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Chapter 196 Naruto Uzumaki

Chapter 196 Naruto Uzumaki ([-])

From that day on, Uzumaki Naruto started a arduous journey of practice, Uzumaki Naruto was not very talented, and he was definitely the hardest-working one among all the students in the class.

In terms of effort, in Muye Village, I am afraid that no one can compare except for the pair of masters and apprentices who only practice physical skills, Beast Akai and Xiao Li.

Why so hard?
Nura Qingfeng asked Uzumaki Naruto this question, and Uzumaki Naruto also gave the answer. He said that he is the son of the fourth Hokage, and he can't be the best, how can he do it?

In fact, in Uzumaki Naruto's heart, he is not the son of the Fourth Hokage, but he has already regarded the Fourth Hokage couple as his parents, and he has also learned a lot about the Fourth Hokage couple from the Third Hokage.

Uzumaki Naruto worked so hard to be worthy of the identity of the son of the fourth Hokage.

"Why do you want to know this?" Third Hokage - Hiruzaru Sarutobi asked curiously, and he answered very patiently what Uzumaki Naruto knew about the Fourth Hokage couple.

Regarding Uzumaki Naruto's inability to follow his father's surname, this point, the Third Hokage - Sarutobi Hiruzen has always had a heart, so when Uzumaki Naruto came to him to find out about the Fourth Hokage couple, he always stopped, Answer patiently, you can't let Naruto Uzumaki know that the four generations of Hokage couples are his parents, at least let him tell the story of his own parents.

"Because I am the future Hokage!" Uzumaki Naruto replied as a matter of course.

"Then why do you only ask about the Fourth Hokage couple? You don't ask about me, and you don't ask about the first and second Hokage?" Third Hokage - Hiruzaru Sarutobi asked curiously.

"Fourth Hokage is my idol!" Uzumaki Naruto said with a smile.

"Oh! Am I not your idol? You know, Fourth Hokage is my grandson!" Third Hokage - Hiruzaru Sarutobi laughed.

"Grandfather of the third generation, you are so powerful! However, my idol is only the fourth generation of Hokage!" Naruto Uzumaki said.

"Why?" Third Hokage - Sarutobi Hiruzen's curiosity was completely aroused.

"Do you really want to say it?" Uzumaki Naruto asked with some concern.

"En!" Third Hokage - Hiruzaru Sarutobi nodded.

"Then I told you, you can't blame me!" Uzumaki Naruto asked pitifully.

"En! I don't blame you!" The Third Hokage - Hiruzaru Sarutobi said with a smile.

"Then I'll just say it! There are only four Hokages. The first Hokage is the one who founded the village. There is already Konoha Village, so I can't build another village, so I rule it out! The second Hokage is the successor of the first generation. I There is no older brother who is Hokage, so I also rule it out! Three Hokages! It’s too old, I don’t want to be Hokage when I’m that old, so I still rule it out! In this case, there will be four Hokages left! And, four Dai Hokage is really amazing! You became Hokage at such a young age..." Uzumaki Naruto paid full attention to the somewhat ugly expression of the third Hokage, and said to himself.

"Stop! Stop! When I became Hokage, I was very young, okay?" Third Hokage - Sarutobi Hiruzen retorted, the old man was most afraid of being called old.

"Then when you became Hokage, were you younger than the Fourth Hokage?" Uzumaki Naruto asked curiously.

"No!" Third Hokage - Sarutobi Hiruzen had to lower his head and said weakly.

"That's enough! Anyway, my idol is the Fourth Hokage, and I want to become a man like the Fourth Hokage!" Uzumaki Naruto said vigorously.

Three Generations of Hokage - Sarutobi Hiruzen stared at the statue on Hokage Rock, without saying a word for a long time, not even noticing that Uzumaki Naruto had left, and after a long time, he whispered: "As expected of your son, I really hope he can grow up , protect this village!"

Uzumaki Naruto couldn't hear these words, he had already returned home and started a new day of cultivation.

In the early morning of the next day, when the sky was slightly bright, Naruto Uzumaki got up from the bed, ran out the door, and started his morning exercises.

Naruto Uzumaki's morning exercise is very simple, just a simple physical exercise, which was arranged for him by Nuliang Qingfeng. He ran all the way to a small forest in the village.

In the world of Naruto, especially around Konoha Village, there are towering trees everywhere, and the environment is good.

At the same time, in such an environment, it is easy to find food.

Nuliang Qingfeng asked him to run long-distance here to catch prey and make breakfast. The forest outside the village is denser and the food is more abundant, but Naruto Uzumaki is not allowed to leave the village.

After running for a long way, Naruto Uzumaki was sweating a little. He didn't rest, so he searched directly in the small forest. All kinds of wild vegetables, wild mushrooms, rabbits, birds, etc. were all Naruto Uzumaki's food. .

Today's luck is very good, Naruto Uzumaki caught a pigeon, which can make a pot of good soup.

Want to say, why did Uzumaki Naruto come out to find breakfast?
This is the credit of Nuliang Qingfeng. Under Nuliang Qingfeng's persuasion, Uzumaki Naruto felt that if the village gave him relief money and a house to live in, he owed the village, so he had to be self-reliant.

In this small forest, Uzumaki Naruto is already building a log cabin, but it hasn't been built yet, but the pots and pans are all ready, and no one will steal them if they are placed here.

"It's so delicious!" The pigeon soup was out of the pot, and the aroma was overflowing, and Uzumaki Naruto was about to start it happily.

Suddenly, Nuliang Qingfeng seized control of his body in an instant, picked up the bowl slowly, and enjoyed it slowly.

"Hey! Qingfeng, don't take you like this. Every time I cook and prepare to eat, you take control of my body, and you can't let me have a good meal! I haven't eaten for a week !” Naruto Uzumaki said angrily.

"Haven't eaten for a week? Then why didn't you starve to death? Didn't the food I ate go into your stomach? Am I eating for you? Seeing that you are so tired from cooking, I kindly help you, understand? Understand? Besides, this week, there were two times, when you were not tired, I didn't eat for you!" Nuliang Qingfeng said.

"I don't want your help, okay? Yes, you didn't eat for me twice, because of something, because the food on those two occasions was not good, so you didn't show up!" Uzumaki Naruto said helplessly.

"How much food do I eat, and it's still in your stomach? You're so excited!" Nuliang Qingfeng said with a curled lip.

"But can you taste the food? You always eat the food until you can't eat any more. I just want to taste the taste, and I can't eat anything else! I haven't tried the food for many days. The taste that entered the mouth!" Uzumaki Naruto said pitifully.

(End of this chapter)

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