Be a superhero from a pirate

Chapter 46 The Princess' Past

Chapter 46 The Princess' Past

He walked over, and when Bai Xing was about to take the opponent's tricks, he struck ahead of time.

"Since you know you are wrong, then leave quickly!"

Put a point on the water polo, cast a water magic, the huge water polo floats, and the guy inside rolls out without a trace.

Princess Bai Xing was slightly surprised, and said puzzledly, "Why did you throw him out?"

"Hey, do you want to beat the fish that fell into the water! You don't know if you let go, will this kid turn back again? Don't be careless when facing the enemy!"

He wisely taught Princess Bai Xing a lesson, not to be too merciful when fighting, it will only hurt himself.

With a half-understanding Bai Xing, he left here happily, and went in a leisurely way.

Although the ending was different from what the princess expected, she was still very happy.

Holding Lynch's hand, he was very excited.

"In the past, I didn't even dare to go out, but today I personally educated those murlocs who did bad things. I don't know why, I'm so excited! Is this not good?"

Seeing that she was worrying about gains and losses, Lynch knew that Bai Xing was thinking about his mother.

The tragedy of Princess Otohime is indeed unbearable, and Lynch actually has a lot to say.

"Princess, forgive me. Kindness and tolerance are not bad, but the premise is that you must be strong enough to support such behavior, otherwise it will only backfire.

In addition, I heard some things, the princess is afraid that there is something sad about the past? "

It's almost time to be a confidant big brother, and it's time for Lin Qi to have an in-depth discussion with Princess Bai Xing about personal relationship issues.

Princess Baixing didn't answer, looking at the unfamiliar street, she suddenly said a place name.

"Sea Forest is not far away! That's where my mother is buried. I have been unable to go there, maybe today is the time."

"Then, I will risk my life to accompany the beauty?"

Lynch continued to hold her hand, and simply accelerated and went straight to the destination.

Soon, we arrived at the Forest of the Sea on Mermaid Island.

Inside this underwater forest, there is a special cemetery where Princess Baixing's mother, Princess Othime, is buried.

At that time, because of the death of the murloc Tiger, there was a huge disturbance. Many people expressed dissatisfaction with Princess Otohime's suggestion of peaceful coexistence with humans, and then an accident happened.

Bai Xing experienced her mother's death at a young age, and was unable to attend the funeral because of illness. It can be said that it had a huge impact on her, and it can be called a childhood shadow.

Returning to this place at this moment, I don't know why my mood is much calmer.

She who was supposed to be full of emotions seemed to have grown up after experiencing the baptism just now.

The tragedy of that year is constantly recalled in my mind, even after many years have passed, it is very clear.

She still remembers her mother's teachings not to hate others, especially other people's misunderstanding of her.

Mother wants to exchange tolerance for a better life, and she hopes that the murlocs can live in peace with humans...

However, things in the world are not so wishful thinking.

Lynch sensed the melancholy in Bai Xing's heart, and comforted him, "You did your best, didn't you? Cry if you want to!"

Bai Xing tried her best to cover her mouth with her hand, so that the tears in her eyes would not fall immediately. She actually wanted to say that she knew how her mother died?

It's Hody Jones!
In order to incite hatred against human beings, he did not hesitate to assassinate Princess Otohime, claiming that this was an evil deed of human beings.

If his pet hadn't witnessed what happened at that time and came back and told her secretly, Bai Xing might still be kept in the dark!
Simply unforgivable!
Especially when she thought about how today's Hody Jones wanted to form a new Murloc Pirates group, in the name of protecting the Murloc Island, wantonly oppressing the island's residents, she was completely awakened.

Kindness and tolerance cannot be exchanged for the consciousness of the villains, what they need is the punishment of an iron fist.

Lynch gently hugged Princess Baixing, and patted her on the shoulder: "If you want to cry, just cry out? You have worked hard!"

"Hmm... I really miss my mother, I'm so sad! Do you think I should cheer up and become stronger?"

"Of course, you still have father, king and elder brother, don't you? There are also those kind people, they were just blinded for a while, and you need to rescue them."

Lynch encouraged Princess Shirahoshi, you can be a super heroine like Mera to help the people of Murloc Island.

"I heard that Hody Jones is recruiting troops to expand his pirate group. The number is still growing. If you don't come forward to contain it, something terrible will happen!"

Lynch started spoiling again.

Although according to the timeline, those things should break out in two years, but it is necessary to kill them in the cradle in advance!
After being reminded, Princess Baixing was also aware of these problems.

It's time to talk to your father.

"I'm much better now! Thank you for chatting with me for so long, I plan to go back to meet my father, but..."

She knew that it was inconvenient for her to go back in this outfit, and besides, she had been out for a while, so she wondered if she would reveal her secrets?

"Don't worry, let's go back right away."

Holding Princess Bai Xing with one hand, she quickly swam back to the Dragon Palace and headed back home.

They didn't stop on the road until they saw patrolling soldiers near the Dragon Palace, and then they stopped.

Bai Xing looked at him worriedly, thinking how to get in here?

But Lynch had already figured out a way. He took Princess Baixing to hide in the alley, and showed off the Ant-Man equipment.

The two were shrunk down again with Pym particles, but they became the size of a grain of rice. This time, no one could find out.

In front of the soldiers, he calmly flew to the direction of the hard shell tower, and went home without anyone noticing.

Suddenly, several tall mermaids appeared in front of them, hurrying on their way, as if they were going to find Princess Baixing.

"Oh no, those are my second and third brothers. They won't find out that I'm not here, will they?"

Bai Xing asked worriedly, he was still excited that he had become so small, unexpectedly.

"It's okay, let's speed up."

Lynch hugged her tightly, making Princess Baixing blush, and the speed of the two reached the limit in an instant.

Like a sharp arrow, it rushed back to the hard shell tower at a speed of thousands of miles per hour.

It's a pity that the gate is closed, there is not even a gap, it is difficult to go back.

"What should I do? The door is closed!"

"It's okay! Let's make it smaller."

Lynch also played his life and used Pym particles to shrink the bodies of the two to the size of particles.

Everything around seems to have become another world, completely beyond imagination.

The two gates towered even more like mountains, and even the almost invisible gap between the gates became as wide as a ravine.

"Go, don't hesitate!"

At the last moment, she got into the gap and entered the bedroom calmly. Princess Baixing hurriedly swam to her bed, but she felt that it was thousands of miles away.


Lynch irradiated Pym particles at her again, and turned to zoom in on Princess Shirahoshi's body. As she got closer to the head of the bed, her body swelled instantly.

In the end, the huge body of the past was restored, and it was pressed on the bed, causing quite a shock.

"what happened?"

The two princes outside felt the movement and asked questions together.

 The second change, thank you brothers who voted!

(End of this chapter)

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