Chapter 45
A false identity was given to Princess Baixing, and the name was Mera.

For this new name, Bai Xing was still a little ignorant and didn't quite understand it.

"Mera? Is there any special significance?"

"No, it's just that the girls in our place are named in this style."

Lynch didn't say the reason, but made up an excuse.

He admired Princess Baixing's clothes, it was easy to be recognized when she went out like this.

"Well, you can change your outfit again!"

Mera's character card has been integrated with Princess Baixing, so the costume can also be changed.

He stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, and the operating system played a costume show for Bai Xing.

The original sex bikini was replaced with a more dazzling green suit, and even the pink hair became brighter.

Lin Qi couldn't help but take a second look, and even asked Princess Bai Xing to turn around for him to take a good look.

Well, there is a little more kawaii in the sexy, it is simply awesome.

"Okay, if someone asks you, just say it's my companion, named Mera!"

"Mera, Meera..."

Princess Baixing memorized the name silently, packed up her mood and left with Lynch.

Although she is the princess of the Dragon Palace, she hasn't played much since she was a child, so she is a little strange to her own country.

Walking on the street, even if you want to be a guide for Lynch.

Fortunately, Lynch has super sensory ability, even if it is the first time, he can see everything on the street with his keen senses.

Soon the whole picture of Fishman Island appeared in his mind, and he simply took Princess Baixing to a fun place to play.

Mermaid Bay.

The most unique scenery on Fishman Island, even at the depth of [-] meters under the sea, you can still see the sunshine and blue sky, it is like a paradise.

Even though he had heard of this place a long time ago, Lynch, who came here for the first time, was still overwhelmed by the scenery here.

"Sure enough, the real scene scenery is awesome, and the bit effects are much stronger!"

While feeling emotional, Princess Shirahoshi happily played with other people.

There are many beautiful mermaid ladies here, seeing Bai Xing who is dressed differently is very enthusiastic, the girls chatting and laughing together, it is quite joyful.

Lynch was on the sidelines, lying on his back on the sea, paddling freely.

Always some free time, right?
"Hey, this little brother is very strange. Where are you from?"

"Are you asking me? I won't reveal my identity casually, unless you are willing to develop a step closer to me?"

Lynch casually teased the girl, those cheerful and innocent mermaid girls had never seen this before, so they smiled and didn't take it seriously.

"Then come down and swim with me?"

He even raised a splash of water and splashed it towards Lynch, it was so bold!
If I get caught by my brother, seems like I have nothing to do with mermaids.

Thinking of this, Lynch was quite disappointed. He is not a gentleman, so he would not think of any crooked ideas.

Waving hands boredly, continue to enjoy leisure time, unfortunately things are not so easy.

He seemed to hear a discordant sound, someone was making trouble.

Opening his eyes and looking not far away, several tough murlocs came near the bay and harassed ordinary residents.

"Is there any outsider breaking in today? After thinking about it for so long, it's time to join our pirate group? Time waits for no one!"

"It's the new Mermaid Pirates again! They come to recruit newcomers every day, it's really troublesome."

The beautiful mermaid beside her complained, disgusted with these people.

"Why, they always come to harass you?"

Lynch turned around and replied, it is not correct to treat the beautiful Miss Sister Yu like this.

"That's not true. Not only did they force us to join, but they also collected membership fees in a disguised form. It's really disgusting!"

A mermaid's voice was a little louder, which attracted the other party's attention, and actually came over.

"You guys, what are you talking about?"

A strange guy with long hair and protruding eyes swaggered over to question him.

He noticed the unfamiliar Lynch and Princess Baixing, and expressed considerable interest.

"Oh, there are two people I don't know! Who let you come in here, did you pay the fee for entering the island?"

"Is there a fee to enter the island?" Lynch asked Miss Mermaid curiously, "I thought this place was open to the outside world, so disappointed!"

"Brother, don't talk nonsense. Did you annoy him again?"

The mermaid next to him didn't want to cause trouble, so he kindly advised him to say a few words less.

"Nonsense, Mermaid Island does not welcome outsiders. Unless they join our new Mermaid Pirates and pay the fee, they are all like this!"

The big-eyed murloc sized up Shirahoshi in disguise, seeming to have some ideas.

"Mermaid over there, come here! What's your name, tell me?"


Shirahoshi pointed at himself weakly, a little at a loss.

[Don't be afraid, just tell them your alias, and then express that you don't like being harassed. 】

Lynch silently sent a signal to her, calming down Princess Baixing.

"My name is Mera! But I don't like you like this. Please leave me alone if you can."

Expressing his feelings for the first time, looking directly at the other party's provocative appearance, the big-eyed murloc had an unbelievable expression on his face.

"What? You don't want me to bother you! It's funny, do you know what you're talking about?"

He jumped directly into the sea, flashed his big fork and walked towards Bai Xing, with the intention of committing murder.

The mermaids around were all scared and dodged into the distance, and someone kindly advised Bai Xing to leave quickly.

"He's Doss from the new Murloc Pirates, so don't mess with him! Don't provoke him anymore?"

It turned out to be the hammerhead shark man, Hody Jones' younger brother.

Bai Xing, who was already timid, looked at Lynch helplessly, asking him for help.

But Lynch didn't make a move, but instead looked firmly at Bai Xing, hinting at her in his heart.

You can, you can solve these people yourself!
If they're rude to you, tell these guys you're sacrosanct.

"But they are my people?"

Bai Xing was still a little bit hesitant to do so, seeing Doss coming to her and blowing his beard and staring at her, he wanted to back down even more.

【No, just because you are your people, you are obliged to educate them! 】

Lynch conveyed this heart to Bai Xing in its entirety.

Now you are a superheroine.

You have to think of yourself as Mera!

When Doss raised the harpoon to scare Shirahoshi, she finally raised her hand.

A streak of seawater turned into a tentacle and stuck to Doss's face, causing him to lose his sight and immediately kneel in the sea.

"What? What did you do to me!"

"I'm just telling you not to bully others and force them to do things they don't like!"

Encouraged by Lynch, Bai Xing sucked up another ball of sea water, turned into a huge water ball and sucked half of the opponent's body into it, and was forced to stand up.

Being in the water polo, the body is completely out of control, which makes Doss a little overwhelmed.

After being a murloc for so many years, this was the first time he encountered such a situation, which was really strange.

He danced and begged for mercy.

"Let go of me! I won't trouble you..."

"Hey, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing that the momentum was not right, the companions behind came up to help, but Lynch stopped them.

"Hey, they are chatting. Don't come over, just interrupt me casually?"

After a little movement of hands and feet, several guys were oppressed by his domineering, couldn't help being weak, and threw themselves into the water as if they were drunk.

Doss was isolated and helpless, and became more and more panicked. He was used to domineering before, and he had never experienced such a situation!

So desperate!
I thought he was going to die, but Princess Bai Xing let him down slowly in the end.

"Do you know you made a mistake? If you know it, don't do it again! You have to live in peace with everyone."

What, did you just let it go?

Doss nodded his head vigorously, and he still has the acting skills of pretending to be a grandson.

Lynch knew that he had to help the princess.

 Three updates today, please support! !

(End of this chapter)

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