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Chapter 197 Uzumaki Naruto

Chapter 197 Uzumaki Naruto ([-]) (Fourth)
"I can not only eat for you, but also practice for you and take exams for you. Do you want these things and don't want my help?" Nuliang Qingfeng asked with a smile.

"Brother Qingfeng, I don't mean that! I mean, can you skip one meal a day, I'm not that tired, and I still have a little strength to eat!" Naruto Uzumaki said flatteringly.

"En! Okay, let's do it like this! I will save you a meal later!" Nuliang Qingfeng smiled.

"Thank you, big brother!" Uzumaki Naruto said gratefully.

Nuliang Qingfeng has helped Uzumaki Naruto a lot. The cultivation of the body is to constantly surpass the limits of the body, provided that it does not cause permanent damage to the body.

Uzumaki Naruto practiced very hard by himself, and he kept breaking the limit of his own body, but he would eventually be tired!He needs to sleep and rest too!

Nuliang Qingfeng appreciated his perseverance, so when Naruto Uzumaki was exhausted and fell asleep, he took over Naruto Uzumaki's body and continued to practice.

Whether it's chakra refining or physical training, Nuliang Qingfeng can help Uzumaki Naruto a lot.

Chakra is a power born from the perfect fusion of spiritual energy and physical energy.

Spiritual energy is a kind of power for the birth of the soul. Therefore, Nura Qingfeng has a soul and naturally has spiritual energy. It is also possible to use his own spiritual energy and Uzumaki Naruto's physical energy to fuse Chakra.

Therefore, Uzumaki Naruto already has three types of Chakra in his body, his own, Nine Tails', and Nura Seipze's.

As for the body, when you exercise to the limit, the root of the difficulty in persevering lies in the soreness of the body itself, the fatigue of the body muscles, and the exhaustion of the spirit.

Therefore, when Uzumaki Naruto fell asleep, his body had reached the limit of exercise.

When Nuliang Qingfeng manipulated this body that had been exercised to the limit, he did not accept the feeling of the body, so he naturally could not feel the soreness and fatigue in it, and continued to exercise as if nothing had happened.

Observing the state of the body with the power of the soul, before the body will cause permanent damage, Nura Qingfeng will stop and let the body fall into rest.

Uzumaki Naruto's body can be said to have extremely strong vitality, not only because of the role of the nine tails in his body, but also because of his characteristics as a member of the Uzumaki clan.

Strong vitality and a large amount of chakra are the common characteristics of the Uzumaki family.

Uzumaki Naruto's mother is Uzumaki Kushina of the Uzumaki Clan, and naturally inherited this. At the same time, there is a tailed beast called Nine Tails in her body, and Uzumaki Naruto's is even more powerful to the extreme.

Therefore, when Naruto Uzumaki practiced, the trauma he suffered would be fully recovered after a sleep.

Nura Qingfeng exercised Uzumaki Naruto's body after calculating Uzumaki Naruto's recovery ability.

In other words, sometimes, Nura Qingfeng really suspected that Naruto Uzumaki's brain was partially burned out by the powerful chakra of Kyuubi.

During the cultural exam, Naruto Uzumaki had no choice but to turn to Qingfeng Nura to pass the test.

Nuliang Qingfeng complied with his request, controlled his body, and took the exam for him. However, Nuliang Qingfeng himself can't do these things!
However, Nuliang Qingfeng can cheat!
Using his soul power, he quietly copied the answers of other students.

As for who copied it?Does that need to be said?Naturally, it belonged to Uchiha Sasuke, who is a character who has full marks in all the exams.

However, Qingfeng Nuliang didn't copy all of them. At Uzumaki Naruto's level, like Uchiha Sasuke, he got full marks in all exams, so he still got it?

Therefore, Nuliang Qingfeng just helped Naruto Uzumaki get a passing grade.

Speaking of using the method of soul power detection, it is really not something that ordinary people can discover. Even the conversation between the third Hokage and Danzo can be listened to, but it has not been discovered. In this Konoha village, who can discover it?
If you want to perceive Nura Seipaze's soul detection, you must at least be able to see the soul.

However, the disadvantage of this trick is that the farther away you are, the greater the consumption. In the same classroom, the consumption of helping Uzumaki Naruto to cheat makes Nuliang Qingfeng a little reluctant. The situation in the office really made Nuliang Qingfeng bleed profusely.

The key point is that the investigation of Hokage's office lasted too long, and Nuliang Qingfeng had been monitoring for a long time before Danzo's arrival.

Time passed, and five years passed in the blink of an eye, and Naruto Uzumaki grew up a lot, becoming more mature and stronger.

Let's put it this way, Naruto Uzumaki's Chakra is at least equal to that of a Jōnin, but Naruto Uzumaki's performance is extremely poor in terms of ninjutsu.

The avatar technique of the graduation exam failed twice in a row, and it has spread throughout Muye Village.

Today, Uzumaki Naruto is not the crane tail in the original book. He is the first in physical skills, and even Uchiha Sasuke is no match. The bright spot is that gymnastics is the first.

However, in the eyes of ninjas, ninjutsu is the most powerful place for ninjas.

Naruto Uzumaki wanted more than once to ask Nuliang Qingfeng to help him pass the graduation exam.

However, Qingfeng Nuliang didn't help him because he had some ideas about the sealed book, and because Naruto Uzumaki learned his signature ninjutsu-the shadow clone technique from it.

It's just that I don't know if things will go the same way as in the original book.

There is still one year before the real graduation time. This year, Seifu Nura plans to train Naruto Uzumaki's chakra control.

Not to mention perfect control, at least the basic training of treading water and climbing trees must be completed.

At this time, Uzumaki Naruto no longer lives in the relief house, and has not received the relief money. In a small forest in Konoha Village, he successfully built a small wooden house and cleared an open space as a training ground. .

On the side of the training ground, there is a small vegetable garden, a pond with many fish, and a small pasture with chickens, ducks, cows, and sheep. There are no pigs because they will be dirty.

Next to it is a huge kitchen with all kinds of kitchen utensils, which can complete the cooking of any dish.

There are various cooking methods. Qingfeng Nuliang sorted out all the cooking methods he knew, such as Chinese food, French food, Italian food, etc. in his memory, and asked Naruto Uzumaki to create all the kitchen utensils.

Under the threat of Nura Qingfeng, Uzumaki Naruto had to do all of this with all his might. At this time, his cooking skills can be said to be at its peak.

There is no way, if it is not delicious, Naruto Uzumaki will eat it all. If it is delicious, he will have three meals a day, and Naruto Uzumaki will give one meal to himself.

PS: As I said before, there were ten updates in the first two days of Naruto, four updates yesterday, six updates today, and two more!
(End of this chapter)

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