Douluo: Beast God Rebuilt, Attack Goddess Ning Rongrong

Chapter 51 Accepting the invitation to fight, the speechless Duguyan

Chapter 51 Accepting the invitation to fight, the speechless Duguyan

They just came here to invite the Shrek team to fight.

But now that they figured out Su Chen's identity, Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling both had some headaches.

After hesitating for a while, Dugu Yan replied softly: "My lord, this matter was jointly decided by Teacher Qin Ming and Yu Tianheng."


Su Chen nodded thoughtfully.

Dugu Yan's answer made him very satisfied, and in the situation he perceived, it was indeed the case.

After pondering for a while, Su Chen answered softly: "Go back and tell Qin Ming that we have accepted the invitation to fight this time."

"Since someone with a heart has motivated this matter, it's time for your Royal Fighting Team to train our Shrek Team."

Dugu Yan: "..."

Ye Lingling: "..."

Su Chen's words completely stunned them on the spot.

Long live!

Really... that's all it takes?

"Well, Master Su Chen, do you really want to accept the invitation to fight?"

"I see... I see that those in your team don't seem to need such training, do they?"

Dugu Yan faltered and asked for a long time.

For some reason, she felt something very wrong from Da Ming and Er Ming.

But what exactly is the problem, it is impossible to say.

Seeing Dugu Yan's question, Ye Lingling also put her mind on Da Ming and Er Ming.

Not understanding what Dugu Yan and the others meant, Su Chen smiled slightly: "Our Shrek team has three soul beasts over 10 years old who are retraining and practicing."

"Adversaries with similar strength are very helpful to them."


It's over!

In an instant, endless despair rose in the hearts of Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling.

The expressions of the two became extraordinarily exciting at this time.

Three 10-year soul beasts are being rebuilt?

If other people said this, they wouldn't believe it even if they were killed. After all, on this continent, any 10-year-old soul beast is enough to make people crazy.

But when these words came out of Su Chen's mouth, they couldn't tolerate them not believing it.

Lord of the Beast God!

If you dare to say this, you will naturally not worry about encountering problems.

Even if other people know that the Shrek team has three 10-year-old soul beasts that are being repaired, who would dare to directly find fault with them, and then come to hunt them down to obtain the soul ring?

And now...

After hearing what Su Chen said, Duguyan and Ye Lingling looked at each other very blindly.

The rebuilt 10-year soul beast, and then their Huangdou team should fight against the Shrek team with such a composition.

The problem is too big.

"Hey, my lord actually agreed. It seems that we can change a batch of sandbags next."

"That's right, that's right, those other sandbags are not interesting enough to beat. The Emperor Fighting Team seems to be the top team of the Royal Academy of Heaven Dou Empire. It should be very strong, and it should be very comfortable to beat."

Seeing that Su Chen had finalized everything, Xiao Wu and the others hadn't shown any reaction yet, but Da Ming and Er Ming got excited beforehand.


Hearing what Daming Erming said, Duguyan and Ye Lingling rolled their eyes at the same time.

Just when the two women were still helpless, Su Chen's voice sounded again: "Okay, now that the invitation to fight is over, go back and tell Qin Ming and Yu Tianheng the others."

"In the past few days, our Shrek team will be in the Great Spirit Arena. When they want to make a move, just let the person in charge of the Great Spirit Arena come and notify us at any time."

With a slight wave of his hand, Su Chen gave the order to evict the guest.

After half an hour.

Duguyan and Ye Lingling walked out of the lounge, accompanied by the lady at the bar.

For a moment, the expressions of the three women were all weird.

Duguyan and Ye Lingling were worried about the battle between the Huangdou team and the Shrek team, while the lady at the bar was looking at the closed door thoughtfully.

Su Chen, my lord?
This adult seems to be very powerful!
The young lady at the bar was thinking to herself, she looked down at the uniform on her body, and a superb light suddenly flashed in her eyes.

Wherever you work as a staff member, it is better to be able to replace it with a stronger existence as a backer!
Plan ahead and plan ahead for future events.

At this time, the young lady at the bar had such thoughts in her heart, she knew very well that although she was surrounded by a big spirit fighting field, generally no one would find fault with her.

But if she leaves the Great Spirit Arena, or meets someone who is not afraid of the Great Spirit Arena, her end will be very miserable.

She didn't want to accept such a miserable fate!
After making such a decision, the lady at the bar counter took a deep breath to bid farewell to Dugu Yan and the two, and returned to her work position.

She still needs to go back and file for the successful invitation of the Royal Fighting Team and the Shrek Team.

As for Duguyan and Ye Lingling, after watching the young lady at the bar leave, they headed back to the waiting room of their Royal Fighting Team in a daze.

Soon, the two women returned to the lounge.


The door opened, and as soon as the two women appeared in the lounge, several people in the lounge looked over.

Qin Ming and Yu Tianheng had the hottest eyes.

Thinking about what Yu Xiaogang said, both of them are still very angry at this moment.

In the depths of their pupils, they could still see some majestic taste.

"Dugu Yan, Ye Lingling, how about the invitation to fight?"

"The Shrek team, have they agreed to accept the invitation?"

Before Qin Ming could ask, Yu Tianheng had already asked the question first.

As soon as Yu Tianheng finished speaking, Yu Xiaogang also looked at Duguyan and the two of them.

At this moment, his eyes are full of anger, and in the deepest part of the anger, there is some hope hidden.

to make!
Must be done!

Whispering in his heart, Yu Xiaogang unconsciously tightened his fist.

Thinking back on how I was abolished, thinking about my current situation, there are still many beautiful things that I haven't done.

In the future, there will be no chance to be linked to this kind of thing, and Yu Xiaogang will have endless anger in his heart.

Involuntary, useless strength, can't turn the tide at all.

So at this time, he put all his hopes on Duguyan and Ye Lingling.

Facing everyone's fiery eyes, Dugu Yan took a deep breath and said: "Shrek team agreed, but..."

Before Dugu Yan could finish speaking, Qin Ming took the lead and said: "Since you have agreed, then this time in the Suotuo City Great Soul Arena, our training opponents will be members of the Shrek team."

After Qin Ming's words fell, Yu Tianheng's voice also sounded: "I thought they wouldn't agree."

"Since you agree, everything will be easy."

"At that time, I can just use my Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Wuhun to teach them a good lesson!"

As he spoke, Yu Tianheng looked at Yu Xiaogang.

Facing Yu Tianheng's gaze, Yu Xiaogang nodded slightly, with the expression of a good boy.

After dealing with Yu Tianheng, Yu Xiaogang let out a long breath.

It's stupid, it's really hooked.

(End of this chapter)

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