young lady at the bar finished speaking, Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling nodded to express their understanding.

"Don't worry, we're just here to check the situation, and we won't break the rules of the Great Soul Arena."

After getting a definite answer, the lady at the bar was ready to knock on the door of the lounge.


Before she could seriously knock on the door, a burst of suction had already erupted from behind the door panel.

The door was opened, and a calm voice came from the house:

"Since you're here, come in!"

Accompanied by the sound, it was as if a huge gluttonous beast was hidden in this lounge.

Although it is still to see the truth.

But the momentum has already been horrified.

(End of this chapter)

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