Chapter 50
This is?

Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling were slightly surprised by the sudden opening of the door.

An incomparably terrifying aura spread out in the lounge, hitting their hearts like a heavy hammer.

The lady at the counter also turned pale suddenly, her body trembled slightly, and the murder weapon trembled uncontrollably.

The graceful figure under the professional suit seemed a little thin at this moment.


"Let's go in!"

Dugu Yan was the first to realize that she had a grandfather named Douluo after all, and she had seen many big scenes.

Although I was still very confused about what happened at this time, I still mustered up my courage after all.

After the words fell, Dugu Yan took the initiative to step into the lounge.

Seeing this, Ye Lingling hurriedly followed.

After hesitating for a moment, the lady at the bar also followed into the lounge.

In her opinion, she is a staff member of the Great Soul Arena in Suotuo City, and she must handle the current affairs well.


Once a conflict broke out, he would definitely be severely punished for it.

Douluo Dalu, a world with distinctions in dignity.

She is very aware of a small person like herself, with a proud face and figure, if not for her status as a staff member of the Great Soul Arena in Suotuo City.

On weekdays, I don't know how many people have ruined it.

and so……

She doesn't want to lose this job.

in the lounge.

Su Chen calmly sat on the main seat, and Da Ming and Er Ming beside him were gearing up.

Because of the need to perform training, every time these two brothers come to the Great Spirit Arena, they can't wait to go on stage and compete.

In their words, the taste of beating someone is really wonderful.

Su Chen also turned a blind eye to this.

In the Star Dou Great Forest, because of his existence, Gu Yuena and Di Tian also woke up many years in advance.

and so……

When the most powerful beings of them were not asleep, Da Ming and Er Ming, two spirit beasts with only 10 years of age, could not have the status of overlord of the Star Dou Forest that they should have had.

Being bullied is their daily routine in the Star Dou Great Forest.

From time to time, when Ditian adopts them, he will take them to practice.

Occasionally, Xiong Jun feels that he has adopted them, and he will give them a good promotion.

Things that seem to be beneficial, but for the two brothers, they are horrible.

At this time, Su Chen looked indifferently at Duguyan and Ye Lingling who entered the lounge, and then looked at the young lady at the bar.

In the end, the eyes settled on the two of them.

"Before I knew it, I had grown up so much."

"The time flies by, but the strength is a little weaker."

Taking a sip of tea, Su Chen said with a half-smile.

Whether it is Duguyan or Ye Lingling, they all have a lot of connections with him.

To be exact, it's not that the two have a relationship with him, but the family behind Dugu Bo and Ye Lingling.

Whether it is Dugu Bo, or the family behind Ye Lingling, they all absolutely respect his existence.

In the past, he had also been a guest.

Although he hadn't completely chosen to re-cultivate as a human at that time, he could still transform into a human form, but it couldn't last long, and he was still a beast in essence.

But in any case, it does not affect his normal activities.

Counting it down, the last time I left the Star Dou Forest was more than ten years ago.

At that time, both Duguyan and Ye Lingling were still children.

Whether it is Duguyan or Ye Lingling, the forces behind them are very powerful, so they have been instilled with the idea of ​​becoming a strong person since they were young.

At that time, Su Chen was an absolute powerhouse.

Naturally, it left an indelible impression on their hearts.

At that time, Su Chen also lived with his real name, so the two girls felt very familiar when they heard the name 'Su Chen' at the beginning.

It's just that it's been so long that they can't accurately remember all these things.

"you are?"

Seeing that Su Chen seemed to know the two of them, Duguyan and Ye Lingling looked at each other and asked in surprise.

Su Chen smiled without saying a word, and tapped lightly on the armrest of the stool with his fingers.


A wonderful wave swept across Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling's bodies in an instant.

The scorching heat swept over the delicate bodies of the two of them.

Many of their memories, which had been buried deep in their memories, were revived under the waves of heat.

After a while, the strange fluctuations disappeared, and Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling opened and closed their red lips, exhaling hot air one after another.

At this time, the eyes of the two women looking at Su Chen changed again and again.

With the recovery of dusty memories, they have already remembered Su Chen's identity.

"You, are you that adult?"

Duguyan and Ye Lingling recovered for a long time, and asked in disbelief.

Su Chen still remained speechless, maintaining an inscrutable expression.

Although there was no specific answer, this scene was completely confirmed in the eyes of Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling.

That's right!

It is the grown-up.


Signaling Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling to sit down on the seats beside him, Su Chen looked at Da Ming and Er Ming at the same time.

The two brothers who were discussing in full swing suddenly became eggplants beaten by Shuang, and they dared not continue to discuss loudly.

In an instant, the air in the lounge became extremely silent.

Sitting down one after another, Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling didn't know what to say at this moment.

They still remembered why they came here this time.


Thinking of Su Chen's identity, they felt a little foreign object stuck in their throats.

That feeling is as uncomfortable as it can be.

It happened to be in such a lounge again, and it was also the temporary lounge of Shrek Academy.

As for Su Chen, the appearance of such a big man here clearly shows that Shrek is the one who speaks!
Inviting to fight Shrek?

It's just...

Absolutely outrageous thing to go to heaven!

Su Chen naturally also knew the purpose of the two women, and said with a half-smile: "You Huangdou team, do you want to invite our Shrek team?"

"Does it mean Qin Ming, or Yu Tianheng?"

The entire Soto City Great Soul Arena, everything was shrouded in his perception.

At this moment, he wanted to see how Duguyan and Ye Lingling planned to give him an answer at this time, or just prevaricate an explanation.

As for Da Ming, Er Ming and the others, when they heard Su Chen say that Dugu Yan and Dugu Yan wanted to invite their team to fight, they immediately cast their gazes over.

All the cells in his body boiled crazily at this moment.

If Su Chen wasn't still present, the two brothers would definitely have yelled at this time.

On the other hand, Xiaowu and the three daughters looked at Duguyan and Ye Lingling thoughtfully.

After listening to Su Chen's questions word by word, Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling's expressions suddenly became bitter.

The two looked at each other with a look of bewilderment.

who am I?
Where am i?

What do I want to do?
(End of this chapter)

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