Onmyoji's love strategy

Chapter 633 When Amu brought her home for the first time, I didn't fall in love with her

Chapter 633 I Didn't Love Her When Amu Brought Her Home For The First Time
Xiao Cheng couldn't see it, so he could only hold up the phone under pressure, "Boss, the old man knew that the young master came back and asked you and your wife to take him to the hospital."

Hearing this, Qin Mu frowned. He only visited Zhang Huayu once when he was in the hospital, and he was finally driven away by Zhang Huayu's sarcasm.

I'm afraid it's not Zhang Huayu who wants to see his grandson this time, but his old man asked Bai Bai to get close to them.

The back of his hand was covered with softness, and the warmth of the palm of his hand went straight to his heart.

Tong Sisi looked at him with a pair of clear eyes: "Go and have a look."

The little guy squeezed between the two also put their little hands up, and the white and tender little paws on their big hands were very eye-catching, and said in a soft voice, "Daddy, I miss grandpa."

It meant that he was thinking of grandpa, and he wanted to see grandpa too.

Qin Mu's eyes were dim, and he looked deeply at his wife and children in front of him. Suddenly, his heart moved, and his other big hand covered both mother and son's hands tightly, and said in a low voice, "Sisi, we have obtained the certificate. Bar."

Tong Sisi choked for breath, and stared round her eyes. Qin Mu saw her cute and dazed appearance, and the tenderness in her eyes deepened several layers.

Bai Bai pulled out his little hand from between the two, covered his mouth and giggled, "Haha, Mom and Dad are getting married, and as a son, I can actually see your wedding!"

Tong Sisi "..."

The old blushed.

She quickly glanced at the driver and Xiao Cheng who were driving in front, the two didn't turn their heads, but she just thought they were laughing.

Seeing her blushing so happy because of obtaining the certificate, Qin Mu felt that if he knew this, he should have put the certificate on the agenda earlier.

It was all his negligence.

... Qin Zhenhua loves his grandson, the kind that hurts deeply, every time he waits for Bai Bai to come, he will prepare a lot of things, and he will prepare a lot of things that Bai Bai likes and dislikes.

Knowing that Baibai likes guns, I spend money every month to find someone to make an exquisite model. The model and style are assembled one by one according to the real gun, and then installed in a glass cover. like a work of art.

Bai Bai also likes it very much. There is another shelf in his room, which is specially used to display the models that his grandfather gave him.

"The eldest grandson is coming to grandpa's arms." Qin Zhenhua's excited eyes lit up as soon as he entered the door, and there was no one else but his grandson.

"Grandpa~" Bai Bai happily moved away from his father's arms.

"Dad." Tong Sisi called out softly, and said, "How is Mom recovering?"

"The hospital said it's not bad, and she can go home to raise her in a few days. She fell asleep in it, so you come in and sit down first, and wake her up after the hospital comes for a routine examination." After speaking, she hugged her The grandson left them behind and went in.

There is a rhythm that anyone can do without the grandson.

Qin Zhenhua hugged Bai Bai, and his face was wrinkled with a smile. The old man who used to be unsmiling and resolute in the military has become a grandson slave!

Holding Bai Bai on his lap, Qin Zhenhua smiled and asked Xiao Cheng to bring up the big box on the ground.

Bai Bai's eyes brightened with excitement, and he hugged Qin Zhenhua's arm excitedly: "Is grandpa a new model!"

"Haha, our Si Chen is so smart!" Qin Zhenhua pampered the little guy's nose.

Standing beside her, Tong Sisi couldn't help but say, "Dad, don't spoil him like this."

Qin Zhenhua snorted, "My old Qin's family is just such a grandson. If you don't spoil him, who will you spoil?" The old man's eyes turned to her belly, "Why don't you have another one, whether it's a boy or a girl, and I won't spoil you if I divide the favor in half." It will spoil Si Chen."

"..." Tong Sisi smiled sarcastically.

This old man wants a grandson if he doesn't agree with each other!

Qin Mu didn't intervene, but his eyes fell on her stomach calmly, and his thoughts changed a few times.

He works so hard every day, there should be some movement.

Ask for the arrival time of the little princess!
While the two were thinking about each other, Bai Bai suddenly burst into cheers, and Qin Mu, Tong Sisi and the two were caught in the eyes by the golden model in the glass case.

Seeing the gun, Qin Mu also had a look of shock in his eyes, and smiled helplessly after only a moment.

I'm afraid that back then, his father didn't love him as much as he loved his grandson.

"Golden MA41 carbine!" The small white face was stuck on the glass cover, and layers of white mist were blown out of the cover by breathing. The surprised and cared-for little appearance was extremely fun.

The grandson likes it so much, and Qin Zhenhua is also happy, "Does the grandson like it?"

"Enen like it!" The little guy nodded excitedly, and carefully removed the cover. He didn't know how heavy it was until he got the golden carbine in his hand!

The gun was as long as Bai Bai's arm, and Bai Bai took it because he didn't prepare in advance and didn't pick it up.

Bai Bai blinked his eyes, because he also forgot to hide his strength with the favorite gun in front of him, and picked up the carbine in front of Qin Zhenhua when he got excited.

Now Qin Zhenhua was quite surprised, "Good guy, this is really powerful."

The gun was made by Qin Zhenhua, and it weighed more than ten catties. A three-year-old kid picked it up right away?
And it looks effortless!
Tong Sisi didn't know how heavy the gun was, but when Qin Zhenhua said it in such a surprised way, she was frightened, worried that she would be suspected if she exposed too much in vain.

"This child is born to be a soldier, and if he is trained well, he will surely become a talent." After Qin Zhenhua finished speaking, he did not forget to give his son a meal, "I must have made you a lot better."

Qin Mu "..."

What Qin Zhenhua said made Tong Sisi feel uncomfortable.

No one can say anything about Bai Bai's future. Seeing the old man love the little guy so much, it hurts so much, if one day he finds out that Bai Bai is not his grandson, how will it end?

Tong Si panicked when he thought about it, and then flinched subconsciously.

The man next to her noticed, put his arms around her waist and lowered his eyes and asked softly, "What's wrong?"

She shook her head to indicate that she was fine.

The door of the ward was knocked at this moment, and Chu Wei came in with the medical staff. He looked around and said to Qin Zhenhua, "You just had a fever and a cold yesterday, why don't you rest at home."

"Uh... Isn't this my grandson back?"

Qin Mu frowned, and said dissatisfiedly, "You run around when you're sick, you miss your grandson, Sisi and I just go home with you for nothing."

Qin Zhenhua lowered his head and looked at Bai Bai's handsome face, "Your mother always wants to come and see her when she's sick, and Bai Bai is so young, so what to do if she's sick, I'm an adult, it doesn't matter."

In short, the grandfather loves his grandson dearly, and there is no principle in the pain!

After hearing this, Bai Bai climbed down from Qin Zhenhua's arms, looked at Qin Zhenhua seriously with a small face, and held a finger with his small hand, unable to hold the old man's big palm, and said in a soft and childish voice, "Grandpa is sick, please rest well, Call Baibai, and Baibai will go to see grandpa."

Qin Zhenhua was so beautiful in his heart that he said hello three times in a row, and then kissed Bai Bai, "Grandpa will always listen to our little one from now on!"

Qin Mu "..."

Tong Sisi "..."

Chu Wei coughed, "Well, I'll go see my aunt first."

Qin Zhenhua waved his hand.

Chu Wei took people in to wake Zhang Huayu up for an examination. The surgical wound recovered well, and his complexion was rosy. He announced that he would be able to go home and take care of him in a few days.

The Qin family has its own medical team, and the recuperating environment is no worse than that in the hospital.

After Chu Wei explained, he left beforehand.

Qin Zhenhua stopped him, "Xiao Wei, I heard that your grandfather is coming, isn't it? Is he coming to live in your little castle?"

Chu Wei was surprised, his head went numb, "Uncle, who did you listen to?"

Qin Zhenhua looked at him, "Your mother raised her mouth."

Zhang Huayu on the hospital bed kept his ears stretched out, and when he heard that Qin Zhenhua had such a close relationship with that woman, his expression immediately sank.

Chu Wei's expression changed completely, and he didn't want to answer Qin Zhenhua's question again, "Uncle, I remembered something very important, so I'm leaving first."

As soon as Bai Dagua took it off, he stuffed it into Qin Mu's arms and ran out in a hurry.

"When did this kid get so frizzy?"

Zhang Huayu had a serious face, and couldn't help but ask, "Are you here to see me? Why are you so concerned about other people's affairs!"

Qin Zhenhua's good mood was instantly extinguished by her, and he glared at her, "You are so young, I don't know where to say this, the children all come to see you like this?" Qin Zhenhua couldn't bear her anymore, Shen Sheng Said: "Let me tell you, if you can't learn how to get along with each other again, you can go back to Zhang's house and learn hard, and come back when you have learned the discipline."

Does this mean to drive her away?

Zhang Huayu is young, she has been in the Qin family for decades and was driven back to her natal family at this age, where is her old face going?

Zhang Huayu pursed her lips tightly, no matter how humiliated she was in her heart, she would not dare to confront Qin Zhenhua at this time.

It's just embarrassing in front of Qin Mu and Tong Sisi, I'm so ashamed and angry!

Seeing that she was being honest, Qin Zhenhua put Bai Bai on the bed, "Look at our precious grandson coming to see you, our Si Chen is a smart and good boy. Si Chen, call grandma."

Bai Bai looked at Zhang Huayu with a pair of beautiful big eyes, just in time to see the disgust in Zhang Huayu's eyes, only Bai Bai could see it in this position, and she also relied on Bai Bai's smallness to think that he would not see it, so she did not hide her emotions.

Bai Bai couldn't help curling his lips secretly.

I thought he liked to be called grandma so much.

Sitting by the bed in vain for a long time without saying a word, those black eyes looked at everyone innocently and confusedly, as if they didn't understand the situation.

Anyway, the ability to pretend to be stupid on the spot is good.

When Qin Mu saw it, he didn't know what his son was thinking, so he said cooperatively, "Dad, are you going back to rest, I'll send you off."

Bai Bai immediately nodded, "Grandpa is obedient, go back to rest and recover from illness before playing with Bai Bai."

Qin Zhenhua's heart softened all of a sudden, and he replied with a smile: "Good grandpa, go back and rest now."

After speaking, his eyes fell on her, and Tong Sisi was slightly startled.

I don't know why the old man suddenly looked at me like this.

Qin Zhenhua's eyes showed gratitude, "Thank you, girl, for changing Ah Mu into this... and for giving birth to such a good grandson for my Qin family."

Tong Sisi was in a daze for a moment, and shook her head quickly, "Dad, you are too serious, I love Brother Mu and I love Bai Bai."

The implication is that she is willing.

Qin Zhenhua nodded in relief, stroked the little guy's head, gave Zhang Huayu a few words, and left the ward.

Looking at Qin Zhenhua's leaving figure, some thirst for knowledge welled up in his heart.

Tong Sisi touched the man beside her, and said anxiously, "Brother Mu is still in the police station, I have to go there now."

"I send you……"

"You don't need to go there by yourself, you can chat with mom again." Erran apologized to Zhang Huayu, "You take care of your wounds, and I will come to see you another day. I will go first."

Qin Mu reached out to stop her, but Tong Sisi ran too fast, as if someone was chasing her outside.

Qin Mu's eyes darkened, and it took him a long time to look away from the door.

"Dad!" Tong Sisi caught up with Qin Zhenhua before he got into the car, ran over panting, met Qin Zhenhua's surprised eyes and said, "Dad, I want to talk to you about Qin Mu's past, which is about Jiang Shan."

Qin Zhenhua watched her eyes change, and moved his lips, "You already know."

She nodded "Yes."

Qin Zhenhua turned around and told the driver to go back by himself, and then asked Tong Sisi to drive.

Qin Zhenhua was sitting in the co-pilot, and when Tong Sisi couldn't hold back, a sigh came from his ear.

"Tell me first how much you know."

Tong Sisi recounted what Jin Xiangyan told her. She also hated herself like this, and secretly learned about his past behind Mu Ge's back.

She thought that she could not care, but she heard about his past with Jiang Shan from others, and Jiang Shan's influence on him.Tong Sisi has already been born sensitive, and she can think of Jiang Shan when someone says something that may not mean anything else.

She knew it was dangerous and neurotic, and she also knew that if she didn't clarify this matter, it might affect her relationship with Brother Mu.

"That's all I've heard. Where did Jiang Shan go? Why didn't Brother Mu go to her all these years?"

Qin Zhenhua glanced at her meaningfully, "You want Ah Mu to find her?"

"..." The fingers on the steering wheel were slightly tightened, and the pads of the fingers were grinding the edges. She said seriously and honestly, "It's too hypocritical to say that I hope. What woman doesn't want to push her husband to his ex-girlfriend. But if people keep If I can't find it, then Jiang Shan will always be in Brother Mu's heart. I just want to know more about what happened back then, and I don't want to be in a mess when someone tells me, and I don't want to know about my husband from others. "

Qin Zhenhua looked at her profile, suddenly laughed out loud, and shook his head, "Girl, do you know why I can accept you?"


"If it's just because you gave birth to a grandson for the Qin family, I'll give you a sum of money to let you leave. You and Jiang Shan have the same background and the same starting point. No matter how hard you try and how you behave, she can't catch my eyes. Why do you But it can?" Qin Zhenhua looked at her deeply, "You don't have so much scheming, you are very sincere. But Jiang Shan is not as innocent as she appears, she is very scheming, when Ah Mu first brought her here I didn't fall in love with her when I was at home. She was very narrow-minded and made people very uncomfortable. People as wise as Ah Mu were so confused by her. I am afraid that after the two really get together, my Qin family still doesn't know what to do. What a disaster."

 Originally, this chapter could have been posted earlier, but my sister-in-law and my brother came to celebrate my birthday a bit late.This is today's chapter, and a new chapter will be added later, happy with everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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