Onmyoji's love strategy

Chapter 632 She Saw Qin Mu Hurriedly Getting Down from the Car Wearing a Pair of Cotton Drags

Chapter 632 She saw Qin Mu hurrying down from the car wearing a pair of cotton slippers

"The person I love is Qin Mu. In this life, I will not marry unless he is the only one. Brother Jin, I only treat you as a big brother who can still talk to me. You have helped me a lot. I really don't want to be alienated from you because of this kind of thing. "Tong Sisi started: "I'm sorry, I know my words are a bit heavy, but Brother Jin, you have such excellent conditions, there will always be a girl who is more suitable for you."

"And I already have a home." In the last sentence, her voice was much gentler.

A woman who is immersed in the sea of ​​love can't help but become extremely tender when talking about the man she loves deeply.

No matter how violent a woman is.

"..." Jin Xiangyan's eyes changed a little, they were deep and serious, "If I say, you may not be the person in Qin Mu's heart?"

Tong Sisi was really stunned for a moment, but she was only surprised.

She frowned: "There is nothing to doubt the relationship between me and Brother Mu."

Jin Xiangyan smiled lightly, thinking that the smile was making her silly. "Five years ago, Qin Mu was still studying abroad. He fell in love with a woman named Jiang Shan. Everyone knew about his love, and he loved it vigorously. Everywhere in the college There were their laughing figures. At that time, Qin Mu was young and handsome, and his back was huge. There was almost no woman who didn’t post up, but he didn’t look at women other than her because of Jiang Shan. Before he met you, he was alone. Came here this way."

He said without looking at Tong Sisi's reaction.

Tong Sisi didn't believe it at first, but as Jin Xiangyan continued to talk, she felt that this was not a lie that could be made up, and could be broken with a single poke.

"You should have experienced the conditions of the Qin family to choose a daughter-in-law. Jiang Shan came from a low background, so the Qin family naturally looked down on her. So there was a period of time when Qin Mu was making noise on the Internet. He insisted on marrying Jiang Shan, and he did not hesitate to break up with her family for her. However, five years have passed since Jiang Shan disappeared. The news that the two were once sweet or hacked were all deleted from the Internet, and they have never been seen again. There is no trace of the relationship between the two, and some people mentioned it on the Internet, but after a long time, the two are not people in the entertainment industry. Coupled with the strict control of the Qin family in this regard, it is almost impossible to find Jiang Shan on the Internet. With a little bit of information, gradually no one will remember her."

Tong Sisi tightened her fingers on her lap and asked, "What happened to the disappearance."

Jin Xiangyan glanced at her, and that glance had a deep meaning: "It is said that she is missing. A living person will find such a little bit of news no matter where he goes missing, but this Jiang Shan has evaporated... No one can find her." not."

"And Jiang Shan disappeared on the day the two went to get married secretly."

The last sentence hit Tong Sisi's heart heavily, causing a dull pain.

A living person suddenly disappeared. Based on what she knew about Brother Mu, if it was true love, he would go crazy and look for it. Even if there was no news, he would turn the whole world upside down.

As long as people are still in this world, no matter how many years it is, Brother Mu will look for them.

But he didn't look for it anymore, and he didn't even mention it anymore, so...the person died.

For a moment, what she thought Qin Mu was hiding from her suddenly became clear.

My breathing was a bit heavy, and my mind was loaded with a lot of information that I couldn't sort out for a while.But the only thing that made her understand was that no matter what kind of past Brother Mu had, it was all in the past, even if he really still had Jiang Shan's place in his heart and still thought about her, she, Tong Sisi, is now!
And Brother Mu's feelings for her are true, she can feel it deeply!

After thinking about this, she couldn't accept whether what Jin Xiangyan said was true or not.

Jin Xiangyan was a little surprised when he saw that she hadn't been hit. He tapped the steering wheel with his fingers: "Actually, I was lucky enough to see a picture of Jiang Shan...she looks quite similar to you, especially her eyes, which are very agile."

Tong Sisi still clenched the hand next to the car door, her breathing was slightly suffocated.

Jin Xiangyan didn't know, Chu Wei once said that her eyes looked like a person!

It turns out that this person is Jiang Shan!

Every woman can accept that her husband has an ex-girlfriend, but she feels more or less uncomfortable with an ex-girlfriend who looks like herself.I will think about it, will Brother Mu treat me differently because I look like Jiang Shan, will I get along with him, will I think of Jiang Shan when I look at my face when I am with him Woolen cloth?

Tong Si thought about it, and thought about it seriously. Perhaps this may be because of his appearance and contact with him, but the feelings that arose later were true.

No matter what the facts are, it is true that she and Brother Mu have walked along the way, and the relationship is also true. Everything that Brother Mu has done for himself, the way he sincerely knelt in front of his father's grave and swore, is still deeply engraved in front of her eyes .

Tong Sisi would never doubt Qin Mu's sincerity towards her. It would be too stupid if she couldn't tell the truth from others.And she absolutely didn't want to hear about Brother Mu's past from others, and Jin Xiangyan told her about it after confessing to himself, which was obviously intentional.

There is no peace of mind.

Tong Sisi thought a lot in her heart, and the time was only a moment of panic.

Her expression turned cold, and she didn't look at Jin Xiangyan and said, "No one has a past. If you want to find out, you can check me. When I was in college, I loved a man for many years without thinking about food. That family I also look down on my background. The Qin family didn't agree with my background at first, but I was able to leave my ex and choose Brother Mu. I was able to stay together despite the pressure of the Qin family. Now the Qin family accepts me. It's only because of true love. If the two really love each other to the death, no one will be able to separate, and no one will know who is the person by their side until the end."

It was only after being with Brother Mu that Tong Sisi realized that her feelings for Jiang Kailun were not so much in love and could not be separated from her.It's just that at that time she was too autistic and had no friends besides Yang Yang. Although she was pretty, men didn't like her, a girl who didn't smile all the time. Only Jiang Kailun would come over to talk to her at that time.

As the first friend of the opposite sex, Tong Sisi, who has never been in a relationship, leads the wrong direction of her emotional affiliation.

Until being forced to break up by Jiang's family, she was sad for a while but she didn't feel that she couldn't live without Jiang Kailun. She still thought about it, thinking about the happy college days, but she never lived in despair.

Now, if she loses Brother Mu... She can't imagine, even thinking about it will hurt her heart.

Jin Xiangyan took a deep breath and spread his hands, "That's the truth, and that's all I know. If you want to know more, you can ask Qin Mu in person. You two are getting married. If you want to come, he will treat you as well." With true feelings, at this time he probably won't hide anything from you." He said, looking at her, "Sisi, I like you, but I won't try to break you up in such a despicable way. You said that you have such a deep relationship, so no one can break it up, I just want you to know Qin Mu better before getting married."

"..." Tong Sisi smiled inwardly.

I have nothing to comment on his sentence "I will not try to break you up in such a despicable way."

Who knows what he is thinking.

It's nothing more than that.

Tong Sisi grabbed her clothes and was about to open the door and get out of the car with her backpack in her hand.

Jin Xiangyan quickly grabbed her arm: "This is high speed."

She said lightly, "I'll wait outside the guardrail."

At this time, Jin Xiangyan's phone ding-dong, he withdrew his hand and said, "The phone has a signal, you can call for rescue."

After exiting the expressway, Tong Sisi refused Jin Xiangyan and took a taxi back to the city by herself.

It was already [-]:[-], and I was already late for work.

She called Fan Fan and asked him to take an hour off for her.

"My ancestor, what's going on with you! Some kidnappers called Mr. Qin to say that you were kidnapped. Mr. Qin is going crazy looking for you now. Are you okay?"

Tong Sisi was stunned and reacted in surprise, "What did you say? I was kidnapped?"


Before he had time to explain to Fan Fan, he quickly hung up the phone and called Brother Mu's number.

After only two rings, the phone was connected, and the man's cold and hoarse voice came, "It's not nine o'clock yet."

Tong Sisi said timidly, "Brother Mu is me... I was not kidnapped."

"..." After a silence of about ten seconds, there was a voice again, but a few more suppressed hoarseness, "Where are you?"

She raised her head and glanced out of the car, it was hard to tell if she was changing places at any time.

Over there, he made the decision for her, "Wait here for me!"

Tong Sisi gulped, stared at the phone for a long time, and asked the driver to put her down.

She stood nervously by the side of the road, with her head down, thinking about how she would explain to Brother Mu later... the beating would be less painful.

After standing for about four to ten minutes, when Tong Sisi was about to freeze to dryness, several cars stopped beside her, one of which was the Mulsanne she was most familiar with.

A lot of people got off from the cars behind, and Black Eagle and the others were also there.

The car door next to her was pushed open, and Tong Sisi subconsciously took a big step back, breathing intermittently with her heart tense.

A pair of legs wearing slacks and indoor slippers stepped down, which was extremely weird.

As soon as Qin Mu came down, his gray eyes were fixed on her, and his anger was flying.

He swung his hands and slammed the car door shut, closing it back in vain that was about to get out.

Tong Sisi shivered for a moment, and did not look at him, "Brother Mu, I was wrong, let me explain..."

Qin Mu's eyes were slightly cold, he strode forward and locked the back of her head and pressed her down, lowered his head and kissed her mouth roughly, the kiss was urgent and fierce without any emotion at all.

"Hmm..." There was a pain on the lips, and a fishy-sweet taste diffused in the mouths of the two of them, and the entangled tongues made the taste stronger and more intense, which was not at all uncomfortable.

Subconsciously, Tong Sisi wanted to push him away, but she hesitated when she noticed his heavy and rapid breathing, sighed in her heart, and slowly wrapped her arms around his waist.

Inside the car, Xiao Cheng had already covered his white eyes, and he also looked away, and said, "Look at my little Boss, there is a reason why I stopped you from going down just now!"

in vain:"……"

Qin Mu let her go, put his hand on her head and rubbed it gently twice, his deep gray eyes locked on her tightly, he was relieved that he had found it again, and there was a lot of fire in his heart, but as soon as he touched her Her deer-like deer-like water eyes, like a child who knows her mistakes and anxiously waits to suffer, her heart is softened, and the blame she wants to say can't be uttered, it just gets stuck in her throat.

He lowered his eyes, slid her arms down and held her hands, his hands were cold.

"It's so cold?" Qin Mu frowned and reproached, "There is a restaurant behind you, why don't you go in and wait for me?"

Tong Sisi felt aggrieved, and looked at him quietly, "You made me wait here."

Qin Mu's heart was suffocated, and he was almost mad at her.

He snorted coldly, "I know now that you listen to me."

With hot eyes, Tong Sisi threw herself into his arms and hugged him tightly, closing her eyes: "I'm sorry... I will never leave without saying goodbye again."

Qin Mu looked down at her, his eyes soft and gentle.The person who made me anxious for several hours is now in my arms, this feeling is so good that even the whole world doesn't want it.

"Let's go home."

Her throat warmed up, "Okay, go home."

Just now before Brother Mu came, she was wondering whether she should ask him about Jiang Shan's affairs. She had already organized countless words to answer him, but she didn't care.But when she saw Qin Mu hurried down from the car wearing a pair of cotton slippers, all the problems were solved, and it can be said that the problems she thought were not problems.

It's because she thinks too much.

Why doesn't her brother Mu believe it, and wants to believe someone who may have ulterior motives?
As for Jiang Shan, there is no need to ask.

No matter whether the person is missing or dead, even if Jiang Shan can come back, the person beside Brother Mu is her.

Brother Mu, she will never let go, and she will never compare.

"Mom." It was finally Bai Bai's turn, and the little guy threw himself into Tong Sisi's arms, looking up at her with a small face, "Mom, next time you go out, you must tell me and Dad. You suddenly disappeared, which made us anxious." , Dad ran out without even wearing shoes."

The stubby little finger pointed to the cotton slippers on Qin Mu's feet, "Uncle Fox bought these shoes temporarily in the supermarket, and the soles of his feet were bleeding from the stones."

It's rare for the little guy to say good things for his cheap father, and he gave a big assist as soon as he came up.

Tong Sisi looked at the man sitting next to them in shock, no wonder she felt that the pair of cottons were so ugly, her nose was sour, and she bent down to take off his shoes.

Qin Mu held her hand to support her up, glanced at Bai Bai from the corner of his eye, and said softly, "I'm fine, everything has been taken care of."

She bit her lower lip, looked at him with reddish eyes, and couldn't swallow with something choked in her throat.

With her head down, Tong Sisi could feel a pair of hot and sharp eyes staring at her, and her fingers tightened slightly.

Qin Mu was waiting for her to speak on her own initiative.

"Brother Mu, I'm actually..." She raised her head and slammed into his deep eyes, the courage that was finally brewing disappeared half of Shi Shiran.

"Boss." Xiao Cheng turned around suddenly holding his mobile phone, and found that the atmosphere behind was very condensed, and the cold eyes of his boss fell on him coolly.

(End of this chapter)

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